Fan Fiction ❯ Once a Lady ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Footsteps echoed on the dirty stone of the alleyway as a young boy ran swiftly through the narrow passageway, his breath came in soft pants as he slowed to a stop. Turning to his side he carefully slipped through a gap in a fence and continued to run, a thin dirty hand clenching the brown hat that wanted to fly off his head. Tilting his head slightly to the right he looked to the setting sun; it would be around seven o'clock, which would mean he was an hour late. Grunting softly he hopped over a puddle of water and made his way around a corner as he quickly glanced around him, wide blue eyes looking for any signs of people. Spotting none, he moved to the metal gate, his small hands moving to grab a bar and twist it, after several tries it came free, his small form slipped through the gap, and he quickly replaced the bar. Those same blue eyes, which border lined sapphire shifted to look upon the large mansion, which stood before him, and he hurriedly ran off to the right and into the bunch of trees gradually making his way to the side of the large house. As he got to it, he stumbled slightly falling against the door with a rather loud bang. The door was suddenly pulled open and he quickly stepped back, standing there was a small woman of 5'2, her hair was curly blonde and piled high on her head, some curls were left down to frame her angel like face.
Her eyes were a soft green and currently had an angry look in them as she grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him into the small hallway, her voice an angry hiss,
“How could you do this to your father, he has gone through so much trouble to get the most important people at this party and what do you do? You run off like some street rat. What are we going to do with you?”
The woman turned towards a door and pushed the boy inside, stepping through the doorway she closed it behind her, staring at the boy. He stood about 5'5, not much taller then her, his cheeks were dirty but if one looked close enough they would be able see the fine skin texture of his skin. His eyes were a beautiful blue that almost looked like sapphire, just a little lighter; his hands were fine and his body slim. Shaking her head the woman smiled slightly and reached up to pull the hat from the boys head, large locks of midnight black hair tumbled from the top of his head to fall down to his mid arm; revealing a rather messy young lady. The woman sighed, exhausted, “Paige, why must you do this? One day your father is going to get fed up and god only knows what he will do then. Really darling, I can not keep covering up your little escapades.”