Fan Fiction ❯ Raven ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


My name is Raven. Yes, Raven, the Bringer of Death. But that wasn't my name before. My name was…Elliott. I'm not sure if I had a family. I don't remember. I do however; remember I had an uncle, and that I loved him... I apologize, but bear with me for this story.

This is my story, of how I earned the title, `Death'. How I became the Raven. It hurts me as I try to recall, to try to remember the deeds I have done in the past. How I've been trapped for so long in darkness that I became what I am now, this breathing but dead creature, a being time cannot touch, a being that no weapon of mass destruction or sheer power can kill. I travel, and I am currently in Singapore, living silently as one might live. I was everything mixed in one. I was a shape shifter, a magician, and a deadly assassin. I have a pet, yes, and it is a beautiful bird. That's right, it's a Raven. Its black feathers shine in the dim light in which I type this now. Its eyes are a deep shade of scarlet, not unlike my own. I seem to remember that my eyes were once gray. My skin was once tanned, never as pale as it is now.

I remember being dragged into darkness, being transformed, being locked. I remember the pain. It left its scars in my heart. I can eat and drink, but I don't need the food or moisture. I never did after I became `Death'. Hunger was my pitiful excuse for tasting what life gave for the living. Desire has lost its affects on me. I no longer yearn to have things, for I have already everything. You may expect Death to be a skeleton with his black cloak around him, his skeletal hand holding the handle of his bloody scythe. But you're wrong. I have no relations, save a few Vampires, or witches. I know them, I love them. They are feared just as I am feared. But they tell me that the Death they imagined was never as beautiful as I was. I think it is flattery. I always have. I wear a silver cross held by a chain around my neck, and spend most of my time praying to whoever that will listen. I think God does. God always does.

Christopher says I have an impossible faith. Anastasia says I am impossible too. I don't understand. After all, I did die when I was eighteen. I wasn't a man when I died, I never will be. I am too young; I have been for too long. It bores me, not being able to die. I missed the risk of dying every time I stepped out the door in the past, when I lived in France. In Paris. I missed life there. I missed their splendid cafes, their graceful ladies and charming gentlemen. I missed everything about Paris.

Christopher is a Vampire, my friend. As for Anastasia, she is a witch, a dream seer, and a person who keeps track of the future. Christopher is a charming fellow; maybe that was why he became a Vampire. His dark hair was wavy, just a little over his shoulders. He was the perfect aristocrat to me, malicious, clever and a handful of pure mischief. Anastasia never really liked him. Anastasia was not American, nor was she French. She was a British lady, with her tight clothes and mini skirts that were now so popular among the young. People would stare at me when I walked past them, probably feeling the evil in me. Christopher says they've never seen anyone more stunning. I can't read minds like Christopher can. I never wanted to. Christopher was a powerful creature, able to set things aflame, to use his mind to move things, to cast spells that bewitch.

Anastasia slept a lot. She liked to be in her dreams, so she could see the future. She didn't like people controlling her like Christopher does. In truth, she didn't even acknowledge him as a friend, just a stranger that knew her briefly, that irritated her. She spends most of her time with me, and I always wonder, whatever for?

Christopher comes to my apartment only at night. What did you expect? He was a Vampire. He couldn't come in the day. But normally he stays at my home, for I always have a special room prepared for him. The room has to have lights, electric ones of course, couldn't risk having himself burnt, and shades to cover the windows, shades that light cannot pass though. The windows were always closed in that room when he used it, so in day, the wind would do nothing but beat against the window while he slept. How we met was strange, like the way I met Anastasia was strange. I lived through the Black Death that hurt me even now when they mention it in books… I love also another Vampire. His name is Joshua. He is…Christopher's child, or in other words, fledgling. Joshua is a beautiful creature. And I knew I cherished him as much as I cherished my darling Christopher and Anastasia.

Joshua had ashen hair that was as short as any young man in the twenty first century. He had a cobalt earring in his left ear. His eyes were a shining golden, like honey in the sunshine. His skin is not as pale as Christopher's, as he is still young, and has lingering human habits. His features are seemingly girlish, dainty yet ever so boyish. He seemed to be both genders. His voice is normally more boyish than Christopher's, probably why Christopher chose him; he was a mixture of beauty and intelligence. Anastasia had friends, indeed, everyone does. Even a murderer who wanders time has friends. Isabelle was like a sister to Anastasia, a caring older sister that pampered and loved her. I didn't know why, but she didn't quite like Anastasia being around me. She liked Christopher a lot however. Isabelle was just as pretty as Anastasia, her hair reddish brown with blonde streaks. Her eyes were blue, a startling clear blue, like water.

Excuse me if I am holding you back from the tale ahead. I hope you enjoy it, sincerely I do.

I am Death. I am the Raven.