Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Reflections ❯ Shoe Express ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I've been snooping around for a beta-reader for over a week, which is why I haven't been able to update, but I haven't found anyone! This is an advertisement for anyone who has the ability and time to help me beta this story. Please leave your e-mail address in a review and I will contact you a.s.a.p. Or, If you don't wish to leave your e-mail address, please contact me at: I need to find a beta-reader desperately and soon; someone who will be my evil consort and helpful muse :-) If you think you are up for it, let me know!

marcus aure1ius: Thanks. Like I said to TJ further down, this is not going to be a hero-worshipping story, though it's hard because (let's face it) Tolkien had Mary-Sues in his works in the form of Elves. I'm glad you approve of my writing style :-) it's hard to find a balance when writing from the view points of two different worlds.s

buffylover: Thank you!

Yes, it's good! Thanks for taking the time out to review, and I promise not to stop writing ;-)

AnathTheGODDESS: Thank you for your review and your suggestions, I am currently looking for a beta-reader and hope to find one soon!

BuffyAndDracoLover: I take you love Buffy and Draco? lol, thanks so much for reviewing!

Mrs. Pointy: Thanks for reviewing, I hope you like this chapter as well!

Renna: Thank you so much for your great reviews! They're very uplifting to read :-)

rcaqua: Buffy's reaction to Galadriel will be coming soon, but I'd like to develop more interaction between her 'travelling' group. I hope you continue to read and enjoy this story. Thanks for reviewing.

Anonymous: Thank you! I hope it stays good lol.

Lisette: Thanks so much for your review! About your first nitpick... I realise that Legolas felt the call of the sea before as I have read the books. However, I used some creative license and changed it for this story... So do I have a reason for not allowing Legolas to feel the call of the sea :-) And the second nitpick... ::bigger grin:: I completely agree with you! I do tend to use commas a lot and I'm not sure why... It's probably another reason why I need a good beta. Can you recommend anyone to me? Thanks again for your review, I'm glad to see that you're enjoying this so far.

lucky Ann: Hi! Don't worry, the Elves will see 'Lady Buf-ii' as she truly is and their reaction will be worthwhile. Hope you like this chapter and thank you for reviewing!

Myri78: It might be Legolas... It might not. There is romance in this story, but it won't be at the very forefront. Thanks for reviewing.

Silme Greenleaf: Why don't you like Buffy? I do agree that towards the last season she started to grate on my nerves a little, but I am glad you are enjoying this so far. Thank you for reviewing!

Q: Thanks, I'm glad you acknowledged the fast updates! It takes a lot of work to get the chapters out this fast, it's nice to know people appreciate the time and effort authors make. Thanks for reviewing.

Discord: I'm sorry I made you sad! ::grin:: but that was the whole point. And you're right, the Elves will want to stick around and figure Buffy out... She's a pretty blonde-haired puzzle. Thanks for the review.

fan: I'm glad you like the Buf-ii pronunciation! I find it incredibly cute. I'm keeping the pairing obscure at the moment but we will see Legolas/Buffy interaction. Thank you for reviewing!

onlimain: Thanks for reviewing. Character interaction and development is important to me; stick around, I think you'll enjoy where this is going.

NoLifeKing: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my writing style; I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.

TJ: I find your train of thought strange. You reviewed chapter three, and there was no problem. But then you reviewed chapter two after and made some comments which, although I find plausible, they just don't reflect my story. Yes, I made Buffy feel 'inferior' to them and I don't find it ridiculous that I did. In fact, I find it in keeping with the direction of this story! Wouldn't you feel inferior (physically) to the beauty of Elves? They're supposed to possess a beauty and inner light that is on another plane from what 'mortals' are. And I'm just expressing this from Buffy's point of view. I won't always have her react so strongly to them... Because the more she's around them, the more she will adjust and get to know them and trust me, I won't be spending the entire story glorifying them.

I'm not saying that Elves don't have flaws as people; of course they have flaws in their characteristics! I'm not ignorant to The Silmarillion and I know what happened with Fëanor and the Silmarils and the whole bloody Kinslaying mess. Tolkien wrote all of that for a reason, to show that Elves were not as perfect as they thought they were, but they have learnt a valuable lesson and Kinslaying is the ultimate crime for an Elf. In this story, Buffy is going to find this out as the plot develops. She is going to learn that even Elves have flaws. Because let's face it, we're still only at chapter three and there's a lot more she has to learn about Middle-earth, don't you agree? I'm emphasising their beauty for a reason but there is no way that I'm going to turn this into a gaga-worshipping Elves story, as you put it. And I won't be following LACE (laws&customs) because personally, I don't agree with that aspect of Tolkien's work. Thanks for the review.




