Fan Fiction ❯ On The Floor ❯ On The Floor ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On The Floor
Days and weeks and months and years
Were spent there on a chair,
Now time has broken me to tears
No longer can I bear
The needle piercing through my shell
The thorn stuck in my side,
The blade finds placement in my ribs
They twisted till I cried.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names, they hurt me more
All in my little rusted cage
That's falling to the floor
A single name, made many more
And many more made tears
Those many names bring back the things
That opens deepened fears.
On the floor is where I lie
Thinking of this fear
While demon classmates, friend and foe
Torture me to hear...
"I can't stand it anymore,
Just leave me here to die,
You will not stop it,
When I whimper or
When I moan and cry.
You throw your paper at my head,
You know I'm in despair,
You know that now my spirit's dead
My soul's no longer there."
Days and weeks and months and years
Were spent here on the floor
Took more than that to get back up,
I'll stay up evermore.