Fan Fiction ❯ On the bathroomfloor ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


“Sora, I want to introduce you to my new boyfriend Riku” Sora's big sister Linda grinned when she walked into the living room with the boy behind her.

Sora stared at Linda and stood up, smiled to the silver haired boy that smiled back and shook his hand when they walked to each other.

“I'm Riku, nice to meet you Sora…” he said to Sora and smiled back.
“Yeah, nice to meet you. Where do you know my sister from?” he asked when Riku's hand didn't let him go and he actually was using his strength while pulling his hand free.

“From a club, and if you don't mind… me and Riku are going upstairs so if you need anything from me, ask it now because the next hour YOU CAN'T DISTURB US” Linda yelled, already on the stairs without the patience to wait any longer. “I'll be right with you” Riku yelled back to her and looked back at Sora.

Sora moved to the couch, planning to sit down and watching the movie he borrowed from his best friend Cloud, maybe something more than just friends… but when he felt Riku's hands around his wrists, he could only think `what the fuck?'
Riku pulled Sora closer and whispered in his ear “tell it to someone, and I will kill you” and Riku walked upstairs without looking back at the confused and shocked Sora.

Sora didn't sleep well that night, every time he woke up and his mind wandered back to the words Riku said to him `tell it to someone, and I will kill you… TELLING WHAT GODDAMNIT?!' He looked on his watch and saw it was 11:00, he knew that if he didn't do something at this moment and continued with lying in bed, he'll go crazy and couldn't see Cloud this afternoon.

He decided to take a bath because hot baths always made him relax and you didn't have to stand like in a shower (hey I never knew that =P)

Sora let the water fall in the tube and walked back to his room with only his pants on planning to grab his bathrobe and return to the bath before there was a flood in their bathroom, making his mother mad because `her stuff could get wet' aw poowy! Mothers….

Sora returned to the bathroom, knowing everyone is visiting their grandmother and not returning before dinner so he could easily stay the next few hours in the bath without kicked out of it by his mother or sister.

The first 5 minutes was the water too hot, so he sat naked on the edge (how I would LOVE to see that XD) staring at his reflection in the mirror that was stuck on the wall. `I wonder if Cloud wanted to see me like this… stop! This is not the way I must think about a friend, just stop with this madness' he dropped his hand into the water and almost went Chibi when it felt not too hot or cold. Yes he could finally go into the bath!

When he turned the music on and closing his eyes, Sora didn't hear and saw the door being unlocked and opening, revealing a person with silver-white hair, his eyes traveling all over boy's naked body under the water and smiling when he approached the boy that didn't know someone was in the house.
He didn't knew it until Sora could feel some cold wind coming across his face, wind never changed from temperature, only when someone was moving something in the same room… Sora opened his eyes and knew his body was beginning to grow hot from anger and embarrassing, feeling very uncomfortable when someone saw him naked, even his mother! But this person was someone he didn't even knew, met only yesterday…

“Riku! What the hell are you doing here, get the fuck out!” Sora tried to reach for the towel but the silver haired boy grasped it away and walked to Sora with a sick smile on his face.

“You know what I'm doing here pretty boy” he said, placing his fingers around Sora's neck and threw his head against the wall. Sora almost passed out from the contact with the wall, trying to run away but fell on the floor when Riku grabbed his arm and pulled it so Sora would trip when his legs were over the edge from the bathtub.

Sora turned around but couldn't stand up when the foot pushed hard on his chest, holding him down, pressing even harder when Sora didn't stop struggling.

“You can't escape from me Sora, I've told everyone that I was going home and they don't come back until dinnertime… “ he quickly sat down on Sora after removing his foot, leaning forward to his ear and whispered with a hot breath “you are mine” and Riku licked his earlobe, moving down to his throat. Sora tried to hit the boy on top of him but his hands were grabbed, pinned down on the floor at each side from his head. Sora finally realized what was going to happen…

“you bastard, let me go! I'm not your new girlfriend!” Riku grinned and looked again to the body beneath him; `so beautiful' He held Sora's wrists captured in one hand and with the other he removed his clothing, not stopping with sucking on his neck and throat. Sora closed his eyes, trying to fight
back, not wanting this from him but from Cloud…

Riku was getting irritated when one kick from the struggling landed on his upper leg. `that really hurt, little bastard' so he reached for the toothpaste, smeared too much for a toothbrush on his hand and waited until Sora opened his eyes.

Sora suddenly felt the lips remove from his body and listening to a sound that he knew when he brushed his tooth, removing the shell from the tube… Sora stopped his movements and opened his eyes, not really expecting a hand pressing down on his eyes with something white/blue on it…
Suddenly he felt a burning feeling on his eyes when the hand was almost massaging it on them, making the pain grow bigger and bigger every second

“Aaaah it hurts, it hurts, please don't do this” Sora winced
Riku knew Sora was distracted for a minute so he let go of Sora's wrist and used both hand s to pushed the boy's legs apart and pushed one finger into the boy, moaning at the warm tightness he felt around his finger, wanting to replace that miserable finger with his cock that already was dripping with need. “Sora… do you know how incredible fuckable you are?” he asked when he placed his hands on the inside from his knees, forcing them to rest on his shoulders and leaning forward until the tip from his erection was touching the entrance from Sora's ass (now that sounds very erotic XD)

Sora could only think about fighting back when Riku pushed all the way into Sora, letting out a painful scream and throwing his head back, Sora's eyes let out even more tears after the toothpaste part and rubbing into his eyes, wanting to get rid of the pain there and not letting Riku see he's crying, but the pain! It was horrible… he never had felt anything like this.

Riku could only thrust in and out of him, enjoying the warm and tight feeling from the little pretty boy under him. “ah… Sora.. you feel so….” he couldn't complete his line and decided to stop trying to speak and enjoy the feeling when he picked up his speed.
Sora could only let tears slide out of his eyes and taking the act which will probably hunt him for many years after it.

Before Riku came, he quickly moved his cock out of Sora and send his seed all over Sora's body, telling the broken boy how beautiful he looked with cum all over him.

Before Sora watched Riku disappear at the sound from the front door, he had raped him 3 times and the 3rd time, he could only lie on the floor with a blank stare at the ceiling.
So now he knew why Riku told him those words that time…


Uuum... :D rape! please review and tell me what you think of this story...