Shattered Reflection

Chapter Four:

Shoe Express.




Previo usly...

They had seen her unwanted tears glisten against the setting sun and it had moved them beyond words. The tears were not of self-pity, but a deep echoing grief that lingered all too clearly for them to feel. That action alone–her tears, were enough for the Elves to be convinced that she was a mortal who's soul had been deeply bruised–by what, they did not know and perhaps they could possibly never fathom the great injustice she had suffered. However, they still wished to know.

As they spied her sleeping form, the five Elves and one lone Dwarf turned to Legolas and Haldir for answers to their endless questions, lest they would burst at the seams from being so uninformed.




Dawn came upon them swiftly and before Buffy could register her surroundings, she was offered a light breakfast that consisted of various fruits, nuts and Elvish bread. She couldn't remember the name of the bread, though she was certain that it sounded very much like one of the Elves' names... Lemdar? Legmas? Legbas? She was getting close but promptly decided to forgo the game of 'Name the Elf' in order to eat the overly healthy breakfast that had been provided for her.

She did not notice how the group around her were quietly contemplating her sudden arrival into their fold. The previous night, they had been given the barest details of her appearance by the Lórien March Warden and the Elvish Prince. But apart from that, many of their questions remained unanswered as no variable information would pass from Haldir and Legolas' noble lips. It would seem that they were waiting for the Lady's counsel.

"May I tend to your hands once more, Buf-ii? The bandages will need to be replaced."

She jerked suddenly. With a startled expression, her eyes came to rest upon the Elf that had found her the day before. "Uh–sure... Lembas?"

He smiled at her attempt to remember his name. "I am Legolas. Lembas is the name of the Elvish waybread you were given."

She almost blushed as the others of the group chuckled at her expense. "Right, Legolas," she nodded to herself as she muttered his name under her breath several times, much to his growing amusement.

Without preamble, she offered the tall Elf her hands as he crouched before her. She did not bother to look down at the damage as she already knew what the state of her bandaged knuckles would be.

Legolas unwrapped the gauze swiftly and proficiently but froze as her hands were revealed to his deep blue eyes. He glanced up sharply, staring at the woman in front of him with uncertainty and doubt. Refusing to draw the attention of the others Elves and his Dwarf-friend, he lowered his head and voice to speak, "Your hands are healed... How can this be?"

Buffy frowned as she pulled her fingers away from his grasp. She shrugged casually at the concern upon his face. "I must be a fast healer."

His eyebrow rose thoughtfully, "Indeed... Particularly fast for a mortal, wouldn't you say?"

"What are you suggesting?" Her eyes narrowed at the dangerously soft tone of his voice.

Legolas finally held up his hands in defeat, "I do not suggest anything at all, my lady. I am merely... Surprised to see one of the Second-born heal so quickly."

"It was just a few scratches," Buffy reasoned, "The oil you used probably speeded up the healing process."

She didn't know why she was making excuses for herself... But the truth was that she did not wish for this creature of light to know about the shadows of her past. A past that hung around her neck like a bloodied albatross.

Buffy wanted to feel unburdened by her previous life and forget the pain that accompanied the thoughts of her friends and life back in Sunnydale. There was nothing she could do. She was stuck here in this unknown place, a place where fairy-tales were made real and where Dwarves and Elves existed; she wondered what other creatures lived in this world... However, she was ultimately stranded and not one of her friends knew that their spell had worked and that she was alive–even if she was in another world.

One severe thought that entered her mind constantly, was about her birth-right.

She did not know if there were vampires in this strange world she had been sent to. Without vampires, demons and the forces of darkness to battle every night, her purpose in life was gone. Her destiny, her life... It all meant nothing if she could not use her unnatural abilities for the good of other people. She would just be plain old Buffy. And that frightened her.

After falling to her death, she had found a substantial measure of peace in the dimension she had been sent to in the after-life.

But it was too short-lived for her enjoy the reward... Her reward.

It was something that had been given to her and taken from her in the same instant. But in that instant, she had felt a moment of pure bliss. And now that she was torn away from it, she wanted it back. Desperately.

