Fan Fiction ❯ Song of the Forgotten Redone ❯ Falling ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Song of the Forgotten

<i>Dedicated to and in memory of Lady Celestia17<i>

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --falling------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------

I don't know what's real anymore,

I don't what's a lie.

All I know is what I see,

And I doubt that too.

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality

I've lost myself....

Don't you dare pity me,

I knew this was coming.

In fact; I looked forward to it.

I knew it was useless to try to hold on,

I don't know who I am...

I'm drifting farther and farther

from this thing known as "Reality,"

I don't know if I'm alive or dead,

But truly, it matters not to me.

If I'm alone, if I'm with someone,

This is something I'll never know.

Everything seems so pointless now,

Really, nothing matters.

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality..

I've lost myself.

My soul torments my very benig,

I try to die, but The Fates are cruel...

Can you tell me,

Who am I?

Is this real...

Or is everything just... a lie?

I try to remember, truly I do...

But everything is so far away...

I know nothing now but the things I see,

And yes, I doubt those things are *true.*

Even if I am remembered in this life

My soul will never again be of this world..

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality,

I've lost myself....

Dreams or reality?

Truly, I can't answer.

I don't know what's a dream,

Or what's reality....

Will I be forgotten?

Will I cease to exist?

Will I have never had a place in this world?

I don't know the answer to anything anymore...

Perhaps, once in my life, I might've..

But that time is not now...

For all I know...

I might just be a character in some sick story...

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality,

I've lost myself...

Is my life fact or fiction?

Someone tell, for I don't know...

And perhaps if you did,

I might doubt your words...

I don't know how this happened,

I don't know how it started.

And somehow, I don't care.

I don't even know if I want it to end...

If I were to die,

Would anyone care?

Is there truly suck places known as "Heaven and Hell"?

And if it is so,

I wonder, where would <i> I<i> go?

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality,

I've lost myself...

Maybe I've lost my mind,

Perhaps I've lost my soul..

But I know for a fact I've lost actuality.....

If this world I'm in now is true,


If it isn't...

There's nothing I can do....

Who am I to challenge fate?

After all, I don't know what is concrete,

And what is not.

Existence and nonbeing mean nothing to me.

Even if I'm just an illusion made up by someone,

I don't see why I should care.

Even if I have no purpose in life...

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality,

I've lost myself...

Perhaps it's all just make-believe,

Nothingness, deadness, fantasy.

Don't you get it?

I don't know...

And quite frankly,


I can't tell if this is real,

Perhaps just a dream...

But still I don't care,

I've looked <i>forward<i> to losing myself many times before...

Those things that have held me back,

Are now forever gone.

Now I can't tell if this is the real world...

"Why?" You ask

And all I say

"It's because..."

I've lost my grip,

I've lost reality,

I've lost myself.....

-----------------------------------------------------------------------n ever to come back----------------------------------------------------------------------< br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -goodbye forever-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

TNM: quite frankly, I don't care whether you review or not.... It's a memorial for an author... Sadly, I fell in love with her fics, and she will never update again...I will remember you.....Lady Celestial....

~*~Memories will never fade....~*~