Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ The Annoying Stranger ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once in the Night
She pushed strands of her midnight black hair behind her ear. With her earphones blasting hard-core drumbeats, she sat in silence. Nara sat upon a lone grave-stone, holding herself to keep warm. It was a cold November night and the full moon was shining brightly upon her. She was letting her thoughts wander back to what had occurred with her now ex boyfriend. It was eating her up inside; she needed to break away from this heartache. It really was too much for her to stand.... too sickening to be real.
*flash back*
"What the this?!" Nara screamed stalking over to her supposed lover's bed.
"Nara, please, I can explain!!" Darren said, scrambling to grab his forgotten jeans and t-shirt off the floor.
Nara glared coldly at him, then turned her wrath on the skinny nude girl hovering in the corner. She recognized her from home room class. The smug little whore seemed awfully proud of herself to be sleeping around with someone who was supposed to be spoken for.
"Jesus Christ, what the hell are you staring at! Get dressed and get the fuck outta hear, Jessica!" Nara screamed, hurling a lacy black bra at her. She just prayed that it belonged to her and not some other bitch. God forbid, she couldn't be so stupid as to have missed this scene once already. The girl shrugged on her blouse and began to slowly button it up. Nara, fed up, grabbed her wrist tightly, and looked her straight in the eye.
" What part of “get the fuck out” didn't you understand? Are you pleased with yourself, now? You filthy slut...I'll deal with you later." Nara snarled. The girl stared at her wide eyes and swallowed down her fear.
With that said, Nara dragged the scantily clad girl out of her boyfriend's apartment and slammed the door. She then slowly turned back to Darren.
Her boyfriend was sitting on the bed, his head lowered in shame.
" could you?" were the only words Nara could manage to get out. Her fists were clenched in fury, her head hung low, her hair obscuring her watering eyes.
He couldn't say or do anything but look at her dumbly. In his mind was a whirlwind of prepared excuses, but no words made their way past his lips.
The silence was thundering around them, making it hard for Nara to breathe.
She looked at him then, tears now falling freely down her cheeks. She walked slowly to him. The dead silence was broken by the deafening clap of flesh striking flesh. She stared at the crimson hand print she had left across his pale face.
Her usually bright, laughing brown eyes were now clouded orbs filled with cold sorrow. She couldn't understand it. Weren't they happy together? It all seemed so wonderful...she was actually smiling for a change when she was with him. Figured he would…that he actually sickened her just to think of it.
Darren just stared at her through his daze, apparently shocked as he touched a hand to his burning cheek. She absolutely could not believe that he was SURPRISED that she had hit him after what he'd done. She felt like screaming at him, to hurt him as he hurt her, to despise him... but she knew she could never really hate him… at least not yet.
She wiped her tear-stained face and spoke.
" Why?" she asked him yet again, her voice seemed oddly calm but laced with anguish.
Before he could even respond, she leant over and gave him a light kiss on the spot where she hit him. She leaned over till her mouth was next to his ear. She whispered " For you, I would have done anything. Do you understand that? It's over now though. Your nothing to me anymore. Nothing…" Nara walked slowly from the bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
*End Flashback*
The rest of the day had found her here in the cemetery.
Nara wiped away another tear that managed to sneak its way out from her eye.
She knew what she had said was a lie; he had meant everything to her. She didn't know how she was going to go on, or what she was going to do now.
"I guess it's what I deserve," Nara said to herself " I mean...honestly what did I expect? I made myself so vulnerable. When will I learn not to be so trusting?"
Nara pulled her hood over her head and continued her walk through the graveyard. She had turned off her music, she pulled the earphones down so that they rested on her shoulders. She sighed as she took in the pleasant night.
For some reason, Nara felt at peace among the dead. Most were frightened with their silly superstitions and would not even step foot in such a place. They can not appreciate the absolute silence there was when you're the only living being around.
It was...nice to be alone.
Nara happened to glance at her watch and promptly began to curse under her breath.
She failed to notice that it was well past midnight and her parents were probably losing their minds wondering where she was. She groaned loudly. She still had a long walk to get home.