She craved for it–craved for the feeling of safety and peace in her mind's eye. Was it too much to ask for?

Was it so awful that she wanted to distance herself from this new world and bury herself deep within the great empty chasm that lay in her heart? It was in that particular place where she could recall the warmth and joy she had felt prior to her revival. It was in that place where she felt... Safe.

As Buffy withdrew from her surroundings, she did not realise that the Mirkwood Prince had been watching her with concern.

"Buf-ii?" Legolas' brow furrowed in thought as he gazed at the woman sitting quietly upon the moist ground. Her green eyes were glazed over, as though they were peering into a distant realm that only she could see.

Those eyes reminded him of a spiritless body–a body where the soul had fled from it's shell in the earthly sphere and all that was left in its' wake was a living corpse. He almost shuddered at her deadened eyes.

"Buf-ii?" He tried again, his breath catching in his throat as he turned her green orbs upon him. But they did not look at him. They seemed to gaze through him–through his entire being.

He held his breath, secretly noting the strange looks she was receiving from his Dwarf-friend and the other Elves.

Licking his parted lips, Legolas tried again, "Lady Buf-ii?!"

This time she blinked and focused her eyes upon his face. He almost breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Hm? I'm sorry–what?" Her wooden voice seemed oddly detached from her body, causing the Elven Prince to suppress the eerie chill that began to evade his limbs.

Legolas stood from his crouched position and gestured to the group gathered behind him, "We must leave. It will take us another two days to reach the city of Caras Galadhon and we have tarried for too long."

Buffy rose stiffly from the ground and awkwardly handed Legolas the bedroll she had slept on. He smiled encouragingly as he folded the bedroll before placing it into his pack. To her surprise, the others of the company greeted her softly before they resumed their journey towards the city, through the giant trees.

The muted looks of doubt and silent gestures between the Elves was not lost upon the attentive Slayer.




A quiet sigh fell from his parted lips as he glanced at his most trusted friend.

There was a great amount of sorrow present in his eyes, and much of it was etched deep within his hardened heart. The golden rays of the sun filtered through the gauze curtains, kissing his pale skin and silver hair as he sat upon an intricately crafted chair whilst his hand clutched at a golden chalice. The bitter resignation of his posture was not lost upon the dark-haired Elf.

The delicate scent of freshly blooming flowers permeated the air around them; jasmine, oleander, roses and orchids accentuated the faint sound of crashing water that could be heard in the stillness of the airy room. Neither Elf was willing to speak and break the silent magic that had wound its' way around their unmoving forms.

Finally, Elrond blinked and turned to his companion. "You did all you could, Glorfindel."

Silver-blue eyes turned to his dark-haired friend. He snorted softly. "But it did not save her and it was not enough to stop her from leaving," he grunted quietly.

"It has been over a decade, my friend. You must leave the past behind you," Elrond reprimanded gently.

"I loved her, you know," Glorfindel felt his lips twist into a bitter smile. "And she still left with that knowledge in her heart. She left me here... Am I a fool Elrond? Am I such a fool to have loved one so young?"

There was a poignant pause as the Lord of Imladris sincerely pondered the question. "She was young," he admitted reluctantly, "But nay, you are not a fool Glorfindel."

Glorfindel stared out of the open doors that led to Elrond's private balcony. "Then why did she leave? Why could she not wait?" The whispered words hung heavily between the pair.

"I have often thought about Celebrían's departure... I feared that I had burdened her in some way after the attack," Elrond confessed, "I feared that she did not love me as before. But then I saw the pain in her eyes and I knew that she could not remain here. I could heal the wounds of her flesh, but I could never repair the damage caused to her fëa. So... I let her go, with the hope that we would be united once more in Valinor."

"Forgive me, mellon," his friend murmured, "The same fate was bestowed upon us by the Valar and yet, you have not allowed yourself to grow as cold as the winter frost, as I have allowed myself to become."

"We deal with our tidings in different ways," Elrond shrugged gracefully, swirling his goblet of wine absently as he thought of his departed bond-mate.

"Are you eager to take the ship into the West? Do not lie to me, I can see the anticipation in your eyes," Glorfindel asked, a sly smile growing upon his hardened features.

The dark-haired Elf Lord nodded once, returning the rare smile he had been given. "My time in Middle-earth is drawing to an end. I long for peace and I long for Celebrían." The smile on his face faded as he thought of his imminent departure.

