Fan Fiction ❯ Open Road ❯ How It All Began ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To understand this story you'll need to understand the people in it. This is the tale of three close friends and the great challenges they went through. This is the tale of how a group where each person whom had a problem was finally brought from the dark to the light. Yet the strength of the light reached is different on each one of them.
“Shut up and listen! God doesn't hate you, hell how can he hate you when there are worst people out there. I mean just because you frenched a guy doesn't mean you're gonna be sent to the pits of hell for eternal damnation.” Rolling her eyes she parted her chin length bangs to the middle and pulled both sides back with 2 black clips.
“Maude, who said anything about me going to hell, I was gesturing more towards Limbo. Heard that's where all the cute ones go.” Once again rolling her eyes she pulled her light brown long hair back into a high ponytail. “Are you listening to me Maude? Maude? Madison Annabelle Octavious, you're really pissing me off!”
Maddy turned to her friend with a grin. “Who, little ole' me? Jeez Bridget, we both know that you won't be Satan's hoe for frenching a guy!” Bridget ran her hand through her cropped blond hair and glared her pearl blue eyes at Maddy.
“You know, your nothing that your name means, I mean god's gift? Grace and Beauty? Eight? Were your parents high when they named you?! You're the biggest bully in the world! And the correct term is Satan's Mate, as in animalistic nature.” Bridget unwrinkled her perfect blue miniskirt and tied her shirt so it reached just above her well-endowed chest.
Pulling off a green tank over her head Maddy turned and began shuffling through her closet. “Come on Bridgy, you would so freak before an animalistic orgy begins. Even the KS word scares you, or need I remind you.” Sparkling green eyes met blue ones.
“Don't say it Maude!”
“Karma Sutra.” A long silence erupted. Red blood began to slowly poor from Bridget's pierced nose. Both of them scrambled for a tissue. “Shit Bridge, don't bleed on the furniture!” The blonde nodded holding the tissue to her nose.
“You try getting home to watch Peter Pan only to find it's a tape of dirty people doing dirty things and that those dirty things and dirty sins!”
“Aww, poor baby! Do you need a hug?” Grinning evilly Maddy waggled her brows. “Or do you want Damien to rise up from below to give it to you?”
“Shut up doll face!” Bridget stormed to the closet and pulled out a green two piece swimsuit. “Put this on, then a tie front white shirt and white skirt followed by green flip-flops.” Maddy stared at her. “What are you waiting for dolly, put it on.” Rolling her eyes she did what she was told and slipped a set of doll shaped earrings. “Now, go get some food from downstairs while I pack you some fashionable clothes. Now way you're going to Malibu dressed like a townboy.”
As Maddy exited Bridget walked about the room stuffing clothes into a duffel bag. She grabbed the jewelry box and jammed inside some toiletries. Stopping at a picture frame with the two of them and A close friend in it she smiled and then jammed it in as well. Grinning at her success the blonde put the duffel around her shoulders and slipped on her blue platform sandals. She ran out the room and down the stairs only to see Maddy on top of a chair trying to reach a cabinet.
“Need help?” Maddy looked down at her friend and glared. “I'm just saying that maybe you need a bit of help.” The glare turned evil. “Or maybe not.” Maddy climbed down from the chair with a box of cereal and jammed it into a knapsack. She stood a measly 5-ft while Bridget towered over her by 5 or 6 inches. Her innocent and porcelain like appearance quite different from Bridget's tan and gorgeous appeal.
“Yo, lets get a move on Chicks.” They both glared at the new intruder.
“Jeez Jare, ever heard of knocking?” Maddy shot back as she threw the knapsack at him. Bridget crossed her arms and nodded. The boy grinned. He was 18, older than Bridget by a few months, and older than Madison by 2 years. He shook his bleached white hair and let his sunglasses slip down his nose to show hazel eyes.
“Now why would I wanna do a dumb thing like that.” He walked over to the two and patted Madison on the head. “Is little Maddie Waddie Mad cause she didn't get to eat sugar this morning?” He cooed at her as he bent down to her level and pinched her cheeks. He was the tallest out of the three by a total of 5 inches and still had an inch or so left for him to grow. His outfit contained nothing but dark clothes and only the sharpest looking accessories. She glared at him. “Aww! Look a that little pout!” Rolling her eyes she grabbed a cat shaped teddy bear carrying case from the table and slung it on her back then grabbed a hamster cage in both her hands.
“You really shouldn't treat her like that you know. She's only two years younger than you.” Bridget said as she followed the two to the jeep parked outside.
