Fan Fiction ❯ Rebels Of The Fire ❯ The Attack ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Uma: Okay, so far, I've only gotten 1 review on this story.
Amu: But Uma will continue any way.
Uma: Yes, well… I will continue writing, but not posting.
Amu: Uma doesn't own Avatar: The Last Airbender
Uma: But I am currently trying to figure out if I could own Zuko, I mean, he's just so kewl!!!
Amu: Don't you mean hott?
Uma: That too
Chapter 1:
The Attack
~Flashback continued~
A huge bear creature thing came charging out of the bushes. The bear headed straight for the boy who collapsed and myself. Some of the kids started screaming, but I didn't hear them. The only thing that I could hear was the sound of the bear's feet hitting the earth.
`That's it' I though, `the bear must weight a lot of make that much noise when it runs. And if it weights a lot, then it probably wouldn't be climb trees. The kids would be safe up there, but how would I get them up there? I'll just have to let the kids figure that out, while I distract the bear.'
“Climb up the trees everyone!!” I shouted at the kids, “Leak, take him up with you.”
The kids scattered and ran towards the tree closest to them. Knowing that they were following my orders, I turned my attention back to the bear. Its charge has slowed down to a trot, but was still coming towards me very quickly.
The bear leaped out at me, I quickly sidestepped and aimed a punch at the bear's head. The punch did not affect it at all, but just added more anger to its rage. It reared up on its hind legs and let out a great roar. From that moment on, everything went into slow motion.
The bear's legs came slowly down, and now were only inches away from bringing me down to the ground. I then felt myself being pushed toward my right. My body met the earth, and then another body met mine.
I looked up and saw that whoever pushed me out of the bear's path had very unique eyes. The color was a dark navy blue that faded to a whitish/bluish color, and around the pupil was a purple starburst.
(A/N: Eyyyeeeeeessssss ssssoooo ccccooooollllll ~drools~ looooovvveeee eeeyyyyeeesss)
“Got to look out for those claws.” the boy said to me, “They might hurt.”
(A/N: Rain could tell that the person is a guy from the his voice, just to let you know)
The boy sprang up, and charged the bear. I then too leaped up and ran for the bear. The bear was also charging towards us, and turned this into an extreme game of chicken. The boy was running towards the bears left side.
I recognized this tactic from the hunts that my father used to take me on. One person would be on each side of the intended prey. Then they would let out a powerful kick to the sides of the prey. That kick would either knock the wind out of the prey or some how disable it for it to be killed; or in our case, for us to run away to somewhere safe.
Like I predicted, the boy was indeed using that tactic. The amazing thing about it was, we actually were able to knock the bear unconscious. With the threat out of the way now, I was able to carefully observe my surrounds. The kids some how managed to get in the trees, the bushes that the bear came out of are trampled, and will probably die over the next day, there is a strange looking shadow in the trees, and an even stranger bird call.
“Who are you, where did you come from and why did you help me?” I asked the boy.
“My name is Niko, I came from that bush right over there, and I helped you cause it was the right thing to do.” Niko (1) answered, his face remaining indifference. “I also helped you because you probably know what happened at Kohaku.”
“F-f-fire benders happened.” I stuttered. This subject was very touchy for me, since my mind was still replaying my brother's last words. “They came, and destroyed everything, very few survived.”
“I can see.” Came a voice from the trees. A girl jumped down from the trees, in which I remember some of the children were hiding in. “Niko stop asking her questions, and help me get the kids down from the tree.”
“That is my sister, Ruka (2) please feel free to ignore her.” Niko told me in a whisper.
“I heard that.” Yelled Ruka, as she was helping down some of the kids. “Still need some help here.”
I went over to the tree that Ruka was at and grabbed the kids that she was trying to get down, while introducing myself.
“My name is Rain,” I said, “Did you help some of them get up in the tress?”
“Yes,” she replied. “They were quite calm up there, I expect they went through a lot in the past 24 hours.”
“They did,” I answered, “We all did.”
~End Flash Back~
“Hey, Rain, come on, we need to start walking again,” buzzed a voice in my ear, waking me up from my memories. “Niko thinks that we can make it into the next village in maybe an hour or two, but only if we keep walking.”
“Sorry about that Ruka, just got lost in my thoughts again.” I told her, “Do you want me to carry the younger one tonight? You look tired”
“Thanks for the offer,” Ruka declined, “but you look worst than me.”
With that said, Ruka carefully started walking up the kids. I walked over to Niko, who was standing guard on a tree branch.
“Niko, Ruka is waking up the others right now,” I called, “get out of the tree, you don't need to keep surveillance of everything right now.”
“The lack of surveillance is what put us into this mess. I am keeping guard until everyone is awake and ready to travel, end of discussion.” He argued.
