Fan Fiction ❯ Sora's new Shirt ❯ One-Shot
Name: "Sora's new shirt."
Author: ShadowFilledRoom ( shadow-filled-room[dot]deviantart[dot]com )
Date started: April 6, 2004
Date Finished: April 7, 2004
Game: Kingdom Hearts
Place: Destiny Islands; at the beginning of the game before all the… stuff… happens.
Pairing: Riku x Sora! XD …Maybe a little Wakka x Tidus, but only if you wanna see it that way. ~__^
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Shounen-ai (boys liking boys) , cursing ... Oh, and I _do not_ like Kairi >__> so… I'll probably make her into a brat or something. >__> ;;;
Spoilers: None.
Notes _(READ THIS!)_ : Keep in mind that Kingdom Hearts was made in _Japan_ and so all of the people in the game originally spoke Japanese… in this fic, I'm making everyone have _Japanese_ as their first language (even though I'm writing this in English)… you will find out why this is important later… > D
Claimer: This fanfic is © (copyright) ShadowFilledRoom, it is not to be re-posted anywhere without my express permission (if you really want it, ask; I don't bite; much. ~__^ )
Disclaimer: Sora, Riku, Wakka, Tidus, Selphie, Kairi and Kingdom Hearts belong to Square-Enix (and maybe some other people >__> ) I am only borrowing them and do not intend or ever intend to make money off of this fanfic. >__> ;;;
Author's notes: I was networking in Open Canvas (it's an art program) with a friend one day and while we were drawing she suggested that I draw Sora… in… something (I'm not telling what yet because the drawing isn't finished yet) and her suggestion got me to thinking… and this fic idea (and one other one) just popped into my head. So, I didn't have anything to do (and the fic bunny attacked me >_> ) so I decided to go ahead and write it out. XP
Notes 2: …I may go back sometime and "flesh out" this fic some more… just because it seems like it's a bit bare and in need of some more descriptive words or something. >__> …oh, and if the formatting in this fanfic is all weird let me know and I'll try and fix it. >__>
Scene/time/POV change: ~*~
_Extra emphasis_
"Sora's new shirt"
A Kingdom Hearts shounen-ai/yaoi fanfic by ShadowFilledRoom
It was a beautiful day on Destiny Islands and anyone who could be outside _was_ outside. There was also a bit of strangeness in the air, all of the kids could feel it; it was a kind of… playful, mischievous kind of feeling… it made you just want to go out pull pranks on people… (snigger)
Thus, it was that two boys were currently hiding out behind some bushes, staring through its leaves at one of their friends, and plotting.
"Do you have it, mon?" A boy with red-orange, gravity-defying hair asked his fellow conspirator.
"Yeah, I've got it." The blond replied, pulling out a folded shirt (from wherever Final Fantasy/game people hide all of their tons of items >__> ) and showing it to the red-head crouched beside him. "Are you _sure_ you want to do this? He'll `prolly pound us when he finds out…"
"Are you kidding? This is going to be great! Besides, it was _your_ idea in the first place ya'know." The red-head said, poking his blond friend in the ribs.
"I know, Wakka, but…" the blond fidgeted with the shirt.
"You are such a wimp, Tidus" Wakka laughed softly "Listen, I'll protect you from the big-bad-Sora if he gets mad, okay?"
Tidus blushed and scowled over at the red-head "shut-up! I can take care of myself!"
"Then stop worrying `n stuff, mon, and lets put our plan into motion, because there's our victim now!" Wakka pointed over to the boats where an unsuspecting Sora had just rowed up in his.
"Uh…" the blond hesitated.
"Come on, before he gets away!" Wakka pushed through the leaves and grabbed the blond's vest and dragged Tidus out of the bushes with him.
