Fan Fiction ❯ One was Enough ❯ One was Enough ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I own EVERYTHING!!! Fear me...

On one of the most normal blocks, there is a normal house. The only thing that isnt normal is the family.

In this house lives a young girl, probably around 13 from what I can tell. She's okay looking, but there's better. I can tell she doesnt think too highly of herself. She knows she shouldnt care about what people think of her, but no matter what, she does. Always locked in her romm, as if she's afraid of the world. She has dreams of becoming an actress, and singer. But she knows these are just deams and theyll never come true. She does normal, everyday things, though. Shell wash the dishes, and do the laundry, but to her it goes by like a blur.

There are times though, when she puts on her friends makeup, and turn into the prettiest thing you have ever seen. Then, and only then, can she fantasize about going to school lke that and the preps coming over to her and ask her to sit with them at lunch. Thats when she can decline and tell them she has better friends than they could ever be, and that they accept her for her. Not for her friends makeup.

Of course, she knows that can never happen. She wont go to school the next day with makeup on for fear that if they dont ask her, they will thinkshe is a wanabe. Maybe she is. Is being a wanabe someone who just wants to be accepted for themself?

That night at dinner there is an empty chair across from her. Ready to be sat in by someone who isnt going to come home. This seat was for her mother, and it always had been. She should be considered lucky, at leaste her mom wasnt dead, but why did she have to live half way across the country? When she was growing up she would go with her mom to the various apartments that never felt like home. She could only see her mother during the summer. She couldnt live with her beacause her mom had no money, and they only way she makes it is by living with her parents.

Now there was silence at the table. This silence frightened her. The only silence there was with her mom was for praying. Now, she doesnt pray. Not befor she eats, not befor she goes to bed. She doesnt even believe in God anymore. For, if there was a God, He wouldnt have done this to her family. He wouldnt have broken it. He had never answered her praiers. Her mother wouldnt ever come home.

Now 5 years later, her mom has ment a guy and her dad met a girl. They seem to be falling in love. She never wanted this. One mom was enough. One dad was enough. So was one address and being one family. One was enough.

Everythings different. She has 2 moms and 2 dads. Even a little brother is on the way. She splits the holidays, she has 2 different addresses, 4 parents, even though one family was enpugh she has 2. Still, shell lock herself in her room and dreams of become an actress and singer. Still scared of what people thing of her she wears makeup to school. The preps havent talked to her, probably for the best.

But still, her only thought that forever haunts her mind was that one would always have been enough.


okay, done? u like? hope so, please review! luv ya!
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