Fan Fiction ❯ One Time Only ❯ One Time Only ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What's wrong with him?
Why does he overindulge himself with beer all the time?
Recca kept asking himself these unanswerable questions as he watched in disgust the drunken man topple himself over the sofa. He sighed in annoyance, but still he walked up to him and heaved the poor boy up. He growled, “Eugene, what the hell is wrong with you? Stop drinking already.” He walked over to him slowly, being careful of hitting objects in his way; it was too dark, pitch black to see.
When he finally neared him, Recca reached over and tried to loosen Eugene's buttoned-up shirt so that he may breathe more efficiently, but when he wouldn't cooperate, Recca tore it up impatiently. “Bastard,” the blonde grumbled.
“A-ah… hey Sweety,” Eugene mumbled as he looked at Recca with dazed eyes. “You're fucking hot, did you know that?”
Recca clenched his fists and growled, “You better shut the fuck up, Eugene. It's late at night and you're drunk as hell. Get up from there, I'll walk you to your room.” He stood up and made a motion to heave his friend up.
Eugene only stared at him. “You're so fucking hot… Fuck me, Recca…” he moaned in a deep voice. Then he was caught in a fit of coughing.
Recca rolled his eyes and decided to let this pass. He is drunk after all. He doesn't know what the hell he's saying. Once again, he extended his arm out to him. “Come on, I'll walk you to your -,”
His words were left hanging as Eugene's mouth caught his in a lip-lock. For a full minute, Recca was left there unmoving. When he finally got a hold of himself, he pulled away, wiped his mouth roughly, and growled at him angrily, “Bastard.” Eugene just laughed. The blonde turned his heels and walked away, leaving Eugene to tend for himself.
He was dreaming. It was such a nice dream, too. He asked for Charmaine's hand in marriage and she accepted. He was dreaming, such a nice dream, too, and he ruined it.
Recca was woken up by the loud sound of his door slamming against its frame. He bolted up and searched the darkness for an intruder. When he couldn't see nor feel anybody, he looked at the clock beside him and saw that it was currently 4:50 in the morning. He yawned and lay back down on his bed. He closed his eyes and tried to conjure up the same dream again, but he felt movements near his legs. He bolted up again.
“W-who's there?” he whispered out. Of course, when he is able to see the enemy, Recca is known to be one of the bravest. When one is in deep danger, you could always count on Recca to go and fight to save the helpless. But at 4:50 in the morning, where his room is enveloped in darkness, and where the intruder was not to be seen but only felt, he was as coward as Scooby Doo. He was close to cowering, when the moon, handy enough, shone through the window. Recca saw that familiar silhouette, and at once, he sighed in relief. It was immediately turned into aggravation.
“Eugene, you fucker! What the hell are you doing in here?! I was dreaming—err, sleeping! Leave me alone, damn it.”
“Aww Babe,” he drawled, “I wanted to see you.” He held in his hands some rope and a gag, and his sly grin looked mischievously dangerous. He approached Recca through the end of the bed, slowly crawling up to meet with the blonde face-to-face.
“W-what are you doing?”
Once he was up close, Eugene took off Recca's blanket to reveal a topless, slender body. He licked his lips and went on to lick his captive's ear lobes. He felt him shudder beneath him and it invigorated him. He licked some more. Meanwhile, he sneakily tied Recca's hands up to the bedpost, and once he was done, he pulled away and held a triumphant smirk.
Recca was temporarily dislodged of the current events as he secretly enjoyed Eugene's teasing. When he noticed that his hands were tied up, he cried to him vehemently, “Y-you let me go right now, Eugene! What the hell are you thinking?!”
“Ah… squirm some more, it makes it even hotter.” Eugene cracked his knuckles and neck as he unbuckled his belt and carefully pulled down his pants. Recca only watched in shock.
“Recca, baby, do me a favor and scream when I fuck you, ok?”
“B-bastard!” Recca squirmed some more, trying his very best to get out of the ropes. It was futile to even think about it.
“Why so against it? Is it because you're a virgin?” Eugene pretended to be shocked. “Oh no, you mean you haven't fucked Charmaine yet? You mean you are a virgin?” He chuckled and shook his head. “It's alright, Baby. I think that's even hotter. I'm your first.”
Recca couldn't believe it. He swallowed up his pride and threatened the looming man before him, “If you don't get out of here, I'm going to scream and wake the whole goddamn house, and they'll see you… doing this to me! So you better get off me before you get imprisoned. I'll let you go if you stop right here.”