Finished tying up his boat so it wouldn't drift away, Sora took in a deep breath of the morning air *Man, it sure is nice out today.*
Looking out over the sea he raised his arms over his head in a stretch and felt his shirt ride up, exposing his stomach *darn shirt, it's too short, too hot for this weather,* Sora wiped some sweat off of his brow *and it's _black_. Why did _today_ have to be wash-day?* Sora sighed *I'm going to end up and have to take the darn thing off and then I'll get a sunburn again; this _always_ happens on wash day.* Sora sighed again *at least I have a pair of shorts to wear this time…* Running his fingers over the frayed edges of his cut-off jean shorts, Sora remembered the time he had been forced to wear hot sweat-pants on a day when the temperature hit a record high. He had had to strip down to his boxers and stay in the ocean all day, and when he got home he had been _covered_ with sunburn. *That… was bad* Sora shuddered *but I'm not going to think about that; it's wonderful out today and Riku owes me a rematch! I wonder where he is…*
Turning from the sea, the cinnamon haired boy looked over to the Paopu Island *Hum, not there… Riku must be by the old bridge…*
Suddenly Sora heard someone calling his name, "Oi, Sora!"
"Oh, hi guys" Sora smiled at his friends. An instant later Sora noticed that Wakka was looking decidedly smug about something and Tidus had his hands behind his back and was acting a little strange… Sora started to say something but Wakka cut in quickly "It's a great day, isn't it, mon?" The cinnamon haired boy blinked and then smiled again, forgetting about Tidus' weirdness "Yeah, it's really nice, but I heard that it might get pretty hot later…"
"Ya, about that…" Wakka nudged/shoved Tidus forward "Tidus?"
"Err…" The blond just stood there looking awkward.
Sora started to look confused. "Wha--"
"_Tidus?_" Wakka nudged him harder and gave him a _look_.
Tidus seemed to give in about something and started talking, sounding nervous. "Ano… we--, I, I saw the weather on T.V. before I came to the Island and… since today's Saturday I knew that your mom would be doing the washing… so…" He stopped for a moment then continued on in a rush "So since it's going to get hot and I knew you wouldn't have anything good to wear I brought you a shirt." Tidus then pulled his hands out from behind his back and shoved their contents over at Sora.
Blinking, it took Sora a moment to get through the jumble of words Tidus had rushed out, but when he did he smiled. "Wow, Tidus, Thanks!" Sora reached out and took the folded shirt from Tidus's hands. "You really saved me, this shirt--" he yanked the black shirt over his head and threw it down on the dock "was already starting to roast me."
Sora savored the cool sea breeze on his sweaty and overheated skin for a minute before shaking out the white short-sleeved shirt Tidus had given him and putting it on.
Pulling the shirt down over his stomach, Sora saw that there was a Paopu fruit with some letters below it. Blinking at the letters, the cinnamon haired boy asked "What are these words… are they English?"
"Yeah, they're English" Wakka said, sounding weird.
Sora looked up at Wakka, seeing him trying to keep a straight face, and Tidus looking a bit pale. This started to get Sora worried. "…What do the words say?"
"They say; `King of Paopu Island'". Wakka replied blankly with Tidus looking uncomfortable beside him.
"Really?" Sora smiled "That's cool; thanks a lot Tidus, I can't _wait_ to show this to Riku!" Sora laughed "I'm going to go show it to him now! He owes me a rematch, anyway." Sora started running away but looked back over his shoulder to yell at his friends "I'll see you guys later, okay? …Watch out Riku; the king of the Paopu Island is coming to get ya!" and with that he ran for the trap door that led to the other side of the Island.
Waiting until Sora was safely out of earshot behind the closed door, Wakka then burst out laughing "Oh~~~ This is going to be _so~~~_ good! Come on Tidus! We need to hurry and find a hiding spot before he finds Riku!"
Tidus, looking ill, was dragged off, again, by Wakka's grip on his vest, chanting "he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me" over and over to himself.
Wakka just laughed and kept pulling Tidus after him.
Arriving at the Island, Selphie bounced onto the dock happily thinking of all the fun things she would do today. The genki brunet's happy mood was broken when she heard a certain persons complaining voice ride in on a wave.
"God, why do I have to have to _row_?! Why can't daddy just buy me a boat motor? I swear, if he _doesn't_ buy me one soon I'll scream."
Selphie groaned inwardly *Why couldn't Kairi have been home sick today? With… like… the plague or something? …I guess that's bad of me to think but… I mean… it's _Kairi_.* The brunet pulled a face *and since it looks like no one else is around I'm going to get stuck hanging out with her today.*
"Sel~~~phie!! Don't just stand there, come and help me tie my boat up!" The red- headed girl screeched.