"What is it?"

Elrond gazed out of the open windows, frowning slightly. "I am wondering how I will be able to tell her..."

"About?" Glorfindel prompted.

"Arwen." The Lord of Imladris sighed heavily at the half-truth that slipped past his lips. There was more to his heavy thoughts than he would allow Glorfindel to believe. He sank back against the comfortable chair that supported him, wishing that he could shut out the world around him.

The silver-haired Elf lowered his head slightly. Suddenly, his own heartache did not seem as great as the Elven Lord that sat across from him.

Rousing himself away from his troubled thoughts, Elrond reached into his robe and forcefully pulled out a wax-sealed parchment. "Here," he silently handed the folded piece of parchment to his curious friend–the sealed letter held quite a serious subject. He drank deeply from the goblet of wine in his other hand, gauging his friend's reaction.

"'Tis a summons from Círdan?" The surprise was evident in Glorfindel's voice as he spoke, "He wishes my presence in Mithlond?"

Elrond nodded, a cloud of worry brewing within his eyes. For the first time, he spoke to his companion about the repercussion of the War.

"Under a year has passed since the War, but fell beasts still roam this land. Without a master, they are wild and unyielding; their groups are large and overwhelming. Círdan wrote to me a few weeks prior–he spoke of yrch straying into the far western lands pillaging and plundering at will. That was how it seemed... At first. Then the mortal settlements of the far west began to fear for their very souls; rumours are spreading about the disappearance of men, women and children... Particularly men. There is an evil there that does not wish to sleep, even after the fall of the Dark One."

"What would Círdan have me do?" Glorfindel asked dubiously, raising his eyebrow at the grave news he had been given.

"You would not be alone, but he wishes for you to aid him in helping the mortals discover this hidden enemy. More Elves look to the western shore everyday and if the passage into the Grey Havens is unsafe, it will be our undoing."

"I do not understand," the silver-haired Elf questioned, "The majority of the far western lands have always been free from the shadow of evil. So why now? After the fall of the Dark Lord, why would evil spread it's way into those lands when it could not reach them before?"

Elrond sighed, "Sauron feared all that lay to the uttermost west of the mountains. He did not have the power to extend his shadow upon Lindon. However, with his downfall and the chaos left from his destruction, the fell beasts and creatures have no Lord to leash them together–they run wild instead."

"That does not explain the singular disappearances of mortals from the bordering villages of Lindon."

"True," the Half-Elf agreed. "Though I assume that it is for this particular reason that Círdan's summons Imladris for aid... Will you go?"

"How could I not?"

"You never could resist a challenge," Elrond surmised dryly, shaking his head.

Glorfindel chuckled lightly, the sorrow in his eyes fading minutely at the prospect of an adventure; he had been idle for too long. "You know me too well, Peredhil–you know me far too well."




The group had been walking without rest for a few solid hours before Buffy began to feel the strain.

Walking and patrolling in comfortable shoes was one thing, but to trek through the woods in high-heeled sandals was a complete and utter nightmare. Her feet would not be forgiving her any time soon; she was certain of that.

A frown twitched at her lips as the group of Elves walked briskly through the magnificent trees.

The only two dark-haired Elves of the company were speaking to another pair of silver-haired Elves in a foreign but beautiful language. From their teasing tones and smiling expressions, she couldn't help but wonder what the topic of their conversation was. It seemed interesting but she couldn't understand the words and soon grew bored of listening to their deep lyrical voices.

Her eyes drifted down to the Dwarf walking silently beside her. Sometime during their trek she had managed to slink back to where the Dwarf was walking, much to the hidden amusement of the Elves.

They were almost to the rear of the group when Buffy had joined the interesting creature. She hesitated in speaking to the shorter man but soon found that her curiosity outweighed her apprehension.

"So... Wood or people?"

The Dwarf did not break his small stride as she posed the odd question. The other Elves found themselves growing silent at the strange woman's question. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the great deal of attention they were paying to her private conversation with the Dwarf.

Gimli soon realised that she was speaking to him and before he could answer with propriety, he cast her a quizzical glance. "I beg your pardon?"

"Your axes," she said, pointing to them. "Do you use them for chopping wood or fighting? You look like a fighter so I was just wondering..." She trailed off in embarrassment, stopping beside him as the Dwarf halted his steps and gaped at her. It was funny how she managed to put her foot in her mouth, even in this world! Giles would be proud of her, she mused.

