Fan Fiction ❯ Reflection ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2

Ohime stared, shocked, at the dragon. He had a slight grin on his face and his sunglasses darkened his eyes. He seemed amused at catching the girl spying on him and was fighting to control his laughter. Ohime jumped up with a yelp and dove over the bush. 'Oh no, he found us,' she thought frantically, 'He's going to eat us. What do I do?'

The dragon stood up and put his hands on his hips. He tried his best to fight it, but he just couldn't control it any longer. So, he began to laugh, uncontrollably. "I have.." he said, trying to catch his breath, "never seen anyone act like that before!"

'He's laughing at me?' Ohime though, still huddled behind the bush. 'He's going to eat me and he thinks it's funny. What do I do? Run, that might be a good idea.' Before she had time to act, Ani flew up and met the dragon face to face.

"What do you....!"

"You must've been the one doing all the yelling," he said, interrupting her. "Pretty big mouth for such a small pixie."

"I am not a pixie! I'm a fairy, can't you tell the difference?!"

"They all look the same to me," he said as he casually raised his hand and smacked Ani into a tree.

Ohime stood up and yelled, "Hey, leave her alone!"

"She got brave," he mumbled, now amused with the situation.

"What did she do to you?" Ohime continued, watching Ani slide down the tree. "She's just a little pixie."

'She's in good with the pixie.' he thought, ignoring her shouting. 'I'll have to fix that.' Then he turned and faced her.

"I'm not afraid of you, dragon," Ohime yelled, picking up a tree branch and pointing it at him. There was a bit of panic in her voice, but her expression showed that she was willing to fight. Undaunted by her threats, he grinned and walked towards her. She closed her eyes tight and cried, "Oh my god, don't eat me!"

He stopped in front of her and looked at her and smiled. His glasses slid down his nose, but his eyes were closed. "Who told you I would eat you?"

"Um, Ani did." she said, slowly opening her eyes. She was met with a friendly face that made her feel a bit at ease.

"Don't worry, I only eat people I don't like."

"You really eat people? I thought Ani was just saying that."

"Yea, but I don't like to make a habit of it. What made you change your mind?"

"I saw your fangs when you were laughing at me." She paused, then asked, "Isn't that disgusting?"

"What?" He chuckled.

"Eating people."

"It's just like eating any other meat."

Ohime made a face and opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off. "There she is!" The man from before, yelled.

"Ahhhh! I thought I lost him!" Ohime hollered.

"Who are they?" The dragon asked.

"That guy there," she answered, "tried to kill me earlier. I don't know who the others are."

"He must've gotten reinforcements," he said, dryly. His eyes were open, now and he was looking at the seven men that had their swords pointed at them.

'Ani was right about the eye thing,' she thought, 'He's scary looking.'

"Is that the one that can use magic?" One of the men asked.

"Yea, that's her," The man that had chased her earlier answered.

"You moron! There's no such thing as magic!" Ohime yelled, hiding behind the dragon. She noticed he was mumbling something, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Fire blast!" The dragon yelled, his outstreached arm pointing towards them. A ball of fire came out of his open hand and hit the seven men, burning them to a crisp.

"H-How did you do that?" She asked, starring wide eyed at the smoldering spot in the woods.

"It was magic," he smiled, pushing his sunglasses up on his nose.

"Yeaaaaa," she said, amazed, "Wow, I want to learn how to do that. Hey, dragon man, are you listening to me? Teach me how to do that!"

"Dragon man." He said, laughing histerically, "That's a new one," he wiped a tear from his eye and sighed, "You're too much."

"What else am I supposed to call you?"

"You can call me Papa-sama."

"You're joking, right? Do you have a real name?"

"It's no joke. Everyone calls me Papa-sama."

"So, 'Papa-sama's' a nickname, then."


"Then what's your_real_name?" Papa-sama didn't say anything, he just stood there and continued to smile.

"Why don't I call Mr. Smiles instead." She mumbled.

"Ohime...."Ani groaned.

"Ani!" Ohime called.

"So, the pixie woke up," Papa-sama said.

"I'm not a...."
"Give it up!" He said, picking her up, by the ankle, with his thumb and forefinger.

"Put me down, you filthy dragon!"

"I'm a little hungry. You'll make a good snack," he said, opening his mouth wide, exposing his upper fangs.

"Papa-sama, stop picking on her," Ohime called.

"Ohhhh, you're no fun," he whined, letting Ani go. She flew around Ohime's head and perched herself on top of it.

