Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ Seyr's Past ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: I would like to dedicate this to Kurama. I know that he's a fictional character, but still, this is my fanfic for you!

Jo: I guess a disclaimer would probably be appropriate here. Feith!

Feith: I don't own YYH or Inu-Yasha or SHeDAISY or…*Lists EVERYTHING she doesn't own*

Everyone in room: *sweatdrop*


"Once upon a time, in a land of which no one has ever heard (except for maybe in fairy tales), there lived a princess. Now, this princess was no ordinary princess. Whereas most princesses sat around and embroidered tapestries and other such items, this princess took more pleasure in challenging the guards to fights and learning martial arts. She also took much pleasure in torturing her father with the amount of disgrace she brought the royal family by acting in this manner. Eventually, her father got so fed up with her that he named her his heir and had her learn politics and all of the things that kings must know. This only made problems worse, for not only did the princess challenge the guards to fights, but she also told her father everything that he did wrong when ruling this land.

"One day, the princess heard her father holding a trial for a thief. Knowing that this was another chance to embarrass her father in front of his people, she raced to the trial and demanded that the thief be set free. When her father said that there was no way he would let such a criminal roam free, the princess promised him that she would make sure that he would change and never steal again. She made him seem like a pitiful creature.

"Eventually, her father agreed to allow this thief to be pardonned for his crimes as long as he remained her bodyguard. So, the princess and the thief got to know one another pretty quickly."

Raud interrupted saying, "Let me guess, the princess and the thief fell in love and wished to get married. Unfortunately, the king would hear of no such thing, so they ran away and had a kid."

Yako was surprised by this remark, but he shook his head and replied, "You only got that four fifths right; the princess and the thief never had any kids. Now, will you let me continue?"

Koye nodded; he was really enjoying this story. He had always liked Yako's stories, but by far, this one was the best.

Yako sighed again and resumed, "Like Raud said, the princess and the thief fell in love and wished to get married. Unfortunately, the king would hear of no such thing. So, they ran away with hopes of convincing the king otherwise. Although the thief still remained the princess's bodyguard, he did return to his life of crime; this time he had a partner, the princess. They were by far the best thieves to ever walk that kingdom; they never got caught, and they always got away with whatever they stole. The princess was pretty good at the whole stealth thing, but the thief was better at picking locks and stuff like that.

"Anyways, that's not the point of this story. As in all stories, the thieves eventually got caught, but not for the items that they stole, but for the disappearance of the princess. Well, actually, only the princess got caught. The thief managed to escape the guards. She was then married off to a man named Lifo as punishment for all of the crimes that she had helped the thief commit. This particular punishment was suggested by the king's chief advisor. Why he suggested it, I don't know; you'll have to ask Seyr that one.

"So, the princess was married off to Lifo, and they had a child. After that, the story is Seyr's."

Koye jumped up, "That was a really great story, Yako. I knew that you were always holding out on the really good stories."

Yako, surprised, replied, "Well, actually, this story is true. You are the child born at the end of the story. Seyr is the princess. The king is named King Nomedo. The advisor is Nemo, and I am the thief. I could tell you some more stories if you so desire."

"Yes, I would love to hear more of your stories, Yako!"


Feith: Tons of YYH references here. Well, actually, here they are. Yes, Yako is a fox demon. Yes, Yako was a thief. Yes, Yako was really good at picking locks and stuff. If you've got any more questions, please post them in your reviews.

Jo: Which gives you another excuse to review.