"My axes are used as weapons, my lady," Gimli finally said, grinning at her with approval. They resumed walking, quickly catching up to the Elves that had continued on their way.

"That's–great. I always thought Dwarves were supposed to be jolly and round like the ones in Snow White, but I guess I was wrong."

It took Gimli a moment to discern her strange speech before he could respond to her comment.

He snorted, hiding his laughter. "I assure you my lady, Dwarves are far from jolly; we leave that to the Hobbits of the Shire. We, on the other hand, are made of much more sterner and stronger stuff. Though we do have a penchant for craft and mining... And jewels," he added as an after-thought.

Buffy was fascinated. She was actually walking beside a real-life Dwarf! And according to him, they didn't conform to the standard statistics of Dwarves in her world.

"Where is Snow White?"

"What's a Hobbit?"

They looked at one another silently as they spoke at the same time. Buffy suppressed the urge to smile as Gimli chuckled wryly.

"You first," she offered.

He nodded in appreciation, "Where is this Snow White you speak of? I have never heard of that realm; have you met some of my distant kin there?" The prospect of having his kin spread out far and wide over Middle-earth was comforting to him, even if they were in a faraway land, unknown to him.

Buffy paled slightly.

How would she explain Snow White to him?

It would be a disaster... But she could at least try for his sake. Somehow, she did not think that he would be too pleased to hear that Dwarves were simply a myth in her world. She wondered how the Elves would react if she told them that people from her world believed them to be short toy-makers.

As she looked ahead to glance at the subject of her thoughts, she noticed that the Elves had stopped walking and were surveying the area around the 'path' as though they were looking for a suitable place to stop. She breathed a sigh of relief.




Haldir called for them to stop and rest before they continued their journey and Buffy was glad for the distraction.

The March Warden had noticed her discomfort and was surprised that she had not complained about her aching feet. She was much more resilient than her stature would lead him to believe. Though the shoes she wore were hardly practical for walking on uneven terrain and, not for the first time, he wondered if all the women in her realm possessed such odd garments and shoes. There was much he wished to ask her, but found that he could not until the strange woman had spoken with the Lady.

Meanwhile, Buffy felt extremely relieved at Haldir's call to stop. It meant that she would have one less thing to explain to the Dwarf.

"Come Gimli, I wish to see the beauty of these fair woods, in the company of my good friend."

Gimli looked away from her as he was called upon by Legolas to explore the surrounding area with him. The Dwarf scowled at the smiling Elf before glancing at her apologetically and promising to return soon so that she could inform him about the Dwarves of Snow White. She was hoping that he would forget.

Grateful for Legolas' sudden distraction, she sank to the ground and began the arduous task of removing her sandals from her aching feet.

The remaining Elves watched her from beneath their lashes with barely concealed fascination and curiosity as she removed her footwear. Their hidden glances and smiles at one another were lost upon her as she stretched out her legs and wiggled her unrestrained toes in the cool breeze.

In the end, Elrohir could not resist the chuckle that escaped his lips.

Buffy, too enamoured in her own thoughts to realise she was being laughed at by the Elves, continued wiggling her toes and feet to relieve them of the tension and soreness that clung to her limbs.

"May I?"

She looked to her right and found that one of the dark-haired Elves was sitting beside her and pointing to her shoes. Her brow dipped, not understanding his request. "Excuse me?"

The Elf smiled broadly, "May I look at them?"

Her green eyes narrowed. She had the urge to call him weird, but soon remembered that he would not understand their meaning. Besides, the curious expression on his face was endearing and she did not have the heart to tell him no. Although she was severely... Hesitant to let him inspect her footwear.


He looked at her, tilting his head in confusion. She shook her head and rephrased her words, "You can look at them..?"

"Elrohir," he answered her silent question with a grin before reaching out for one of her shoes.

Buffy watched him closely as he lifted her sandal to his face, his grey eyes roving over the sharp contours with a thoughtful expression creasing his forehead. He fingered the small buckle with interest and tugged at the strap that would wrap around her ankle.

As he pulled the dark strap back, he released it from his fingers and found himself being smacked lightly in the face by the offending piece of leather. The other Elves chuckled as Elrohir glared at the shoe and Buffy found it hard-pressed to contain the laughter that was bubbling within the pit of her stomach. He acted like a child with a new toy!