Making neck-wringing motions with her hands where Kairi couldn't see, Selphie took a deep breath to calm herself and then went to help Kairi with her boat.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Island, Wakka was still dragging Tidus along behind him by the grip he had on the blond's vest.
"Come'on Wakka, I can walk by myself." Tidus pulled at Wakka's hand, trying to free himself.
The red- headed boy laughed "No way, mon, if I let you go you'll run away."
"I won't."
"Yes you will, mon; I know you." Wakka pulled Tidus onto the rickety and broken bridge "Now… where's Riku…" Tidus' pouted while Wakka looked around "Ah! There he is! He's on the tower… and I don't see Sora yet so…" Wakka looked around some more "There! In those bushes by the tower! We can hide there if we're quick!"
Tidus let out a soft yelp as he was dragged roughly over the bridge and thrown into the bushes on the seaward side of the stairs.
Settling down in the bushes Tidus cast a worried glance to the water just behind them "Wakka… we're too close to the water here; we'll fall in."
"Be quiet, mon, do you want to get us caught?" Wakka hissed at his blond friend.
Tidus shut up and sighed to himself *This really _was_ my idea… and since we have gotten this far… I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens…* Tidus laughed inwardly *And… this _is_ going to be good… if, that is, I live through Sora's anger later. Eh heh.*
*Where the heck is Sora?* Wakka thought to himself, peeking through the branches and leaves of his and Tidus's hiding place. *He should have been here by now… Heh, it would be just like him to get lost while looking for Riku. Sometimes Sora is just _too_ clueless* Wakka shook his head *At least with him being so naive he can resist easier Kairi's nudge's and hint's that she would go out with him* the red- headed boy shuddered *…I don't like Kairi… There is just something _wrong_ with that girl.*
Wakka was pulled out of his thoughts by Tidus's jab in the ribs and a finger pointing right; over to the palm trees where Sora was hitting them with his wooden sword, practicing, it looked like.
Wakka shot an evil smile over at Tidus, who, it seemed to Wakka, was _finally_ beginning to enjoy this prank and much as he was. "It won't be long now." Wakka silently mouthed to Tidus, who nodded.
Making themselves a bit more comfortable, the blond and red- headed boy settled down to wait for the show to start.
*Wow… where _is_ everyone? Its so quiet without the whole gang here… well* Selphie scowled *It _would_ be quiet if Kairi wasn't with me, all I've heard from her today is `I want a boat motor' and `It's so~~~ hot, I hate it when it's hot' and her whining about Riku and Sora not being here to gush over her and stuff.* Selphie looked over to where Kairi was standing by the Paopu fruit tree *In a minute she's gonna start whining about Riku and Sora not spending enough time with her… yep, there she goes.*
"Where on _Earth_ are Riku and Sora?! I come _all_ this way to the Island to spend time with _them_ they should have the decency to _at least_ leave a note saying where they are so I can find them!" Kairi huffed and ranted to herself.
*If they had any sense at all, they'd have started running as soon as they saw _you_ were here* Selphie thought at Kairi. *…Which is what _I_ should have done* the brunet thought as Kairi started ranting again. *Man, I'm gonna kill her in a second if I can't get her to shut up soon* "Listen Kairi, maybe Riku and Sora are on the other side of the Island, you haven't looked there yet, ya'know."
The red- headed girl cut off mid-rant "Oh, yeah, the other side of the Island! Let go now!" Kairi walked off towards the door.
Selphie, knowing that she _had_ to follow Kairi, if only to help keep the red headed girl from plastering herself all over Riku and Sora whenever she found them, sighed and glared death at Kairi. *Someday… hopefully soon… you are going to push one of us (most likely Riku XD) too far and then you'll get yours. And I'll be there to watch and laugh. Oh, you just wait, Kairi, you _just_ wait._* Selphie the stalked off after Kairi, who was already at the door, opening it.
