Fan Fiction ❯ Prisoner ❯ Prisoner ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Dreams at watching a light blue sky
Were shattered, blinding a child’s eyes
Hope for release from a tragic fate
Was lost when bars covered the suns shining rays

A life no one wants
A life no one needs
What happens now when he is let go
He drops down onto his knees

A prayer to God of a different place
Lightening flashes, branding words on skin
Saying, “This is what happens when someone sins.”
Tears shed once these words are seen

Years go by and people do grow
A release of a person now free to go
Deep shuddering breaths breathed into lungs
A smile, a sigh, and now he goes home

His death now over
And people do mourn
Onto his tombstone are written these words
“This is what happens when a person does die,
but now he will be in my home in the sky.”

By: Diane Bihn
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