Fan Fiction ❯ One Sided Love ❯ Chapter 1

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A One Sided Love


"I love you." She looked away when he said the words.


"You couldn't possibly love me." She couldn't look at him, or she would cry.


"You're wonderful, I always think about you, and you're my everything." He was so sincere. He really did love her, so why did the words sting her ears and heart? She looked at him, trying to get the strength to tell him how she felt. Tears welled in her eyes, and she had to look away.


"Is something wrong?" he asked, eyes full of concern. He grabbed her hands, urging her to let him comfort her.


"No, not really. It's just me," she lied. She knew what it was, but did not have the heart to tell him.


"You seem distracted."


"It's nothing really. I need to go." She tried to walk away, but he still had her hands. With a gentle tug he stopped her.


"I just told you I love you and you're leaving?" He wanted to look in her eyes, see what she was thinking. He wanted to hold her, never let her go. He wanted her to be happy, but only with him. She lifted her eyes from the ground for a second.


"I've got to go, I'm sorry. I just can't do this." As the words slipped from her mouth, his heart fell. She spoke again, softly, "I love you, really I do, but I don't know that I can deal with a relationship and all that goes with it right now." Her eyes watered, and her voice started to quiver. "I'm sorry. I'm not the person for you. There is someone else out there. One who can treat you right." She wanted… no she needed to get away. Crawl into a hole and cry. There was too much going through her head.


"But you're the one I want to be with." The words startled her. She looked at him, a single tear starting to slide down her cheek.


"A relationship can't work if it is one sided. Your love for me is far greater than my love for you. One person, no matter how much they love cannot love for both people." It was the hardest thing she had ever done. She really did love him, but something deep inside her said no. She fought for the last three months to tell him, but faltered every time. She looked at him, tears now free falling from her eyes.


He could not look at her. It hurt so much to hear those words.


Now she was the one who wanted to comfort him, tell him it would be all right in the end. She told herself to let it be. If she comforted him, it would hurt worse for him. Hug him - tell him she would see him again, as friends. She never wanted to stop being friends - it was the friendship that sparked their love. They always comforted each other, never failed to tell each other anything. Then one day something changed. Once they became more than friends she felt like she had to lie to him, she could no longer have him comfort her, since he was the one she needed to vent about.


She wanted the old days back, before they were anything more than buddies. She wanted the all-niters, the simple lunches they had.


It was over now. She couldn't go back. Pulling his hand to her face, she gently pressed her lips against his skin. "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I never wanted to." With that she turned and left.


He stood there, bewildered. As his cheeks became moistened by tears, he swore never to love again.



- Depressing in such a short amount of time, I know. I feel it is best left with the characters remaining as `he' and `she'. Please tell me what you think.