After taking a few more practice swings at the coconut tree trunk in front of him, and dodging the falling coconuts, Sora stopped to wipe beads of sweat off his forehead. *Man, even with this new short-sleeved shirt on, I'm still hot!* Sora fanned himself a little with his hand *speaking of the shirt… ick, it's all wet and sticking to me now. Oh well… I haven't shown it to Riku yet so I guess I'll leave it on a bit longer.*
Pushing some wet strands of hair out of his eyes, Sora looked up at the sun *Hum, I guess I lost track of time… I should go and look for Riku now, but I _did_ need to warm up some before our rematch…*
The cinnamon haired boy rested his wooden sword's blade on his shoulder *I'm going to win this time! I just _know_ it!*
Walking to the right with his sword still on his shoulder Sora looked around for Riku *I know I'll win…* He repeated to himself *I don't know why.. but I'm sure something good will happen today, maybe it's this shirt; maybe it's giving me a bit of extra luck…*
Getting to the sandy hill, Sora jumped up on top of it and looked past the bridge and over to the door *I thought for sure that Riku would be over there… where _is_ he…? His boat's here, so he has to be on the Island somewhere…*
"Ahh!" Sora jerked backwards, almost crashing into the bushes and over into the sea, when Riku suddenly jumped down in front of him.
*He must have been up in the tower* Sora thought *no matter what I do, Riku always manages to surprise me and get the edge… _why_ didn't I look up at the tower?!*
"Hey, Sora." Riku smirked at his pouting friend.
…Riku then noticed just how _edible_ Sora looked right then *Cut off jean shorts… sandals for once instead of those ridiculous yellow sneakers… god, and that _wet_ shirt… it's practically _molded_ to Sora's… wait…* Riku paused in his lustful thoughts to really _look_ at the shirt and what was printed on it.
Sora had caught his breath enough by now to calm down a bit "Hey, Riku!" he pointed his wooden sword at the sliver haired boy "you owe me a rematch!"
"…Hua?" Riku looked up from Sora's shirt to see a sword pointed right at him. "A rematch? What makes you think you'll win this time?" He smirked "I always win."
"Not this time!" Sora smirked back at Riku "This time I'll win! And this shirt _proves_ it!"
"What…?" Riku asked, amused, and looked back down at Sora's shirt.
"This shirt's lucky! I'm _sure_ to win with it on!"
"…Oh?" Riku said, walking closer to Sora "Why's that…?"
Sora stood his ground as Riku walked over to him "Well… it should be obvious… My shirt says…"
"Yes, it does." The sliver haired boy said getting even _closer_ to Sora…
"Wha--" Sora's eyes widened and he gasped as Riku put one hand on his shoulder, pulling him close and the other one behind his neck. "Wha-- Riku?!" Sora managed to gasp out just before Riku pulled him in for a kiss.
*His lips are so soft…*
*What is he… why?!?!... Ohhh~~~* Sora's lax fingers opened to let his wooden sword fall to the sand.
*I've wanted to do this for so long…* Riku's strong arms wrapped more tightly around Sora's sweaty body.
*Gah! I'm not supposed to like kissing a boy!!! …But… it feels so… good… and it's… _Riku_…* A soft moan came from the smaller boy.
*…Sora.* Gentle coaxing made a reluctant mouth open to deepen the kiss.
In the bushes very nearby, two boys were in shock.
*Oh… my god… I didn't think _this_ would happen…* Tidus blushed.
*That… and they're… and…* Wakka gaped for a moment then calmed down. *…Well, I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later.* Wakka smiled and resisted the urge to laugh seeing how red Tidus's cheeks were.
And, on the bridge nearby…
"Ick! I'm sweating now!" Kairi wiped at the sweat rolling down her face and neck "Riku and Sora had _better_ be close or I'll--" The red headed girl slammed into Selphie's back and nearly fell off of the old bridge, into the water.
"Damn it Selphie! Why did you stop like that; I could've--"
Selphie cut Kairi off with an absolutely _huge_ grin on her face "Hey Kairi, I found Riku and Sora; their over there." And she pointed, watching Kairi's face to see how she reacted to what she was about to see.
Pushing aside sweaty bangs Kairi looked to where the brunet was pointing "Well it's about _time_ I was---" Eyes widened "---starting---" and got wider "---to---" she started to choke "---get---" Kairi stopped completely now, in shock. Sparks started shooting out from her eyes and her teeth were grinding in anger. "_What The Fuck Is This?!?!?_ What---" she started hyperventilating.
