Fan Fiction ❯ One Way to Win In Strip Poker ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: One Way To Win In Strip Poker
Author: Xsakura grrlX
Archiving: Done
Feedback: YES
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: H/D pairing
Disclaimer: these characters are not mine...just borrowing from the toy box. I'll put them back in almost good condition ^_~
Warning: Slash

On a late snowy moonlit night in Hogwarts gryffindor tower in the boys' dormitory were two boys in their 6th year on a four-poster bed. The tower was decorated in gold and orange strips. A unique lion plaque was hung in the middle of the room. The boys were relaxing on the silk-sheeted bed.

"This is ridiculous. I could be doing something mere important than playing some silly muggle game." A blond boy whined.

"Trust me it'll be fun." Harry Potter took a swing of Smirnoff ice. Harry dealt out five cards between the two of them. "The gist of the game is to have a better hand then your opponent. You could switch any number of your cards you like, only twice and if you choose to "fold" your cards, meaning you know you have absolutely the worst cards and you used up your turns. You automatically lose. Meaning you have to take off one clothing. Who ever reach their undergarments first loses. This particular game is called strip poker."

"So the object of this game is to have the most clothes on by the end of the game. I understand the concept, but wouldn't it be easier for our clothes to be off? The Boy Who Lived couldn't be that innocent, don't lie Potter I know I'm hard to resist. Just tell me you want me and we could be shagging here and now. We don't have to play some muggle game". Draco Malfoy smirked.

The room suddenly became a blur. Harry knew that smirk all too well. After his doomed relationship with that annoying Cho Chang in his 5th year in Hogwarts, Harry noticed Draco would gaze upon him during breakfast and dinner then glance back at his platter with crimson staining in his cheeks. This confused Harry, the boy knew that Draco was his archenemies but he also noticed the way the blond slytherin skin glistened in the sun or the way he'd handle his broomstick with a tight grip during an intense qudditch match. Harry gulped he couldn't explain what this was and ached at the feeling. Then one day after a long grueling match against the Slytherin the Gryffindor lost. Harry was last to come out of the Gryffindor locker room. Harry pushed aside the locker door and surprisingly found Draco leaning against the wall. Harry blushed.

"Nice game Potter" Draco said

"That's nice of you to say" Harry claimed and walked away. Harry couldn't help but think of Draco's red moist lips. God, what has come over me he thought. Draco pushed his weight against the wall and pushed back. He ran after Harry

"Wait! I didn't mean to sound rude or anything." Draco said truthfully. Draco seemed different in a way. Harry stopped in the middle of an empty torch lit hallway.

"Oh! Well I haven't noticed the difference."

"I guess I deserved that."

"Yeah! With all the hell you put Hermione, Ron and me through in Hogwarts. Yeah actually you do." Harry answered.

"I hope there is a possible way to make it up to you." Draco voice was husky. He crept closer to Harry and stretched both of his arms on each side. Harry backed up against the wall and was trapped. Draco moved face to face with the boy pinned against the wall. With a swift movement his lips pressed against Harry's.

Oh god this can't be real Harry thought. He could feel the syltherin prince's closeness. Draco's warm breath against his skin made him tremble. Harry felt Draco's lips surprisingly soft and tender. He moaned beneath Draco's lips.

Draco drenched his tongue in to Harry's mouth. His slick tongue slithered against Harry's tongue. Draco traced a finger down Harry's torso playing with his nipple through the cotton. Harry whimpered. Draco ran his hand down Harry's thigh and groped his erected cock. Potter bit his lip in pleasure and withered beneath Draco. Draco whispered in to Harry's ear.




"Yes? What?"

" Well... I… just wanted to… say…"

"What? Uh?" Harry awoke and swiped the sleep out of his eyes. "What happened?" He looked up at Draco who was sitting besides him. The room came back to vision along with the gold and orange striped decorations.

"Well I'd say you're a cheap drunk" Draco snickered "You had about two shots of that liquor and pasted out flat on the bed. Besides I didn't want to wake you up love, you looked rather beautiful. Draco rubbed Harry's cheek. "Well what were you dreaming about anyway?"

"I was dreaming about the first time you showed your affection for me." Harry blushed and re-adjusted his glasses, still lying on the bed.

"Ugh. I thought we weren't ever going to talk about that but anyway if anyone asks you were the one who begged for this sexy body. Anyhow, are we ever going to play this so called strip poker? You finished off the rules and all but it was offly rude of you to drift off like that." Draco stated.

"Alright, alright keep your shirt on." Harry sat up and collected the scattered cards on the bed and shuffled them. He dealt out five cards between the two of them and went over the rules.

"Okay. Okay I get it" Draco said. "Let's play Strip Poker. So you say that Weasel, Granger and most of Gryffindor are at Hogsmead on Christmas break? Aw to bad. I was hoping I could have spent a bit of time with Weasel. His red moist lips and messy strawberry locks are too die for". Draco exaggerated. "I'd take an advantage of that in a second." Draco knew how to push Harry over the edge. Draco saw Harry glaring at him for saying such a thing. "I was just joking around. Course you're sexier than Weasley. " Draco commented.