"Oh great, now I get to grab a side order of screaming to go with my own personal serving of hell… God, can this night get any worse? " Nara rolled her eyes, glared at the silent heavens, and let out a disgusted sigh. This was so not a good night. "I don't even know why the hell its such a big deal anyway! It's not like they care..." she complained to no one in particular.
"What the hell, I'm late anyway, why don't I just take my time getting home?" she flopped to the ground, stretching out on the cool grass to look up at the stars.
"Things are just so messed up." she placed a hand on over her eyes, trying to get rid of that headache that had been plaguing her all day.
"I just want this all to disappear… I want to get away from this place." Nara whispered. She didn't realize how tired she really was. Her eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier. Finally, Nara was able to drift off into a deep sleep, letting the unsettling dreams invade her mind.
Nara sat in alone in a brightly lit room. It was so bright that it was almost impossible to see. She got up and shielded her eyes… she just managed to make out the blurred image of Darren smiling at her, beckoning her to follow him.
She was filled with such a radiating warmth, an almost a blissful ecstasy that seemed to becoming from Darren's direction.
So she scrambled up and tried to follow him, but every time she took a step he would get farther and farther away. Frightened, she began running towards him, but as she did Darren disappeared and the room suddenly went dark and cold.
She stopped in the darkness, slowly collapsing to floor and as she began to sob uncontrollably. It felt as if every trace of happiness was sucked from her body. She felt utterly alone, and the despair that overwhelmed her was choking the life out from her body.
She looked up at the endless blackness only to spot a pair of watchful crimson eyes staring back at her.
"D-Darren?" she stammered.
The silent eyes rushed at her from the dark, and she let out a terrified scream.
~~End Dream~~
A few hours must have past, but it seemed like an eternity as Nara woke in a cold sweat.
She clutched at her heart. Her heaving chest rose and fell while she tried to catch her breathe. When Nara regained her composure, she checked at her watch. She then really began to panic. The watch glowed brightly in the early dawn, reading a dooming 4:00 am. "No fucking WAY!! It's already this late?!?," Nara quickly got up and brushed herself off. " I gotta get home and quick!". As she nimbly rushed past the grave stones she thought, “That has got to be the freakiest dream I've ever had....”
Nara snatched her bag up from its place by the gate and placed her headphones inside before heading out of the cemetery.
"I wonder if I was the only one out there tonight..." she thought. Determined not to feel anxious about it, she shrugged the feeling off. Why would she worry if some pervert was following her, she was running through a brightly lit and busy city… plenty of eye-witnesses. Not that having a pervert follow you home was a good thing…
Nara continued running, but the stubborn feeling of being watched hadn't worn off. Finally, deciding that she might as well look behind her, she whirled around on her heel only to find…that no one was there. She sighed, exasperated at herself and turned to continue her journey.
No one was behind her. That didn't mean there was no one in front of her. Nara didn't really have time to register that fact before she had ran right smack into the torso of a very tall man.
Nara fell on her backside with a distinct thump. She winced in pain, and raised her eyes to see whom she had run into. Upon seeing his face, she really wished that she hadn't. He was so gorgeous! At that moment, Nara became quite self conscious and nervously gathered her things as his eyes bore into her.
He was tall, most likely 6'7, with broad shoulders and a slim waist. He had jet black hair that barely grazed his shoulders, and he wore black motorcycle goggles on the top of his head. A few rogue strands fell from the goggle strap to float in front of his icy blue eyes. He was strangely pale skinned and yet he didn't look unhealthy at all. He wore a long, black trench coat with rather loose black pants. He wore only a tight black top that showed off his lean and delightfully toned body. His belly peeked out from the shirt when he crossed his arms, revealing a delicious set of rock-hard abs.
He leered down at her, not bothering to lend her a hand back up. He just stared at her as his mouth twisted into a nasty smirk.
"You ran into me." he said with a light accent, most likely Russian. Nara really couldn't put her figure on what exactly, however. It's slight lilt through her off.
"Yeah...I guess I did...Sorry about that." She said looking up at him from the ground.
"Next time you should watch vhere you're going. I don't need annoying little pests like you to be smashing into me. Even though I would understand vhere you would find me a bit hard to resist." he said added, conceitedly running his hands through his ebony hair.
She looked at him thickly....looking for a way to respond. She finally pulled her self together, dusted off her pants, and simply flicked him off.