"Will you teach me how you did that?" Ohime asked him.

"Ummm....... No."

"Why not?" He stood there and grinned at her. "........"

"Why were they trying to kill you?" He asked, now a little more serious.

"Why are you changing the subject?"

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll tell you want you want to know." He said, mischievously.

Ohime eyed him for a moment, then said, "He said that I was some sort of princess I told him I wasn't and then he got mad. Then he said something about magic and a mojo.... majo... maho...?"

"You didn't tell her?" He said dryly, glairing at Ani.

"I was about to until I was rudely interrupted," Ani growled between clenched teeth.

"Tell me what?" Ohime asked, looking up at the fairy on top of her head. For now, the way this argument was going seemed more interesting than trying to convince Papa-sama to teach her magic.

"It was too much for you to handle," he continued, ignoring Ohime.

"I could've handled it!" Ani yelled.

"Then why didn't you? She would've been killed if I hadn't come along...."

"She ran before I had a chance to!"

"I'm right here, you know." Ohime said, dryly.

"If you hadn't come along," Ani continued, "and smacked me into that tree, I would've taken care of it!"

Papa-sama bent down and looked Ani straight in the face. He smiled and said, in a low voice, "Pixie's don't have enough magic to get rid of seven men."

"Ani," Ohime asked before she could remind the dragon what she was, "why did you ask me to use some of my magic?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Papa-sama bellowed, pointing his finger at Ani, "Oh man, she's not from around here and you expected her to know magic? Ha, ha, ha! If she knew it, she wouldn't be buggn' me about it!" Ani was now furious. Instead of arguing, she opened her mouth and bit down, hard, on his finger. "It has rabies!" He cried, shaking his hand and throwing Ani into a bush. "And you were worried about me eating you." He cried, with his finger in his mouth.

"You asked for that one," Ohime smirked.

"Whose side are you on?"

"Hey!" Ani yelled, flying out of the bush, a leaf sticking out of her hair. "You need to...."

"Rabies! Rabies!!! Get away from me!!" Papa-sama screamed, raising his hand and smacking her to god knows where. He watched as she soared over the trees and thought, 'That fairy better stay out of my way!'

"Why do you insist on tormenting that poor fairy? You're so much bigger that she is."

"Tst, she started it."

"Kids," Ohime sighed, sitting down on a nearby log.

Papa-sama didn't say anything for a few moments. He just stood there and looked at the sky. Finally he turned towards Ohime, with a cheesy grin on his face, he said, "I bet you want to know why you're here."

Ohime sweat dropped and thought, 'This guy is impossible. Maybe I should find while he's actually on the subject. I might not get it out of him later.' "Ok, Papa-sama," she said, "tell me why I'm here."

"First of all, Ohime, you are the princess those men were looking for."

"Really? Wait, how do you know my name? I didn't tell you."

"That would be because of the pixie."

"Makes sense," she mumbled, as thoughts of Ani screaming her name entered her mind.

"On to the reason you're here. There are two types of people in Kaigi."


"It's the name given to all of the kingdoms put together. Here there are two types of people. The first type are those who live 'normal' lives. They think that they are normal because they don't use magic, but who's to say what's normal. Now, ever since the Great War they've considered themselves superior. The second type is anyone who can use any type of magic. From the simplest fortuneteller, to the most powerful being. That's not too hard to understand. These magic users are called Maho. The 'normal' people think the Maho, that's us, are evil and are trying their best to exterminate us. So the reason you are here, is to liberate the Maho from them."

"......... ...... What?!"

"You have to save the Maho."

"I got that part. What...? How am I supposed to do that?"

"First you have to learn magic, then you can save us."

"You make it sound_so_easy." Ohime thought for a moment, then said, "How am I supposed to learn magic if you won't teach it to me?"

"I'm just not that type of dragon!" He whined, turning his back to her.

'Why won't he give me a straight answer?' Ohime thought. She stood up, ready to say something.

"Great, right when I was getting to the good part," Papa-sama said. Then he turned to her and said, "Ohime, there is a man coming. His name is Nautico, he's the general of Tochi, your country."

"How do you know someone's coming?"

"I hear them."

"I don't hear anything."

"I'm a dragon, I have excellent hearing. Go with Nautico, you'll be safe and remember you are the princess."

"How will I know who he is?

"He'll be the only one riding on a horse. Don't worry, he knows who you are."

"Wait a minute...." She called. Before she could say anything else, Papa-sama ran into the woods and was out of sight. Ohime was left stand in the woods, all alone.