Fan Fiction ❯ Overdose ❯ The dream, and the end. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I'm in this city. Well the city was more like some great mall. The streets were normal with the cars coming by and such, but there was long stretches of pedestrian only areas. There the scenery often changed to an underground mall like state. The buildings didn't seem to care about the fact that there was even a road. They'd just build right over it and leave a tunnel like area where they could set up another entrance and make more money. It would look to go on for miles, but when you walk down it, after a spot, your suddenly in this empty lot where its always night in the suburbs. Lets get back to the city part though for now. Its where this all began.

So first I'm showing my friends, after Diana sang great. See, we recorded the performance and on the way out we watched it over with her, amazed on how well the camera picked up her dynamics. In a mood for celebrating, everyone wanted pizza. Except for me though, for some reason I wanted salad. I'm like, "okay, I'll show you to this great place."

So we head of to a restaurant called 'Chez Pazzo' I think. Going inside there was a few people chatting with one another. Quite cozy it was even. I turned to ask everyone what kind of pizza they wanted, but they seemed to have disappeared. They were right at the door with me and one of them was right by my side.

Then all of a sudden, I'm in an underground section. For some reason, its always the same one each time I to one. Fashion store with no name, and a different version of the same stores. Hot Topic, Adult Hot Topic, Disney, Disney Kids and Adult Disney. Then one store with no name, but just a red curtain hanging over, hiding the door and windows.

I'm alone once again, but try to look away from that fact. Not feeling the best, I head towards the outside again. Right before stepping out, I'm back at Chez Pazzo again, this time with my niece Julia. Now before thinking more, she's my age and such, so its more like hanging out with a best friend. Well she wanted to be shown around. For some reason I seem to be the only one that knows the city well enough. So, for some reason, I'm drawn towards the underground area to show her. We make cracks at the different stores and wonder how come Disney would have an 'Adult Disney' when they are such a family company.

Taking another step, she's gone and I'm in the basement of the same underground. Which was considered the 'demons hangar' and such. It really seemed like an exotic dance club for both genders. Though more so women. There were guys dressed in almost nothing, in cages dancing and trying to grab someone. Man, woman, it didn't seem to matter.

Though I don't know them, I see a girl dressed in all black. Kind of like the outfit Edward Scissorhands had in that movie. Her hair was short, but seemed to have been gelled to spike around. Her eyes had this on guard feel to them, but seemed warm and a chocolate brown. I said them right? Well, there's a few friends of hers as well that seemed to be in similar clothing. Mostly guys, but they looked like girls. Though it may be the long hair and tutu like skirts they wore over their black nylons.

As I said, I don't know her, but I somehow do. Right away I cheer up and run up to them, hugging that girl. The others just stare at me like I was infected. The girl though acts just as happy and returns the hug. Somehow, for a short period though, we get separated. One of her friends appears in front of me and speaks as if he detested me. Which he probably did. Saying stuff like "you don't belong here. You were raised with those others. You already forsaken your true bloods. So go back to those humans."

Staring at him, suddenly he becomes her, that girl. She wonders why I was staring and looked paler than usual. Right away I perk up and hug her. Hanging out with her, I feel like its right, I belong. She asks me something that seemed important, but right when I answer, another jump happens.

I'm, once again, back in Chez Pazzo. This time an elderly woman that I knew was dead is sitting there talking with the other elderly people. They have trouble understanding her and wonder why she answers things they didn't ask. Simply I came up and told them that she was deaf, and lip read everything they were saying. Which was the problem, seeing how they slurred their words and such, never making it clear lip-wise that they said much. Finally, after they started understanding I decide to walk home.

I head the opposite direction of the undergrounds where the train was. This comes to a shock when I'm suddenly in the demons hangar again. Right in the middle and beings tugged one way and pushed the other. This one guy grabbed me and pushed me against a wall. The smell of strong liquor was on his breath. Afraid, stunned and freaked out by what he may do, I shut my eyes and concentrate on him being pushed away.

I no longer feel those hands, or other parts against me. Opening my eyes I see the man on the ground holding his stomach. The others just taking a glance at me before returning to what they were doing. Sliding down to the ground from the wall I was forced against I just stayed in shock. I felt alone, and kept wishing that I wasn't.

Then, she comes by again. Not caring where, I follow her. Walking, we head to the outside, despite her friends protests to her. Suddenly were in the empty lot where the sun never seems to rise. I'm suddenly hyper and stuff where I'm hugging her one moment, jumping around the next and then making silly remarks on what I'm going to jump over.

She stops, and me seeing that, stop as well. She has an eerie look on her face that I know I had never seen. Though really, before that day, I had never seen her before. She spoke softly, and we were 20 meters apart, but I heard her clearer than anything. "Do you know what you really are? You belong with my friends and I, but you were forced to be raised with those others. You've become an outcast. You don't belong with those you lived with and you can feel it! But… from living with them, you have cast yourself from us. If you had to, can you make that choice 'demon'?"

I feel in a complete shock at her words. I grow stiff like a board and start falling. Falling… and I end up falling into my bed. Waking up from something that seemed so real…."

"But the thing was, Jessica, it wasn't real. It was a dream and nothing more." The psychiatrist said to the 17 year old girl. Writing up a script he continued. "I want to increase your dose. Make sure you start to actually eat. Unless, of course, you want to come back here to the psych ward for longer than just a week."

Taking the paper, the red head shook her head. She didn't want to go back to that section. She was isolated when locked up there and felt alone to the point that she thought death was the only way to stop it.

Stepping out, she headed for the door. Passing by she stops and looks at a girl being carted off to the psych ward. Immersed in shock, Jessica stared at her. It was the same person in her dream. It was that girl that she didn't know, but seemed to know the best. "You cant live this lie, Aya!"

Doctors rush over, with a gurney ready. They lift Jessica up from the floor where she had collapsed at the girls words. After a stop in the emergency room, she was doubled the prescription and doused with more meds. It was 6 months later that she finally didn't need to go to that same psychiatrist. She overdosed on the drugs from the doctor misdiagnosing her. The same day, that girl got out and snuck to where Jessica stayed. Leaving a note in blood saying "she wasn't yours to begin with, but you killed her anyways."