Eugene seemed to think about it. He reached over the side of the bed; he asked the blonde boy, “So you won't scream for me?” he received a headshake. He pouted. “Then I guess I'll just put this on you,” he lifted Recca's head up as gently as he could and gagged him. Once done, he dropped his head on the bed. “Oops, sorry Babe.”
The boy leaned down and started licking Recca's left nipple, all the while toying with the right one with his hand. He thought he heard a moan come out from his victim's throat. He chose to ignore it for now. He continued licking down (he couldn't really go up because of the gag) and stopped above Recca's crotch area. There he fumbled with the boxers in the way. He smirked as he simply pulled it down and stared at the already hardened dick awaiting him. His eyes gleamed as he looked up to his victim excitedly and asked, “So you're horny over me?”
Recca growled and tried to shake him off. The action caused his dick to hit the side of Eugene's face.
“Ow, Babe, I'll suck you soon enough, don't fret.” He gave the boy a wink; he grabbed the dick firmly with his cold hands (which made Recca gasp) and placed it in his mouth. He engulfed it wholly and let his tongue inside play with it, licking it all over as he moved his head up and down, causing the tip of the dick to hit the back of his throat occasionally. Recca clenched his eyes shut and moaned.
Eugene's free hand toyed with Recca's ball, rubbing it gently, and slightly clenching it in his palm. He could feel Recca getting tense and he knew the boy was about to come. He didn't want it to be over just yet, so he stopped right away. He pulled away and wiped the corner of his mouth, smirking at Recca's pleading eyes.
He apologized, “I'm sorry, Recca. I don't want it to be over just yet. I want to go with you.” He went ahead and took off his boxers to reveal his already hardened dick as well. Recca's eyes widened in fear.
Holy shit, is he going to ram that thing in my ass? Holy fucking shit…
When Eugene flipped him over, he knew he was done for. Oh fuck I'm going to die… That shit's going to hurt so bad… Oh fuck…
Eugene grabbed his penis and rubbed it around Recca's backside; he shivered from this sensation and he knew he just wanted to fuck the boy now. I've been dreaming of doing this.
He held in his breath and rammed it in. Recca yelped in pain, his back arched and his head shot back. Oh god! Fuck!
Recca's mind seemed to shut as his brain opened up thinking space of logical matters for his train of thoughts. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…
His eye was twitching in pain and his ass burned. I wouldn't be surprised if my ass is actually bleeding right now.
After a few more minutes (and Eugene was nice enough to let him have those few painful moments), Recca felt the pain ebbing away and replaced by pleasure. All of a sudden, his body responded positively to the `thing' inside him; it stimulated his penis and it hardened even more.
Eugene started rocking back and forth, slowly at first, and then gaining tempo as time went on. His dick went inside and out roughly, bobbing Recca up and down, his hair moving a second late in relation to his body movement. He grabbed on to Recca's dick and pumped it up to his tempo.
Fuck harder… fuck me harder, bastard! He tried to say it out loud, but his gags prevented him, so he moaned it loudly.
“R-Recca… fucking shit, you're so fucking hot…” Eugene moaned with his eyes closed. He took in a sharp, deep breath, and he held it in. He fucked harder and faster, answering to the blonde's muffled cries of hunger.
“Oh yes, I'm going to fuck you hard, Recca… Oh yes… Ahh… fuck, fuck I'm about to go!” With one harder thrust from both the back and the front, Eugene cummed inside Recca. The hotness of Eugene's load coursing through his body stimulated his own and he ejaculated into Eugene's hand and unto his blanket.
The two boys heaved heavily and they both fell into Recca's soft bed. Eugene was the first to speak (because of Recca's gag!). “Fuck… that was the best sex I've ever had.” He laughed and looked into Recca's eyes. “Hm, what, you want me to remove your gag?”
The blonde nodded his head vigorously.
“No way! What if you scream and wake up the whole house? Maybe until I'm all dressed up so I can run away.”
Recca shook his head and pleaded with his eyes. Eugene, unable to take Recca's puppy-eyes, inclined and took of both his gag and rope, and shut his eyes, bracing himself for a screaming of a lifetime. When it didn't come, he opened his eyes and was greeted by a pair of blue eyes.
“You bastard, don't do that again.”
“What? Rape you?”
Recca smirked. “No, tie me up and gag me.”
“Oh… I-I'll try to remember next time,” Eugene said anxiously. He studied the boy before him and couldn't help but ask, “So you're not mad?”
Recca shook his head. “Your sex isn't half bad. But I bet I can do better.”
“Is that a challenge?”
With a mischievous smirk, Recca replied, “We'll see. Next time, I fuck you.” He leaned over and kissed him. Eugene wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in for a deeper kiss. We'll see how well you fuck, Recca…