Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix's Rise ❯ Legends and Truths Part 1 ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 29
Legends and Truths Part I
The Guardians followed Cybele for what seemed like several hours, going straight up the golden path. Normally, they would have become tired and short of breath, but something about them had changed . . . the steep climb didn't take any more effort than walking across a room.
“Why am I not getting worn out?” Phoenix asked Cybele.
“You're all Demi-Gods, or half-gods now that you've come here. We don't tire, and you won't either . . . which is fortunate for you.” Cybele explained mysteriously.
“Why is it so `fortunate'?” Terra asked warily.
“You have much training ahead of you, and you will be called upon constantly to defend the planet from evil forces.” Cybele was very vague once again.
“I thought we'd be stopping things like earthquakes, floods, storms, and volcanoes. What evil could be so great that we have to become half god to defeat?” Aqualad questioned.
“You will know soon enough. Do not worry, you will be able to return to the mortal world and stop villainy . . . that part of your lives is very important to the welfare of humanity . . . as well as what you'll be doing eventually.” Cybele smiled slightly. “I could see your worry, children. Do not be afraid.”
“Cyborg, do you have a signal from their communicators?” Robin was going crazy with worry. He, Cyborg, and Beast Boy had been trying to track down the missing Titans for hours, and the search became even more urgent after they heard that Aqualad had also gone missing.
“Why's Raven gone? That's what I want to know. She's the only one of the missing people who isn't a Guardian.” Beast Boy yawned. They had been working non-stop ever since the realized that their teammates were missing. Even caffeine couldn't perk them up beyond barely conscious.
Cyborg growled and pounded the counter. “Nothing! I've scanned the whole planet, the moon, and all nearby satellites . . . and got diddly! Either their communicators have been destroyed, or something is blocking the signals.”
“Let's just keep trying, and hope that we find them all unharmed.” Robin sighed.
“The time has come for you children to know what you are expected to do, and to learn the history of your kind.” Cybele motioned for the Guardians to sit down along the edge of a table. The table itself was made of the trunk of a HUGE pine tree, and had been divided into eight `slices', marked by a shallow groove. Each `slice' had a symbol that represented one of the eight present. “Please, be seated.” Cybele waved a hand, and chairs that matched the table sections appeared.
“Ummm . . . do you think we could call our friends? They're probably worried about us.” Phoenix reached to touch her bracelet, to discover that it was gone.
Cybele smiled. “Your mortal uniforms and communication devices were replaced by your new weapons and clothing, once your Guardian side is no longer dominant. Contact with the mortal world from this realm is impossible.” Phoenix nodded to show that she understood.
“So, is this where we're going to hear a long, drawn out, history?” Terra asked with a hint of a groan.
“I suppose you could call it that. When the world was young, humans didn't have the technology to survive on their own. Any extremities could cause nearly half of the population to die. So I chose seven mortals, and gave them power over the elements, usually adding to the power that they already possessed. When one team became older, and ineffective, I would gather new protectors, and gradually have they replaced the veterans.” Cybele paused to see if the current Guardians were following the story.
“Around the time of year 1500, I decided that the mortals no longer required my assistance to thrive, but then the Black Plague rose up, and killed all of the Guardians who were active at the time. At first, I thought that mankind would need help again, but the humans recovered . . . that's when I hid the Element Sword and Element Jewel on opposite ends of North America.”
“So why are we needed?” Aqualad asked.
“Yah, I think we've advanced since the 1500's.” Electra added.
“Your kind has, but that is not the problem. There is a race of creatures called the `Decaylites' . . . they are invaders and conquerors . . . traveling from planet to planet . . . turning them from hospitable to hostile. They have set their sights on the planet. You, children, are the earth's only chance of salvation.” Cybele seemed to plead with the Guardians. “It will be dangerous . . . I cannot deny that. I leave the choice up to you if you will do this, or not.”
“I'm in.” Raven spoke up first. “There's no way that I'm going to stand by and let the earth be drained of life.”
Airhead swallowed hard. “I might be small, but I'll help too. I don't want anyone to get killed . . . even bad guys.”
“Don't think you're going to leave me out of the action.” Chrome-Dome laughed, popping his knuckles.
“Ditto.” Terra and Aqualad added.
Everyone turned to face Phoenix, who was the only one who hadn't spoken. She laughed. “What? I thought you guys were smart enough to know my answer. Of course I'll do it!”
Cybele's face became an expression of pure relief. “Thank you so much! The world will be forever in your debts . . . even though the citizens will not know.”
“What about the other Titans? We can tell them, can't we?” Raven asked, fingering her hair, lightly.
“Of course. They will understand, I am sure. And they also aid in the bettering of humanity, give them my thanks and praise, please. You may go home for now, I will summon you when it is time for your training.” Cybele waved good-bye, and the Guardians were returned to where and when they had been when they had been brought to Olympus.