Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ The adventure begins ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hello, I'm back and will stay back. I would like to state here that there will be NO, and I do mean no as in zero, zip, natta, lemons in this fic. If you wish for some, then make them up yourself, but don't E-mail/send them to me in any way shape or form. In fact, just so you know, I plan on ending this entire story before Seyr and Raud get married to whomever they get married to. Also for those of you who have seen this fic in its original form via E-mail, we are now on chapter three: Rematches and Curses. Yes, SSHM, Seyr does have a curse and it was planned from the very beginning. Please R&R. Thank you.


The next day, Seyr knocked on Koye's door. Koye's adopted mother answered the door. Seyr smiled and asked, "Is Koye home?"

"Yes, he is, Seyr," replied Koye's mom.

"Well, may I see him alone for a couple of minutes?" asked Seyr wishing that it was Koye who had answered the door instead of his mom.

"Alright, but I was actually wondering if you could baby-sit Koye for most of this week," she responded.

"I'm sorry, but Dad said that I could go on a camping trip with Yako and Raud this summer," replied Seyr praying to God that she would get to talk to Koye soon. Hearing this, Koye's mom decided that Seyr had only come to say good-bye to Koye. So, she went ahead and searched for him. Once Koye answered the door to talk to Seyr, Seyr pulled him out of the doorway and into the forest. She whispered urgently in his ear, "Koye, you cannot tell anyone that I am the heir to the demon throne, alright?" Koye silently nodded and pulled his fingers across his lips as though he was zipping them. Seyr relaxed, "Okay, Yako, Raud, and I are planning on visiting Sluknuk and talking King Nomedo into letting me continue my quest to regain my powers. As far as you know, we're only going on a long camping trip together, got that?" Again, Koye nodded his understanding. "Thanks, Koye. You are the best child any parent could ask for. I think you already know enough not to go and tell the world that I'm your biological mother, so I think that's it. Bye!" Seyr waved good-bye and walked off in the direction of the old haunted house.

When she arrived, Seyr decided that this was as good a time as any to challenge Raud to a rematch. So, knocking on the door, Seyr planned on a way to challenge Raud to his rematch. As he opened the door, Seyr took off her black, fingerless glove and threw it into Raud's face. Catching the glove, Raud deciphered the meaning of this eerie discourtesy as a challenge to his fighting ability. Shrugging, Raud followed Seyr into the backyard to accept her challenge. Once he entered the area, Seyr proclaimed, "Ahh, so you have decided to accept my challenge" in a horrible French accent. She was leaning against the trunk of a dead tree, nonchalantly checking her nails and adjusting their length with Deathsong. Raud raised one eyebrow and replied, "Let's just get it over with, Seyr."

With the official greetings and acceptances over with, Seyr dashed straight at Raud with the intent of spearing him through with her sword. Raud easily dodged to the right of the blade, but ended up getting a nasty slice across the abdomen, and aimed an elbow at the back of Seyr's neck. Seyr swiftly adjusted her head to dodge the attack, but failed to do so fast enough. Quickly, Seyr tossed Deathsong to her left hand and flipped using her right for support. Jumping against the side of the house, Seyr charged at Raud again, this time adjusting her attack to the left at the last minute. She would have struck a direct hit, but Raud unsheathed Darkdance (A/N: his weapon that Seyr made for him) and blocked her attack. Muscles straining against the other's force, the two locked swords for a second before Seyr pulled her sword away causing Raud to momentarily lose his balance and gain another scratch on his arm. While he was preoccupied with regaining his balance, Seyr changed Deathsong to a bow, thus changing her belt charm into a quiver full of arrows, and shot an arrow at Raud. Raud simply turned around and sliced the arrow in half. Gaping, Seyr transformed Deathsong back into a sword and charged once again straight at Raud. This time not only did Seyr adjust her stack at the last minute, but she also turned on her ultimate stealth. This confused Raud and therefore, Seyr struck a direct hit. Unfortunately, she didn't kill Raud, but knocked him unconscious.


Raud eventually regained consciousness in what he identified as the haunted house's living room. Seyr walked into the room carrying bandages and ointments for his wounds. Standing there, Seyr set down the medical equipment and proceeded to explain to Raud what she was about to accomplish, which was to get him all healed up. Pretending to consider it for a moment, Raud shook his head.

"Please, I won't be able to live with myself if I didn't do it," Seyr begged.

"No, I don't need your help or anyone else's for that matter," Raud snapped.

Seyr decided on a different approach. "I, the heir to the throne of Sluknuk, order you to allow me to heal you."

"I only obey the actual ruler of Sluknuk."

"Well, then you'll have to escape my wrath!" With that, Seyr chased Raud around the house carrying the bandages. Eventually, she caught him and while sitting on top of him, bandaged up Raud.

Raud, not liking the sudden gain in weight, shouted, "Get off me, Seyr!"


Feith: Alright, that's the end of the chapter for now. The last little bit was for you SSHM. I hope you enjoyed the latest edition of SP. Now, go out and review you wonderful little readers, you. Review and I shall update!