"Get over yourself asshole! I'm not one of your airhead fan girls, alright? Try not to be such a prick!" she said getting up off the concrete, brushing off her back.
He actually seemed a bit taken aback at first, but then chuckled deeply. He bent down, obnoxiously resting his long-fingered hand atop her head and looked down at her.
"One so small should watch vhat she says vhen she opens her mouth. It might get her in trouble some day." He gave her a sly wink and then calmly brushed by her.
Nara yelled back to him, "Hey, you can't just…jerk!! You get back here!! I'm not done with you yet!!" He just kept walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction, giving a slight wave over his shoulder without bothering to look back.
Nara was fuming! How dare he say that! She was NOT small... maybe he should consider the fact that he was freakishly big. “Gah!…whatever loser.” she muttered. She had to get home, and now she was worried about running into MORE freaks just like him. Wasn't there a place in this whole damn city where they lock up weirdoes like that?
Nara rushed home as fast as she could. She knew everyone was asleep, so she'd explain where she was in the morning. Might have to come up with a lie or two… no way was her mom gonna find out just where she had been all night. She'd deal with that later, but right now she had to try and sneak in through her bedroom window which....just happened to be on the second floor. At least there was a drain pipe leading up to her room...although Nara wasn't the most coordinated person in the world. Still, she had to give it a try.
Nara drew in a deep breathe and started to climb up the pipe, which was slow going since she was deathly afraid of heights. She clenched her eyes shut as she made her way up.
Suddenly, there was a loud shout of " HEY!!!" from just below her.
Nara yelped in fright, releasing her grip on the pipe and plunged into her mother's rose bushes.
Nara looked around to see who the hell had just caused her to fall into the world of pointy thorns and was greeted by none other than her idiotic "friend" from the night's previous encounter. She could not believe that this was happening… not twice in a single night… tonight of all nights.... how did she end up on her ass twice with this moron?
" What the fuck are you doing here? You're stalking me, aren't you?" she hissed at him.
"No, actually I have better things to do then follow the likes of you around... I was just heading out to a club but decided I wanted to take a short cut. Just goes to show you, never take short cuts unless you want to end up running into the local loonies." He bent down to eye her from her current position.
"Why is it every time I've met you, you've been on your ass?"
"Maybe if you didn't scare the hell outta me while I was CLIMBING UP THE FUCKING WALL, I wouldn't have fallen!" she retorted, trying to keep her voice down.
"Hmm... little girl's shouldn't be sneaking around night… just why ARE you out here so late?"
"It's none of your damn business." Nara said, detangling herself from the prickly plant. She had about a million little cuts everywhere from the thorns… she just knew they would be murder later when she changed clothes
"Ya know, you have quite a mouth on you, and you're quite rude...I was simply asking a question." he mockingly scolded her.
"Shut up. Get the hell outta here before I call the cops! Just leave me alone!", the girl growled at him before turning to attempt a second climb into her bedroom window.
"Nasty little thing, aren't you? How intriguing… vell, I have better things to do then hang around here anyway, so have fun! Oh, and you might vant to grab a band-aid… you're bleeding." With that the young man left her to her business.
'Intriguing? What the hell is that supposed to mean? And how the hell could he tell I was bleeding in the dark? Gah, fucking moron..”, she thought as she steadied herself on the drain pipe.
When she finally made it into her room, she was relieved to discover that no one had woken up. That would've been hell.
Nara was exhausted, so she got undressed, wincing as her clothes pulled at the scratches on her legs, arms, and torso. She threw her clothes onto the floor and got into her bed, wanting to get sleep for the remaining hours that were left to her before she had to wake up and get to school.
She'd have to face Darren there....but she wouldn't let him see her hurt feelings. She'd ignore him just like she does the rest of those assholes at her damned school. She still had a few good friends, so maybe it wouldn't be so painful.... her thoughts then drifted to the stranger she had met. He was freakin sexy...but she hated him. He was a complete jerk! She mumbled under her breathe a barrage of curses to send him to rot in the deepest, darkest part of hell possible.
Her eyelids drifted closed as sleep overtook her and she fell into her dreams, unknowing of what was yet to come.