Fan Fiction ❯ Sleep well, Xianghua ❯ Kilik revealed ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No matter how much Kilik opened back up to me, I could still sense some guilt within his soul. I was afraid to say something, for it was none of my business but I felt like he was holding something from me. There would be these unexplainable periods where he would laugh along with me, then stop and hang his head, then there would be some periods where he wouldn't laugh at all. I was worried.

All of a sudden, as I was thinking of it, he stopped in his place and began screaming vengefully, slamming his Kali-Yuga to the ground.

"Kilik!" I cried helplessly as he relentlessly drove the rod to the ground and whipping the air with his penetrating yells for revenge.

"Kilik, stop!"

I wanted badly to stand in his way but the way he was whipping the rod got me thinking twice.

His sudden change in attitude scared me. Seconds ago he was laughing, now he was screaming revenge.

Not reconsidering, I held up my No Name and bounced off the Kali-Yuga, countering his attack. The rod fell out of his hands and to the ground. He took no notice and got to his knees, pounding the sand with a loud yell.

I was officially scared. I tossed down my weapon and got down behind him, only to put my arms around him and tell him to stop.

When I finally got him to calm down to a minor growl, I laid my head on his shoulder with tears escaping my eyes.

"Don't scare me like that again!" I said.

He rose and collected the rod.

"I thought you were possessed or something!"
"You're not far off, Xianghua," he said, not looking at me as he began to walk off, hatred still in his soul.

"I haven't been completely honest with you and I'm sorry."

He couldn't bear to look at me in the eyes.

"Not honest?"

He shook his head. "No. After our last encounter last year, I went back to my temple, the Ling-Sheng Su, only to come back to a feast. It was wonderful…we partied, drank, broke a few rules, but me nor anyone else in my temple were ready to face what we got given to us. I was in the middle of telling them about the Soul Edge when there was a mysterious bright light above us. I blacked out for what seemed like an eternity. When I came to, I learned that that mysterious light was the Soul Edge fragments doing and it caused everyone in the temple to go on a killing frenzy so to say. I was no exception, regardless what kind of person I was. I outmatched everyone's strength in the village by far and murdered all my people, friends, and even Xianglian, who was like an older sister to me!"

During my gasp, he held his hand over his heart and clamped his eyes shut. "Now I have to live with this my whole life if I don't destroy every fragment there is of that Soul Edge!"

I rubbed his back. "Oh Kilik, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it back like this."

He sighed. "No, it's not your fault."

I didn't say anything more, just listened to him try and talk it out to me.

"When I awoke, I was in some hermitage far away from my temple. The elderly man that had rescued me had told me what had happened and that it wasn't my fault. He spent the remainder of the year teaching me the secret art of the Ling-Sheng Su style so I could go out and get my revenge on the Soul Edge."

"Did the same fate happen to your girlfriend?" I asked in a low voice.

He sighed. "Yes, but she wasn't murdered by me, thank the gods."

"Oh Kilik, I'm so sorry," I said, then stopped to hug him. This was the first hug that we ever gave one another that had deep meaning to it.

He hugged me tightly and rested his head up against mine.

"Xianghua, you're the only one who would understand, that's why I told you." He broke away. "You're the only one who knows what's going on with the Soul Edge. I was hoping that together…you and I…we could defeat this thing and restore peace to the world."

I nodded. "Of course, Kilik. You know I will."

We stared uneasily in one another's eyes again. Chills scattered throughout my body as I looked right through him. My heart melted. Words couldn't explain my feelings for him right now. I felt sorry for him. Kilik was a wonderful man and to be manipulated like that must have taken a whole lot of time and energy.

Both his hands came up to my cheeks. His warmth scattered from head to toe. His penetrating stare was relentless to cease.

"Xianghua, thank you. I really mean it when I say it. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you."

I nodded. "I'd do anything for you, Kilik. You're like a best friend to me. I wouldn't let you down."

He removed his hands and picked up his Kali-Yuga. Together, him and I, we set out, non-stop to Xiameiana.