Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ And the army arrives ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hello, Super Super Holy Mango, the original artist, said that I couldn't make Seyr any faster than Raud. *bawls* *regains composure* So, I decided to make her more agile than Raud. As long as she's jumping and leaping, she'll beat Raud in a race. Heheheheheheheh.

Jo: Yo! Disclaimers are completely unnecessary because this entire story belongs to Feith here


Days passed by in their usual manner, and the prospect of facing an entire demon army became clearer and clearer. Seyr eventually got so fast that Raud started to join her in the training just so that she wouldn't get faster than him. Finally, the last day of school came, and Seyr, Yako, and Raud graduated with honors (Raud got by with tests on everything). The night of the last day of school, Seyr left her gymnastics team, and her father found an envelope with the amount of money that the blood rubies were worth in the broken casing. Seyr and Yako also broke up. After dinner, Seyr walked over to Raud's house to transform his sword into a knife that can transform back and forth. He greeted her with his usual enthusiasm, and afterwards they star gazed together without any cares in the world.

"So, you don't remember ever being a demon, do you?" asked Raud interrupting the silence that had grown between them.

"I remember some things, like I think that I was once married to a human who somehow got into the demon world," replied Seyr. "I also remember King Nomedo, my biological father, but other than that, no, I don't remember anything about my past other than the basic info that comes with being a demon."

Confused by the phrasing of that statement, Raud inquired, "Basic info?"

"It's kinda hard to explain, but it's something like that feeling you get whenever you star gaze and it feels like you're not looking at stars, but at spirits trying to get to the world of the dead, and the portal is the moon."

Propping up on one elbow, Raud looked at Seyr inquisitively; a question seemed to form on lips, but before he could ask it, Yako appeared between them. "Umm, you're not going to like this, Seyr, but the army that you spotted has just arrived outside the town."

Jumping up, Seyr cursed at the world in general and ran towards the outskirts of Middleston. Yako sighed, "You better follow Seyr, Raud; she's probably gonna need some help."

Raud glared at him, "Then, why aren't you helping?"

Yako laughed, "I am, but I'm a background fighter. I guess you can say that I'm just someone you keep around because it makes your job easier. I support the side I like and I weaken the side I don't like. Now, why don't you just go ahead and help out Seyr? I don't know if she's ready to take on a demon army by herself." With that said, Yako ran off and started to prepare for his little bit of the battle.

Raud growled, "Man, Seyr, I thought you would be different form all of the other girls, but no, you're just like them; a nuisance that expects me to save the day and you. King Nomedo, I hope you really want her back because I'm going to charge extra for each time that I have to save her." Still grumbling about having to save a girl who's just going to get into more trouble, Raud headed after Seyr.

When he arrived, Seyr stood and glared at the army that was approaching. Suddenly, the army stopped right before it entered the town limits. Glaring back at Seyr, the soldiers shouted as one, "Give us the half-demon child, Koye!"

With an evil grin, Seyr replied, "I don't think I want to."

A commander shouted in reply, "Then die, you obstinate fool!"

Turning to Raud, Seyr held out a sweetroll. "Don't worry; it'll just help out if you plan on helping." Then, she yanked off her left earring and tossed it in the air. In a tongue unrecognizable to anyone except those of the demon race known by the name of the Crafters, Seyr chanted a chant that means in the most basic terms:

Shapeshifter's glory,

Shapeshifting pride,

It's my enemy or me

And I'm not going to hide.

A silence grew between the opposing sides. Suddenly, herbs, dried and crushed into such tiny pieces that they were unnoticeable to anyone who wasn't looking for them, flew through the air carried by a strange wind. As though on cue, Seyr shouted "Sword!" and caught Deathsong by the hilt. She then charged into the massive hoard of demons that many would call an army, slicing all who stood in her way. Finally realizing that the attack had begun, the demons fought back as well as they could. Seyr simply continued to fight as though she was only taking on a small group of enemies, slicing this one here, stabbing another there. Raud paused long enough to see exactly what she was doing before he started his portion of the fight. Raud's attack was slightly more brutal; he would just slice as many as he could in one stroke, but it helped Seyr.


Feith: Yo! I'm too lazy to make up the language of the Crafters so I just made a short poem in English and said that that was what the language translated to. There's one way that I get out of thinking about stuff that doesn't include my obsessions. Another YYH reference in this chapter: Yako has a good knowledge of herbs, but I made him mine by giving him wind powers instead of plant powers. Umm, I would like to say here and now that Seyr is not based on any specific character. I say this `cuz SeaMyth once asked me if Seyr was based on Shizuru. I like Shizuru and all, but I like Seyr better. She's a lot more random.

Jo: If it wasn't for the fact that you're too lazy to handwrite the entire thing, it wouldn't even be posted on MediaMiner right now. Special Thanx to Minerva and "Fe" who reviewed this story. Also, Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop is now officially up, so go read that and review it. It's probably the only fanfic that you'll see from Feith.