Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Rise of the Pirate King ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean, kthxbai.
Chapter 2
Elizabeth looked down at her sleeping son with a fond smile. He hadn't woken up through all the commotion. She pulled the down blanket up to his chin and watched him in his peaceful slumber. She felt an ache rise in her heart; he was so much his father's son that it hurt sometimes.
“Governor Turner.”
Elizabeth turned to see the same handmaid as earlier standing in the doorway. The governor put a finger to her lips and the maid looked around her to see William still fast asleep. She nodded apologetically.
“What is it?” Elizabeth asked in a whisper.
“The Black Pearl has docked Ma'am.”
Elizabeth nodded. “Have the captain meet me in the dining room. And let the cook know we are having guests.”
“Ma'am,” the maid assented, bowing herself out of the doorway.
Elizabeth looked back down at her son. She absently brushed a strand of hair that had fallen into his face behind his ear. He was her pride and joy. And he deserved a father; and his father deserved to be with his son. And if there was something she could do about it, then she would do it, no matter what it took. Calypso had said she should begin with finding Jack in her search for the rite and though the last she had heard Barbosa was captaining the Pearl, it was the best lead she could hope for.
With one final look for her son, the governor made her way out of her room, down the stairs, and into the dining room where she would meet Barbosa. She hoped the dress she had chosen would convey her current position of power to the man. With the knowledge that she was not only the governor of Port Royal, but the wife of the captain of the Flying Dutchman and the Pirate King, Elizabeth suddenly felt regal and straightened herself.
Once in the dining room, Elizabeth made her way to the window. She had long since learned that appearances were critical in a political dealing and intended to look as poised and powerful as she felt. She wasn't sure whether it was another Pirate King trait appearing or the fact that she could soon be on her way to bringing her husband back, but Elizabeth was ready down to her very core. The Black Pearl might be an old friend, but the world was changing and she wasn't about to forget that. No, in fact, she would use it.
Feigning interest with whatever was just outside the window, Elizabeth waited, impatience threatening to boil over within her but she pushed it down. Finally, she could hear footsteps approaching the dining room and the governor couldn't help the sudden excitement that was rising in her stomach. After all, she had spent a great deal of time with the crew of the Pearl and it had been years since she had even laid eyes on its sails.
“Governor Turner,” one of the servants intoned, “I present Captain Hector Barbosa,” Elizabeth smiled to herself and prepared to turn around but froze when the man continued, “and Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl.”
Despite her shock, Elizabeth forced herself to turn to face her guests calmly. Upon seeing both men standing just inside the doorway, her shock doubled. It was one thing to hear the names, but to see them in front of her seemed like a dream. That part of her past seemed a lifetime ago and yet here they stood, two remnants of the great age of piracy.
“Governor Turner,” Barbosa mused, running the words over his tongue. “It has an interesting ring to it.”
Elizabeth smiled in spite of herself. “Captain Barbosa,” she greeted before turning to Jack. A pile of emotions she had thought long since buried suddenly threatened to make their way to the surface at the man's familiar presence, but Elizabeth pushed them down with vigor. “Jack,” she greeted, voice not betraying her sudden conflicted emotions.
“Captain, love,” he corrected in return.
Elizabeth started but immediately schooled herself. She indicated the table that had been set. “Please sit. Food should be arriving shortly.”
“And rum?” Jack asked, watching Elizabeth settle herself at the head of the table before sitting himself.
“Undoubtedly,” Elizabeth replied and Jack nodded. “So you both are on the Pearl?” she asked after a moment, allowing them to get settled in their seats.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Barbosa replied, eyeing his companion like one would an annoying insect on a dinner table. “Leaving him behind never seems to last long enough.”
Jack snorted. “You underestimate those sea turtles, mate. And besides, it's my ship.”
“No, it's mine,” Barbosa argued.
Elizabeth hid a smile behind her hand. “It's a wonder you get anywhere at all.”
Barbosa and Jack shared a dirty look before turning back to their hostess. Some things never change, Elizabeth mused to herself.
“And what about you?” Barbosa asked.
“What about me?” Elizabeth asked in mild surprise.
“Governor of Port Royal?” Jack asked, seemingly amused.
“What of it?”
Jack beckoned Elizabeth to come closer and she leaned in. “You're a woman,” he whispered conspiratorially.
Elizabeth did her best to reign in her temper. She had almost forgotten how easily Jack got under her skin at the worst times. “After the death of my father, I was considered the best choice among the people after all Beckett had done to screw everything up, despite my… colorful past,” Elizabeth replied.
“Despite or because of?” Barbosa said off-handedly and Elizabeth blinked. That wasn't something she had considered. Rumors had been rampant that she had been involved in the death of Beckett - which she had - and the tone had been thankful.
“Mother?” a small voice echoed through the halls. It seemed William had finally woken up.
Both pirates arched curious eyebrows at her. “You have a son?” Jack asked.
“In the dining room, William,” Elizabeth called and the sound of little footsteps coming down the stairs echoed through the big house.
“William?” Barbosa asked.
“Named for his father, I assume,” Jack said in turn, turning a question into a statement of fact.
