Fan Fiction ❯ Padded Cell 2 ❯ Padded Cell 2: Edward Bugaloo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Padded Cell 2: Edward Bugaloo'
There is, of course, more than one world in this great big universe of ours. And, due to the constant tampering, or as it is commonly known, “crossing over” that authors do with these worlds, the holes that have been formed in world barriers is about as strong as three month old soda crackers. Because of this, one of the greatest adventures of all time was created. Headed by a dragon of massive power, average fame considering the site he was on, and one hell of an imagination, what started as a simple story about seeing how far the bounds of sanity could stretch turned into a massive free-for-all adventure with monstrous consequences. Possibly the most important of which was the thorough pissing off of all the mediaminer staff, only slightly worse though was the fact that many penguins lost their lives to defend the world against the great robo-manatee menace.
Yes, it is true. The author known as Porunga was the catalyst, the one who started a revolution that wasn't really for the better or worse. Because of his fic and the number of useless reviews it received, his work was deleted in an instant. Three years of love and dedication was smashed into fragments in all but an instant. Vanquished, Porunga retreated to the sanctity of his fathers home in southern Maine, where he watched as the friends he had made ceased to write.
There's a story in there, but this ain't it!
The Padded Cell sat dismally in the warehouse. Dust covered everything, almost a year of disrepair wearing heavily on it. Not a sound was heard save for the slow creak as a door opened. A lone figure stood, hand reaching to the side slowly and flicking a switch. With a hum the lights flickered to life, remembering their purpose. Then promptly all burned out, leaving the person to curse in the darkness. The person of course, was Porunga, dragon overlord of mediaminer who had fought the system, and all but lost. For some odd reason, possibly nostalgia, possibly heartburn, he had found a reason to return to the broken down land where so many laughs had filled the air before. Now it was empty, stale air hanging around him like the air of death. Heaving a sigh and stepping into the warehouse, Porunga muttered to himself.
“They were a bunch of freeloaders anyway.” With that Porunga gave a sharp whistle and bouncing through the door came the form of his faithful ward, sidekick, and girlfriend, Edward Wong Hau Peplu Tivrusky the Fourth. Her red hair still spikey as ever she leapt onto Porunga's shoulders and began combing through his black hair for bugs, like a monkey of sorts. “Ahhh, memories, eh Ed?”
“Edward like Padded Cell man!” Came his only reply, along with a lot more picking through his hair.
“Ed….I forgot how much you scared me.”
“Ed is happy too P-chan.”
Ah Gods, that accursed nickname, bestowed in only the fourth chapter of his fic. It stuck ever since and was the source of no end of ridicule. Though still, even it had a certain kind of….comfort as it were.
“No time for a real story Edward, we just need to get this message out to everyone. Ready?” A nod and a thud as a radio fell from a personally created wormhole due to Porunga's Author Power. “This is a broadcast to the Padded Cell crew. Samuel, Rach-chan and Rachel, Gunlord, all of you. Porunga is back in town and I'm looking for all of you once more! The Padded Cell is coming back and I just want to know that we haven't floated away like candles in the wind! Respond to this in anyway you desire, e-mail, review, IM, carrier pigeon, whatever works. Just let me know that I am not alone in my endevour! Oh yeah, send some crosswords, it gets boring in here. Porunga out.”