“True, but she's little and our job is to defend her from the world.” He deposited the bag of food next to where Maddy sat and covered her ears. “Look at her, she's so defenseless and innocent!” The youngest tilted her head to the side confused, which caused Jare to grin.
“Jeremy, You can uncover my ears now!” He quickly did so and hopped into the front seat. Shaking her head, Bridget got on the other and the group was off.
“ Father be good to your daughters, Daughters will live like you do and girl's become lovers, who turn into mothers, so mothers be good to your daughters too.” Jeremy watched out the corner of his eye at Bridget as she sang softly to the radio staring out the window. He then returned his view to the road before checking quickly on the back seat through the rearview mirror. Madison lay sleeping with her head using the piled up bags of clothes as a pillow and the piled up bags of food as a footrest. Her hair, which was earlier pulled up, lay falling around her shoulder to the middle of her back. A book of nursery rhymes laid face open on her stomach. She had changed from flip-flops to sneakers and legwarmers about an hour ago, a good hour into the trip.
“Hey Jare.” He nodded as he watched the road ahead to signify he was listening to the blonde. “Well, I thought that maybe we should take shifts so that way we can drive through the nights and be there in two days or so.” He gave a shrug.
“I don't wanna put the two of you through that. If worse gets to worse and we're all tired, we could always stop off at an inn.” Bridget sighed and nodded.
“Can you believe it, we finally did it!” She sat back in her seat smiling.
“4 years of hell gone.” Madison's small voice came from the back seat. She sat up and leaned frontward so that her torso was in-between Bridget and Jeremy's chairs. “We'll all be split up next year. Bridge in Yale, Jare in Princeton and I'll be in Oxford. This'll be our last time to really hang out.” Her words came out as a whisper. “We might never see each other again.”
“Hey, don't get sad.” Jeremy slung an arm over her shoulders while using the other to drive the car. “We'll keep in touch and you know it. The three Musketeers remember?” She nodded before leaning on Bridget.
“Hey, Your parents weren't there to see you off.” The blonde stated running a hand through Maddy's hair. “What's up with that Maude?” The brunet shrugged.
“Mum had a photo shoot to go to in Paris and Daddy had to go to New York for a movie première. They left last week and made sure I had the stuff needed to go with you guys. They send their regards.” Jare raised a brow. “No I'm not god damn angry at them for leaving me, cause then I wouldn't get to come with you two spazzes. Hell, someone has to keep you in check.” She crossed her arms glaring at the side of the seat. “Plus, mum said she'd bring back lots of souvenirs and daddy said he'd bring back autographs and CDs. Anywho's what about your guys parents?”
Bridget grinned. “My mom packed my stuff for me and said she'd call my cell every 5 hours to make sure we didn't run into any loonies. My dad called and said we could stay at his beach house instead of a motel. Mom so refused but she eventually agreed with him, awesome huh? How bout you Jare?”
He sighed. “My rents made a big deal of it. My pops gave me a lecture bout being a man. Mother gave me all these rules to follow and then was like, `watch over the two dears, you heard my boy?' Then pops checked the car for glitches and he updated the engine. They gave me some CDs and there's cake in a tuberware under the back seat for us to eat. Pops said we should stop when we reach 2 or so states out for a picnic. Every one was just so sober.”
Maddy gave a sheepish grin, “what kind of cake did your mother make Jeremy?”
He shook his head, “Don't even think about it doll face.”
“We'll stop for a break in four hours, that way we break for lunch.” Bridget said as she patted Maddy on the head and then leaned back in her seat. “Who knew a road trip would be so boring? It was way more fun when we went to Florida last year.”
“Probably because we weren't driving the whole way ourselves, all our parents were there, we were in different cars, and we used walkie talkies to talk the whole way when we were on the road.” Jeremy said with a grin. Maddy rolled her eyes and lay back in her original seat.
“Wake me up when we get to our next stop.” She closed her eyes listening to the radio and her two close friends talk.
“Hey, wanna lengthen the time till we stop? It would get in more driving hours and it would let Maude nap for more time.” Bridget asked the driver as she watched the youngest rest.
“It'll also expand the time till she eats that cake.” Jeremy said with a grin. Bridget smiled before going back to sing with the radio.
“And it's you when I look in the mirror, and it's you when I don't pick up the phone, sometimes you can't make it on your own.”
It remained the same for the hours passing, at times Maddy would wake up and talk with either one of the two older friends, or at others Bridget would start a conversion on some random topic. Eventually they had their lunch, which involved a small food fight and eventually they drove through the night. With hopes high the three felt like nothing could stop them.
That is where this story truly begins.