Fan Fiction ❯ Realms ❯ Vesta ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


A.n: Sorry Sorry, I've been meaning to work on the next chapter but I have got writers block and I haven't been ale to just figure out how to start this no matter how hard I try. This chapter is going to be in Naoko P.O.V Then I'm going to switch.

And Sorry again for any grammer or spelling Mistakes in this chapter but I'm at my grandparents and I don't have my regular computer, which thus means no Ms word which means for me no Spell Checker.


/Thoughts/ Are the thought speech, you'll see those when anther character is telling someone telepathictically.

Flash backs: Anything in Italics signalify Flashbacks or Dream Sequences.


/Don't worry I won't hurt you.../

I blinked. I had to be going crazy because not only am I seeing red eyes staring at me but I am hearing voices. I was sure I was going to be sent to a nut house after this.

"Who are you?" I asked s the eyes took on a look of Humor. I glared at them.

/I am... Vesta of the Fire Realm./

'Fire... Fire realm?' The name sounded so firmiler Like I had herd it before in anther world, anther place and time...

A mountain in the sky surrounded by nothing but Lava and Fire. The god or goddess castle lay deep within a sleeping volcano.

Red and Black halls... and, and voices...

/Have you heard of it?/

I snapped out of my day dream and looked at the eyes. The humor look had disappeared and were replaced with that of concern, and for some strange reason I knew I could trust this person that they would not try to hurt me.

"Err No... Could you kind of come out of your hiding spot?" I asked trying to sound as nice as I could. "I don't feel very comfortable talking to a pair of eyes" The person seem to understand and a soft red glow seemed to light up my room. I closed my eyes trying to block out the light as I herd a someone speaking softly to me.

"Is this better?" They asked. I slowly opened my eyes at having herd the voice, I mean really heard it just not threw my head.

"Uh... Ya..." I said as I stared at the person before me. She was not like I thought she would look like. She had this fiery colored red hair that sort of matched her crimson eyes, and it was braided all the way down her back.

She was wearing what looked like a Red robe with a golden emboridry of a Phoenix on the right shoulder, and then gold thread outlined the rest of the Robe.

"Is... Something the matter?" She asked as I blinked and looked up at her concerned face. I cursed lightly to myself when I reliezed I had been staring at her.

"Sorry it just... I don't think I ever seen people dress like that." There must of been something wrong with what I said because her face took on a look of surprise and disblief.

"But they said...." She stopped what she was saying and nodded in understanding. "Naoko have you been having strange dreams and feelings as of late?"

I silently wondered to myself how she could of have known my name but let it pass when her question register inside my head, How could she have known that I'd been having dreams? I hadn't told anyone as of yet and I hadn't been planing to either.


"Good then that means the spell is wearing off just like it was suppose to."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I asked suddenly getting angry. I didn't know what she was talking about when she said spell but I suddenly didn't like it. The fact that someone was screwing around with me and my head made me feel unsafe.

"Please don't get angry with me Naoko I wish I could tell you but that is the job of the Council" I noticed she said that word with some distate and I wondered why as a silence filled the room.

"...Council...?" I started to ask but she interupted me already knowing my next question.

"The Council is in the Magic Realm, I will take you there."

I started to ask how she was going to do this but my the thought of my friends popped in my head first. "And my friends?"

"They... Will think you have just gone on a Vacation for the week" She told me as I nodded slowly.

She smiled lightly and muttered strange words under her breath. I felt a small burning sensation in the back of my mind as the world started to fade to black slowly...


I forgot I had this ^^; I went to find the old chapter of 3 and saw this and insatntly was like "Ah crap I knew I forgot about something" Well I tweaked it around to fit what I needed for the next chapter after this and here it is!