Ever since I went into more detail about the raid on Kohaku, Niko became even more determined to keep us safe, even though he is not a bender of any type. Niko took extra precautions about everything, from who did guard duty when, and in what order everyone slept in. Sometimes it was annoying how he went on about one detail that did not fit his description of safe, and how he said that it could be our demise. At the same time, it was good to know that he cared for everyone enough to go to such lengths just for the safety of the group.
“Alright, but, please, don't over do the safety thing. You are a great warrior, Ruka knows her herbs and medicines, and I am a bender. I am pretty sure that we will be enough for anyone who we might come across.”
I went back to Ruka and grabbed a couple kids on the way.
“Ruka, you know that your brother is very stubborn about the safety issue. “I told her.
“Here, give me Jee (3) and Cano (4). And to answer your question slash statement, aren't all boys?” Ruka replied humorously.
“I'm not sure how you do it Ruka,” I looked around our campsite, “How can you keep so calm and happy about everything when our lives are tearing at the seams? You always are able to manage a smile and make everything seem so happy, when in reality it's not.”
“I'm not sure how I do it Rain,” she replied honestly, “I think it just has to do with the fact that I'm a natural born optimistic, or maybe it's because I've lived with Mr. Grumpy This Campsite Is Too Open And We'll All Die all my life.”
I let a laugh find it's way out of my mouth, and some of the kids that were awake enough to hear it started giggling, which then woke everybody else up. The kids' laughter seemed contagious as all the kids were giggling for some unknown reason.
“Well, now that everyone is up, let's go relieve Mr. Grumpy The Camp Ite Oo Pen And Will Ball Pie.” Leak (5) exclaimed, after he stopped giggling.
“Huh?” Ruka asked
“He means Niko.” I told her. “Well, come on everybody, let's head out.”
And head out we did. We walked for about two or three hours before we took a break.
“Ugh, Niko, I though you said that we would be there in a few hours.” Ruka cried.
“Well, sorry, but maybe if someone would have listened to me probably, you would have known that I said one hour if we ran insanely fast.” Niko answered, “I said ten hours at the pace that we were going last night, but you already left to go wake everybody up.”
“Well… well… humph” Ruka turned on her heel and went over the cheek up on Trini, who complained of a tummy ache early on. If one thing was for sure, Ruka knew how to make someone feel good, inside and outside. She was like the glue holding all of us together, so we don't get too mad at each other.
“I'm going to go scout ahead,” I announced, “Just to check for anything that might get I our way, feel for my report through the vibes(6).”
Niko and Ruka just nodded, but one of the little girls, Pilina (7), grabbed onto my ankle and started crying.
“Please don't go Rain!!” She cried, “ You'll get caught!!”
“Pilina, I won't get caught” I reassured her, “No one could catch me.”
“But this is different,” Her voice becoming hysterical, “It's gonna be a big trap, and bending won't help you at all!!”
This was becoming to much for the others, they all started crying, and ran up to hug me, begging me not to go. The noise that they were making was going to alert any body in the surrounding area. That was risking us all being caught.
“Shhh” Ruka tried to soothes the crying kids, “Rain will not be caught, she is just scouting, and will be keeping in touch through the vibes, and will be back in ten minutes, alright.”
Like magic washed over them, the kids stopped crying and nodded, showing that it was okay with them. Pilina was still holding onto my leg, not giving up at all.
“But your gonna get caught by a big trap, and you won't be able to-” Niko clapped his hand over her mouth.
“Do you want to risk all of us being caught” he asked her harshly. Pilina shook her head “Okay, then let go of Rain's leg, stop crying, and come sit with the others while Rain goes scouting.”
Pilina let go of my leg, as her tiny spirit crumbled. Ruka gathered her up in her arms and sent a glare to Niko, as his face still held stone indifference. I could not believe him, crushing the girl's sprit like that, and having the nerve to look me in the eye.
“Send in reports ever 100 meters, short and simple.” He told, no scratch that, ordered me.
I didn't dignify him with an answer, but with a glare. His stone expression didn't change one bit. I stormed out of there, headed northeast. I was lost to the world after that. My body kept walking, but my mind was a total mess. My thoughts were everywhere, from Niko's stone indifference to my brother's carefree smiles. Little did I realize, but I had started to cry.
“Well, well, well.” Came a grizzly voice from behind me, “Look what we have here.”
My body froze, I turned around, but was unable to see anything.
“Looks to me like that earth bending girls that escaped from Kohaku.” Came another voice, this one from my right side though. I spun around again, but still couldn't find the owners of the voices.
“She fell right into our trap, didn't she.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Niko: shoulder length Jet-black hair, kept back with a white piece of clothes around his head. He is 13 years old and 5'7”.
Ruka: Also has shoulder length jet-black hair, but it is kept loose. 13 years old and 5'7