Selphie, knowing it would be a _good_ thing to _Get The Heck Away_ from Kairi right then ( *because she looks like she's about to explode or something* the brunet thought in glee.) Backed away from Kairi and ran for the safety of the tower.
Behind Selphie, Kairi was turning some interesting colors, and weird, screeching sounds were coming from her general direction.
With a last sound, like a rat attacking a cat, Kairi's eyes rolled up in her head and she fainted, falling off of the bridge and into the sea below.
"_YES!!!!!!!_" Selphie screamed in utter joy and jumped around.
The sound of Selphie's cry jolted Sora's brain enough to make him fully realize that he was _making out_ with _Riku_ his best _friend_. "Gah!" Sora jerked away from Riku; his legs crashing into some bushes behind him… which made the bushes yell and then a sound came of something hitting the water. Sora, shocked, scared and still a bit crazed from Riku's kiss, almost fainted.
The bushes rustled some more and then Wakka sheepishly stood up from them with a hand rubbing the back of his head. A moment later, a dripping wet Tidus walked up the stairs "I _told_ you we'd fall in" he shot at Wakka.
Selphie bounced over and started to pet Tidus's hair "Poor kitty… hee hee."
Blushing, Tidus pushed Selphie away. Still giggling at Tidus, Selphie rushed out "Did you see it?! Did you see it?!?!"
Sora squeaked and turned red.
"Did you see Kairi?!?! I think Riku and Sora broke her brain! It was _great!!_"
"What?" Wakka asked.
"Look! She's still down in the water!" Selphie pulled Wakka and Tidus over to the bridge, glancing back at a blushing Sora, and a smirking Riku, giving them a wink.
Once they were alone again Sora, blushing like mad, turned to Riku "Ri-Riku wh-why did you do that?! Why…" Sora squeaked out.
Riku was silent for a few moments, just smirking at Sora and enjoying the cute blush on Sora's cheeks, but he finally said "I was just doing what your shirt said to do."
"What…?" Sora said, sounding totally confused "…My shirt says `King of Paopu Island'."
The sliver haired boy laughed "Who told you that?"
Riku thought for a moment and Sora could see that things were clicking into place for him "I… haven't seen you wear this shirt before… when did you get it?"
"Today… Tidus gave it to me." Sora said, thinking.
"Ah." The sliver haired boy glanced over to where Wakka and Tidus were still standing with Selphie looking down at the unconscious Kairi. Turning back to Sora, Riku slowly smirked.
Coming out of his thoughts, Sora looked up at his sliver haired friend, "Riku… I'm afraid to ask… but… if my shirt doesn't say `King of Paopu Island…' then… what _does_ it say?"
Riku laughed kindly "You _really_ don't know what it says?"
"…No." Sora sweatdroped and looked away.
Riku, trying to keep a straight face, replied "Is says; `I'm a Paopu fruit; kiss me'."
Sora's head whipped back to Riku, and he stared at him with his eyes wide "Oh my god… It doesn't really say that…. _does_ it?!?!"
"Yeah." Riku laughed.
"_Wakka!!!! Tidus!!!!!!_" Sora screamed and started running for them.
Tidus paled and `Eeeped'; frozen in place.
Wakka, being a bit more sensible, grabbed Tidus's vest in a death-grip and started running, a huge grin on his face "…I guess… he didn't… like… your prank… Tidus…" Wakka got out between pants of breath while he ran.
Selphie, hearing Sora's angry yells and the panic on Tidus's face wisely jumped quickly back to land and hid behind Riku's laughing form.
Once Wakka, Tidus and Sora were safely on the other side of the Island, Selphie moved to stand beside Riku, the brunet stood there in silence for a while, shooting sidewise glances over at her sliver haired friend before risking saying anything. "You… really _should_ tell him sometime."
"…I know." Riku sighed. "I will… someday."
Looking over at Selphie, Riku smiled "But first, I'll have to find a way to keep Sora from throwing away that shirt!"
The end. <3
Did it suck? XD;;; I had fun writing it so it's okay if it sucks. ^^;
I may do a few drawings/illustrations for this fanfic sometime. =3 I already have a few ideas for the drawings. > D