Fan Fiction ❯ Our Prayer ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Our Prayer

Author: Ryou'sMistress265


Rating: Rish (most likely will become NC-17)

Summery: When Legolas was baby he was given up by Thranduil because his mother died giving birth to him. Now Legalas is growing up and he believes Glorifindel to be his father. Well, what happens when Thranduil changes his mind?

Pairing: I'm not sure yet but it's between Aragorn, Elohir and Elladen. I'M NOT DOING A LEGOLASxGLORFINDEL OR A LEGOLASxTHRANDUIL SO DON'T ASK!

Warnings: None

Disclaimer--- No, they are not mine! Sure I want them to myself but then I'd get sue and all I have is *digs in pockets* three dollars, two nickels, a rusty penny and some chewing gum SO LEAVE ME ALONE!


Thranduil and other wood elves rode nonstop to the palace of Imaldrace. Even though it has only been a few moons since his wife's death he was still as furious as ever at the cause. His son, his only son was the reason for his anger. Never in his years has Thranduil ever experienced such betrayal by one he loved. He prayed every night that he could find it somewhere in his heart to forgive his son but the words of his father always came back to haunt him.

"The greatest thing of all is to give a life. The worst thing of all is to take it away."

Oropher spoke the truth then and Thranduil will never forget it. He looked down at the small bundle in his arms. A sleeping baby boy was clutching tightly to the warm wool covering his abnormally small body. Blond hair trickled down to his face just under his nose. No one, sometimes not even Thranduil, could believe that something so small and fragile could ever be evil enough to commit murder. But looks can be deceiving. Thranduil knew no mercy, conscience or love would be find in the baby so he must give him away.

Unlike the babe Thranduil could never live with the fact the he took away a life. He could never kill another living creature unless it had been in the battle of war, which he also didn't agree with. He must give the heartless creature to another heartless creature. Well, creatures. The only place that he would believe to accept the child was Rivendale, and that was his place a destination.

Thranduil rode up to the palace where he was greeted by three elves. The first elf was tall, dark and his facial features didn't even bother to show his dislike for what the so-called king was doing. He was lord of Rivendale, also known as Elrond Half-Elven. The second elf was slightly subtler about his beliefs about what was revealing in front of his eyes. He has been trained in the art of secrecy and he knew he should be the one to confront King Thranduil. Erester was his name. And then there was Glorfindel. He was here to keep control over the Imaldris Lord. Elrond never hid anything from anybody so he wasn't about to hide the fact that he hated what the Mirkwood king was doing.

Thranduil walked up the stony steps until he was eye to eye with the Lord of Rivendale. "Are you sure you want to do this Elrond?" he asked with a dark and cold voice.

"I should be asking you the same question," Elrond replied.

"Yes," Thranduil smirked evilly "I do not except murderers to grace my lands."

"But he is but a child," Erester told the blond king.

"He is the essence of pure evil and is lucky I didn't decide to send back the fiery hell from where he came from." {1}

Elrond took one step forward but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder that belonged to Glorfindel. Elrond breathed deeply so he wouldn't strangle the elf that stood in front of him.

"We shall take care of the babe for as long as you like just in case you change your mind," Erester said calmly as he was handed over the babe.

"Don't worry, I won't," Thranduil said as he lay the youth in the other elf's hands. Quickly he turned around so he could go back to his horses. None of them were surprised.

"What shall I call him?" Erester yelled at him.

"Call him Legolas," Thranduil stopped and turned around "It's what his mother wanted."

Thranduil and his servants mounted their horses and were off. The three elves watched them descend until they were just tiny pricks in the distance. "I can't believe the nerve of him!" Elrond bellowed at no one unparticular.

"Elrond," Glorfindel warned.

"Casting away his only child like that!"


"I would've strangle him if he wasn't holding that child!"

"Elrond!" Glorfindel yelled, but to his mistake the sleeping child was awaken.

At the sight of three unfamiliar elves the baby became frightened and started to cry for his adar. "Oh Elebereth!" Erester cried at the piercing wale that was aimed at his ears "Well what do we do?"

"Give him to me," Elrond commanded and was handed over the baby. He tried bouncing him, tickling him and making weird faces but they only made the elfling cry more.

"For the love of Elebereth you're scaring the poor thing," Glorfindel cried while grabbing the child out of the Lord's grasp.

He cradled the child in his arms and gently began to talk to him. "Hey little one," he said soothingly "you're gonna be living with us for now, okay." As if Glorfindel `s words were laced with magic, the baby's wailing was now reduced to whimpers. "Yeah, and don't you worry about anybody scaring you `cause you're safe here. No one's going to get you." The baby extended his short arms and grabbed a handful of Glorfindel's hair and tugged lightly. "Yeah, you're not half-bad you know,"

Glorfindel looked up to see a startled Elrond and Erester. "What?"

"Where'd you learn that?" Erester asked.

"Learn what?"

"How to take care of a baby," Elrond said.

Glorfindel smiled as he walked back into the castle. "You don't learn it. You either know how to do it or you don't,"

"Well, we need to find someone who knows how," Erester said.

"What do you mean?" asked Glorfindel.

"Well we need some elf-maiden to take care of Legolas. We can't just-"

"I'll take of him," Glorfindel interrupted.

"Are you sure?" Elrond prompted.

"Yes, I'm sure."

{1} Do they have a hell?

A/N This is my first attempt at a LOTR fic and it's my first attempt at using another language in story so if anybody has any advice about what I'm doing wrong or any words of encouragement I would be more than happy to accept! I need all the help I can get so please review and tell me what you think of my story please!