Feeling bolder than she had been the previous day, she took the other shoe and laced the strap through the buckle, clasping it together. Elrohir had watched her with rapt attention before proceeding with the same process.

Once the task was accomplished, he glanced at her smugly as he presented her with the buckled sandal. "'Tis like a small belt!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Buffy was hardly impressed by his antics. "Well done," she commented dryly.

The Elf almost seemed to pout at her lack of enthusiasm. "Do all the people of your land wear such tall and open shoes?" Elrohir asked finally.

She bit her lip, allowing herself to see the mental image of Giles and Xander wearing sandals. Coughing back a laugh, she shook her head. "No, only the women."

"It looks painful," the other dark-haired Elf commented thoughtfully as all the Elves looked at the reddened soles of her feet.

Buffy curled her toes in the soft grass to avoid their scrutiny. "Yes they are, the shoes are not made for continuous walking; they're mostly worn for show. It's kind of a... Luxury." She was unsure of how she could inform them about women's fashion. That was a task that she was not ready for.

Elrohir frowned. "Why do you wear them? You must have travelled to Lothlórien on foot and yet you say that they are not for walking?"

The suspicious tone of his voice alerted her to the immense faux-pas she had created. "Well," she stammered, "They give me height. I'm not exactly the world's tallest person," she finished lamely.

As though her words suddenly made sense, he nodded, "Ah, I see. You are one of the shortest mortals I have ever come across."

"I'm not that short," Buffy huffed indignantly.

"I think you are," one of the silver-haired Elves spoke up teasingly; Orophin.

Buffy looked at him icily, "At least I don't have your strange names."

The Elves gaped at her, clearly horrified by her suggestion.

"On the contrary," Elladan defended, "It is you that has a strange name, my lady; not us."

She snorted and looked away, promptly ending the sudden battle of words that had broken out amongst the Elves and herself.

"What is all this commotion?" Legolas wondered quietly as he stepped out from behind one of the trees, with Gimli trailing behind him.

"Ask them," Buffy grumbled quietly to herself, "They're the ones who called me short. It's not my fault that all you Elves are so tall; you might as well be walking trees."

Legolas and Gimli shot each other amused glances.

The company of Elves held back their laughter, some shaking their head and others looking clearly offended, though the glimmer in their eyes betrayed them. The strange woman clearly had a clever wit about her that they could not place. She was rather outspoken and from this exchange with her, they were slowly beginning to accept that the tiny mortal woman posed no threat to them.

However, a single thought still troubled the lone Dwarf of the group. He looked at the small woman solemnly, "My lady, you still have not informed me about the location of Snow White."

Buffy softly swore to herself.




The harbour was a vision of serene beauty as the sun slowly began to set beyond the horizon.

Círdan, the Shipwright, smiled to himself as he breathed in the salty sea breeze. Soon he would leave this realm for the Undying Lands–but his time had not yet come. There was much he had to contemplate before the last ship sailed into the West; much he had to do. His expression grew troubled as his eyes scanned the expanse of the Gulf.

The shadow of Sauron had faded only to be replaced by his minions. There was still a great deal of evil that lurked within the land of Middle-earth, and much of it had found its' way west.

He sincerely hoped that the Lord of Imladris would heed his words; he could not, in good conscience, sail into the West and leave his lands in the hands of Sauron's marauding fell beasts. Something had to be done about the random attacks upon the mortal settlements that lay at the base of southern Ered Luin.

He refused to surrender his realm into their evil hands.

But he knew that his refusal would come with a heavy price.





Yrch – Orcs

Peredhil – "Half-Elven"

Mithlond – "The Grey Havens"

Ered Luin – "The Blue Mountains"

Added Notes: Don't even get me started on Snow White ;-) More of that will be on it's way...

I took artistic licence in various parts of this chapter, i.e. the shadow of Sauron in the far west, the mortal settlements at the base of Ered Luin.

Also, from Tolkien's writing you can't specifically deduce the individual personalities of the Elves, so I added my own interpretation of them. I like my Elves to be mischievous and filled with humour, e.g. Elladan, Elrohir, Orophin and Rúmil. But I also like serious and thoughtful Elves, e.g. Legolas, Haldir and Tathar. In the next chapter, the plot kicks in and Buffy meets an even brighter 'walking light-bulb'... In the form of Lady Galadriel.

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