Elizabeth nodded as William entered the doorway. He paused when he realized his mother was entertaining guests. Elizabeth beckoned her son to her side and he did as he was bidden.
“William, I'd like you to meet some old friends.” The boy looked at the two pirates warily and inched closer to his mother. “This is Captain Hector Barbosa and Captain Jack Sparrow,” Elizabeth introduced and both men inclined their heads at the boy respectively.
The boy's eyes grew wide in recognition and he turned back to his mother in youthful awe. “The ones from your stories?”
“The very same,” Elizabeth replied with a smile.
“So they know Father?”
“Aye, we know your father quite well, boy,” Barbosa said before Elizabeth could reply.
William turned back to the pirates. “Really?”
“Indeed,” Jack agreed, though made no move to hide his annoyance with agreeing with Barbosa. It was almost laughable but Elizabeth knew better than to laugh at the moment.
William stared at Barbosa for several moments before turning back to his mother. “He doesn't look dead,” he declared and all three adults tried vainly to hide snorts of laughter.
“That's because he came back to life,” Elizabeth replied.
William turned back to Barbosa, who nodded. “Your mother is right, boy.” He jerked his head at Jack. “He shot me but a goddess brought me back after he died.”
William's gaze turned to Jack, who was studying his fingernails. After several silent moments he looked up and started when he saw the other three occupants of the room looking at him. “What?”
Elizabeth did roll her eyes this time. “I told you that story, William.”
“I know,” her son replied. “But it never seemed real until now.”
“You'd be surprised at what was real, mate,” Jack said with an odd look on his face.
“So you really sailed with my father,” William said.
“That's right,” Barbosa said.
“What was he like?”
Barbosa and Jack both looked at Elizabeth curiously but she just shrugged. William wanted to hear about his father from someone other than his mother who knew him during that time of his life. She could only hope they would recognize this and say something gentle for the boy.
Barbosa, at least, seemed to grasp this. The man was more perceptive than Elizabeth often gave him credit for. “He was headstrong and often did some foolish things without thinking of the consequences, but he was also strong and a very talented swordsman. He was very goal oriented and even tried to kill Jack, which is a plus in my book.”
Jack at least had the grace to look affronted by the remark. “I represent that.”
Elizabeth and Barbosa blinked. “What?”
Jack looked at them curiously. “What? Is that not the right word? Represent, repent, report, purport, present…” Jack went on listing words absently as he searched for the right one. Elizabeth watched him incredulously for several moments as he continued. “Rescind… Ah! Resent! That's it. I resent that.”
“Took you long enough, Jack,” Barbosa muttered.
“I got there in the end and that's what matters,” Jack retorted with a nod.
“And that is why you make a terrible captain.”
Jack's eyes narrowed. “What did you say, mate?”
“You heard me,” Barbosa replied coolly.
Jack's hand went to his holster. “Say that again.”
“Enough!” Both pirates blinked and turned to see Elizabeth glaring at them then at her son who was watching them curiously. Their eyes widened in understanding and backed down. “Now, that's better.”
“What about you, Mister Sparrow?” William asked after a moment.
Jack blinked. “It's Captain Sparrow. And what?”
“My father,” the boy clarified, inching closer to his mother.
“Oh right, Will.” Jack seemed to ponder a moment before speaking. “It's funny that he was so against becoming a pirate at the beginning of the mess when he ended up as the captain of the most legendary pirate ship in history.”
“He didn't want to be a pirate?”
“Oh no. But he eventually came around. They all do. Just ask your mother,” Jack said, quirking an amused eyebrow at Elizabeth. The governor ignored him. “Even though he tried to kill me on several occasions, he never actually succeeded like someone else you are related to, boy.”
William blinked. “What?”
“Oh, it's nothing,” Elizabeth said hurriedly, glaring at Jack. The pirate merely stared back at her. It seemed he was still bitter that she had left him to be eaten by the Kraken. Oops.
“But yeah, he was a pretty good man. Still is. I can see a lot of him in you.” Elizabeth blinked. There went Jack again, saying something oddly attentive. “I'm still surprised though.”
“What?” Elizabeth asked hesitantly. Sometimes it was better not to ask with Jack.
“I always swore he was a eunuch, too. You sure he's his?” Jack said, indicated William. Elizabeth's eyes went wide, not believing he had actually said that.
“What's a eu-” William began but Elizabeth hurriedly cut him off.
“Why don't you go down to the kitchen and tell the cook to send up some of his best rum and get yourself some breakfast, William. And tell him we're waiting on a meal for three, please.”
William looked like he would argue for a minute before nodding. “Okay.” He went to the doorway and turned back to look at Jack and Barbosa. “Wow,” was all he said before leaving.
Elizabeth waited until his footsteps died away before rounding on Jack. “Why would you say that?”
Jack blinked. “Say what?”
“Calling Will a… well, you know.”
“What? Oh that. It's a little joke we have, Will and I,” Jack replied playfully.
“Cute kid,” Barbosa said, looking at the doorway.
“Thank you.”
“He has a lot of his father in him. It's easy to see.”
