Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ And The Training Commences ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hi, I'm back! And due to popular demand (*cough* SeaMyth and Minerva shall kill me if I do not update) I shall continue this story until I get MAJOR writer's block. First, I would like to introduce you to Jo.

Jo: *looks up from big dictionary* Yo.

Feith: Jo is the artist behind the beautiful style of writing.

Jo: I.O.W. I'm the brains behind the operation.


Darkness and fog covered all life on Sunday night. A thief moved silently and swiftly through it all thanking all of the supernatural beings in charge of luck and invisibility. Stopping at the locked door of a jewelry shop, the thief swung her braid over her shoulder to pull out a hair pin. She then worked on picking the lock. The door swinging open on silent hinges, the thief crept into the shop. A security guard walked slowly through the shop. He flashed his light on the casing for four blood rubies, the pride of the business. The thief snuck into the room behind the security guard. The next time the guard flashed his light on the casing, it was broken and the rubies were missing. Walking away in the fog, the thief thought to herself, This is way too easy.


The next day, as Seyr and her adopted father ate breakfast, the phone rang. Seyr motioned her father that she would get it. "Hello?" she answered. "Yes, he's awake... Well, we were just starting to eat breakfast; is this important?... Yes?... Okay, I'll get him." Turning to her father, Seyr said, "It's for you, Dad; they say that the blood rubies of the local jewelry shop have been stolen."

Jumping out of his chair, Seyr's father took the phone out of her hand, "Is it true?... Dammit, that means we'll have to work overtime... No, I don't want to bring her in on this case; Sair's got more stuff to worry about... Look, I'll be over there as soon as I finish breakfast; is that alright?... Okay, then good-bye." He slammed the phone down, "Sair, I'm sorry; I won't be able to make your gymnastics meet tonight. The blood rubies have been stolen and they need me to investigate. They also wanted to bring you in, but I was firm on that one. I don't want you to worry about more then you have to because then you'll probably not get high enough grades and I'll have to withdraw you from the gymnastics team."

Seyr practically choked on her muffin. What if they figure out that it was me who stole the rubies? Instead of confessing to her crimes, she smiled and replied, "That's okay, Dad. I know Yako will fill you in on all of the great stunts I did during the meet, so it'll be like you actually were there. I'll try my best to stay as far away from this case as possible, so I won't worry too much about it." Just then before her father could ask anymore questions, Yako knocked on the back door. "That's Yako; gotta go, Dad; bye!" Running out the door, Seyr walked to school with Yako.

The days passed with their usual sluggish hours and minutes. During P.E. everyday, Seyr got bored and started to carve a sword out of a block of steel. By the end of the week, she had finished the sword fully and completely with the blood rubies inserted in its hilt. That Saturday, she visited Raud to give him his sword. He swung it around and tested it on various objects. When he had finished testing it, he commented, "Not bad, so all that's left is for you to transform Deathsong and come with me silently. But, before we begin the training, I would like to ask if there's a way for you to make this sword more transportable."

Seyr simply replied, "It's your sword, the only thing I can do with it is to make it into a knife that can transform back into a sword."

"Well, then do that!" Raud began to get a little annoyed with Seyr.

"After you start the training," replied Seyr a little too cheerfully.

"Okay, then let's commence as Yako would say. The only way to get better at running is to do more of it," explained Raud, relaxing again.

"I'm not interested in speed; I'm interested in agility," retorted Seyr. She was enjoying the fact that she was annoying Raud even if it was just a little bit.

"Then practice agility at your topmost speed, and continue to do so until you get to the speed you wish!" Raud reacted perfectly; he was a perfect target for the torture we like to call annoyance.

"What? No weights, no special training techniques, no nothing? Just loads of practice? What do you call that sort of training?" Seyr was unusually urprised at this; she had done that all of her life. Why wasn't she as fast as him?

"Self-discipline." That was too easy of an answer. Of course it was going to be self-something-or-another; you don't need a coach for stuff like that.

"Look, you said that you would train me, I don't think self-whatever counts as training, Raud. How did you begin to be so fast?" Seyr tried to dig in deeper into finding out how he did it.

"Self-discipline; maybe combined with a little bit of weight lifting," was the only answer she got out of Raud. Dammit, he's being deliberately elusive on the subject. Well, one way or another I'm going to get the answer out of him.

"Then, oversee my practicing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong." Seyr began to go through her gymnastics warm-ups really quickly. Working up to her top speed, Seyr practiced her agility with Raud overseeing her technique. Suddenly, he put some weight on her arms and legs and told her to continue to get up to top speed. She did so, and by the end of the day, she was the same speed with the weights that she was at without them getting started.


Feith: Heheheheheh. That's an idea I got from Dragonball or perhaps Samurai Jack. I dunno which, but there's my inspiration. I get my inspiration from all sorts of places. I even get it from my everyday life. Anyways, On to the next chapter!

Jo: Questions for the readers to answer: Who is Raud based upon? He is based on someone. Your choices are the male characters from Inu-yasha and Yu Yu Hakusho.