Harry shrugged. "I better be." and giggled.

The next ten minutes Harry explained the concept of winning and played a few practice rounds. Draco Malfoy was beginning to get the hang of the game.

Half an hour later…

Draco to a swing of Smirnoff ice that was lying on the floor. The liquid slithered down his throat freezing everything it touched. I must be having beginners luck. Harry's shirtless and has only one item left. His trousers. This is going to be great! I have a pair of 10, 9 of club, 3 of diamonds and a 5 of spades. Malfoy put down his 9 and 3 for exchange of two new cards. YES. Draco smirked.

"Hurry up. We don't have all day, you know?" Harry eagerly said.

" Calm down, I know it hurts to lose constantly. I'm done anyway."

Harry glanced at his cards and exchanged three of them. He looked again. He exchanged two more cards and looked at his deck. Shit I have nothing. Harry cursed to him self. Draco was pretty good considering it was his first time playing. A sweat drop trickled down Potter's neck. It made him fidget. Damn how could I lose so harshly and be in just my trousers, while Draco is practically still in all his school clothes. He probably rigged the deck that snooty git. I knew he was too superior to lose. I'm not going to let that happen though. Harry shuffled the cards in his hand. Cards fly out of his deck. He stretched out both his legs on the bed and bended forward. A moan came out of his mouth.

Draco looked beyond his cards to see the Potter boy moan as he bends down to pick up his cards that were scattered on the bed. God Harry looks gorgeous. He began to feel his pants getting tighter and uncomfortable. Draco looked down. He could vividly see the bulge that was sticking out. He quickly looked up. His cheeks turned scarlet. Concentrate now. Draco thought to himself. You have to win, but God Harry not wearing a shirt is not helping. He bit his lip.

As Harry bended forward he reached for a card near his right leg. He picks it up and ran it steadily up along his leg to his thigh. God this feels good. Harry closed his eyes. He put it back in his deck. There was a single card that was lying beside Draco's slender thigh; he slowly crawled towards the card and brushed past Draco's leg. Harry felt Malfoy's breath quicken. Potter lightly set his hand right on Draco's thigh and with his unoccupied hand picked up the card.

"Oh god" Draco was thinking. But was louder then a thought. A bolt ran through his body, blood rushing, and heartbeat pumping faster. I can't take this anymore! He swiftly raised Harry's chin and was suddenly locked lips with him. Harry returned the kiss. Their tongues moved in a rhythmic motion. The Potter boy shifted and sat be hide Draco. Harry kissed Malfoy's earlobe.

"I want you so bad Draco" Potter whispered in to his ear.

Malfoy was spellbound and had nothing to say. Harry started caressing Draco's neck with kisses. He sucked and bit at the sensitive milky skin. The slytherin drew back his head and tightly closed his eyes. Harry took an advantage of the much-exposed skin and drew attention to it. A moan escaped Draco's lips. Potter grasped at Malfoy's clothes and began to unbutton Draco's shirt. What the hell! These buttons are frustrating. Harry cursed in his head. One rapid move and Harry ripped open his shirt, buttons flying every direction.

"Are you mad! This is an expensive quality shirt!" Draco hissed.

"I'm Sorry. " Harry tried to suppress his laugh.

Draco took off his top. Harry leaned Draco on his back and lay on top of him. Their naked torso touched. Harry sucked on Draco's lip and bucked his hips in to him creation sensational pleasure. Draco moaned. Harry kissed to his neck and leisurely down his stomach touching every dents and curves of exposed skin. A groan filled the room. Potter played with the rim of his lovers' trousers. He unzipped Draco's pants and took them off. Ah gold and silver slytherin boxers, I guess they do equipment their students with essentials. Harry thought. He caressed the bulge that was sticking up from Draco's boxers. Draco's heart skipped. He struggled not to cum then. Harry put his hand in to Draco's boxers. He palmed Draco's cock and moved up and down. "Take the boxers off" Harry demanded. Draco responded and did as he was told. Harry's hot lips were at the head and swiveled around it. Draco eyes were tightly closed and groans escaped his lips. Harry removed his hand and took in Draco's cock. His head moved up and down. Harry's unoccupied hands massaged Draco's balls. His tongue ran along the base and went back to the head. Moving at a slow pace gradually getting faster.

Oh God. I'm gunna cum. Draco opened his eyes and watched Harry's head bob up and down. Harry's beautiful. He thought. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers through Harry's jet-black hair. Draco tensed up. One last thrust from Harry's lips. Draco cummed in his mouth and arched his back. He let out a groan of relief. He felt Harry lick up all the cum. He kissed his way up. Licking the pelvic muscle, biting the built stomach and sucking on the milky skinned neck. He laid beside Draco on the bed. Draco kissed Harry on the forehead. Harry glanced at the window.

"It's sunrise, I better wash up." Harry kisses Draco on the mouth before buttoning back his shirt that was taken off earlier. He gets up and walks to the door.

"Alright love, see you in a bit" Draco still lying on the bed

"OH Draco Hun." Harry said before opening the door. " I win" Harry chuckles. He walks out and closes the door be hide him.

"OH DAMNIT" Draco cursed. All well it was worth it.