Elizabeth nodded. “He's very much his father's son.”
“When was the last time he saw his father?” Barbosa asked curiously.
“Three months ago,” Elizabeth replied.
“And when will Will be back?”
“Fi-” Elizabeth stopped mid-answer. “Why?”
“That's actually the reason we came,” Barbosa said, with the air of one getting down to business. Elizabeth's guard immediately went up.
“You know, love,” Jack began, interrupting Barbosa, much to the man's chagrin, “you don't look like you've aged a day since I met you.”
Elizabeth blinked. “What are you talking about, Jack?”
“You look exactly the same as you did back then.”
“I'm married, Jack. Please stop.”
“I don't see a ring.”
“That doesn't matter. Will is my husband.”
“Be that as it may, it doesn't change the fact you don't seem to be aging.” This time it was Barbosa who spoke. “As much as it pains me to agree with Jack, he has a point. I noticed something seemed odd and now that I look at you, you don't look at day older than you did the night we first met.”
“That's crazy. It's been ten years, of course I've aged.”
Any further discussion on the matter was interrupted as several servants entered the room with food and drink in hand. Elizabeth nodded in relief. She indicated the table to their waiters and the food was set down and the lids removed to display several courses of food. Another servant poured wine into each glass before setting the bottle down on the table and putting another bottle of rum down in the center of the table. Elizabeth could feel her stomach rumbling in hunger. She hadn't eaten yet.
“Is there anything else you require, Ma'am?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “No, this looks wonderful. Thank you.”
The servants nodded and bowed their way out of the room. Elizabeth turned to her guests. “Help yourselves. You are my guests so have as much as you want.”
“Don't mind if I do,” Jack said, reaching for the rum.
The three reached an unspoken agreement that any serious discussion could wait until after the meal and spent the better part of an hour polishing off the works of the governor's cook. Barbosa and Jack were eating long after Elizabeth had finished but that didn't surprise her in the least. Instead, she satisfied herself with watching the two men and thinking about the past. Could they really be here, and now of all times?
Finally even the two pirate captains began to slow and finally stop, though Jack kept refilling his rum. “It's nice that the rum isn't gone for once,” he commented off-handedly. “Especially with you here, Elizabeth.”
“You seem to be ingesting more now than I ever burned that day,” the governor replied with a nostalgic smile.
“Interest, love. Interest.”
“Of course.”
Elizabeth waited until the servants had removed all the empty plates of food and placed new bottles of wine and rum on the table before turning her attention back to the most important matter. “Alright. What are you doing here? You know flying a pirate flag is dangerous anymore. Even though Beckett is dead, there are plenty more like him in the government. Why risk that to come back to Port Royal?”
“Is Will's heart here?” Barbosa asked with preamble.
“Will left his heart in your care, yes?”
“So is it here?”
“Why on earth… You're not thinking about killing him to get the Dutchman for yourself, are you?” Elizabeth asked, suddenly aghast at the possibility.
“Of course not,” Jack snorted.
“You wanted it once,” Elizabeth reminded him.
“And it would get him off my ship,” Barbosa added under his breath.
“First off, the Pearl is my ship.” Barbosa snorted. “Second, I wanted revenge on Jones, not the ship itself.”
“But to kill Jones would have meant taking the ship and sailing the seas for eternity. Which was an idea you were in love with,” Elizabeth reminded him.
“Obviously I didn't want it enough, since I gave it up for your boy,” Jack replied irritably. “It's not like I would go back on that.” It seemed that was still a sore spot for Jack, though Elizabeth couldn't quite fathom why. But it was Jack; she had stopped trying to figure out why long before.
“Fine. Then why would you be asking about Will's heart?”
“We wanted to make sure it was in good hands,” Barbosa replied.
“Why? It's been with me since he left. Even William doesn't know where it is.”
“Does he even know you have Will's heart?”
Elizabeth ignored Barbosa's question. “Why now?”
“Can't old friends check up to make sure their friends are safe?” Jack asked innocently.
“Not you two,” Elizabeth replied flatly.
“Fine.” Barbosa sighed. “If you really must know, it's because someone is looking for it.”
Elizabeth thought her heart skipped a beat. “Someone is looking for Will's heart?”
“Will's and not Davy Jones'?”
“Everyone on the seas knows Davy Jones is long dead,” Jack replied. “I'm quite famous around the pirate community for having killed him and all.”
“Which got us into some trouble,” Barbosa countered. “The fact that your heart was still in your body didn't make our friends so happy.”
“What are you talking about?” Elizabeth demanded.
“Some of the pirate lords have formed an alliance,” Barbosa replied. “They mean to own all the seas.”
“But don't they already?”
“Not enough,” Jack replied, taking another draught of rum. “They want the entire ocean for themselves to rule over.”
“And that means taking out the strongest on the seas currently,” Barbosa added.
“Which would include the Dutchman and its captain,” Elizabeth breathed. “Which means they would need Will's heart.”
“Not only dear William,” Jack said.
Elizabeth blinked. “What?”
“The other pirate lords,” Barbosa replied.
“Especially the Pirate King.”