Fan Fiction ❯ Spirit of the Dragon ❯ Tra Prodito ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six

A hazy dream of shadows laced in gold. Soft sunlight. The pungent smell of mint tea.

Crowe sat up. Where am I? She slowly opened her eyes. All at once, it came back to her. She was in Drunesmerre. A prisoner of war.

The boy who had visited her the other day was kneeling next to her with a tray of food.

"I convinced Frostleaf to let me check on you today. How are you feeling?" His voice was so elegant, even as he spoke in casual tones.

Crowe looked passed him to the window. She could hear starlings singing on the trellis.

The boy seemed unfazed by her silence. He set to work stirring her tea. "Sugar?"

Why the hell is he being so nice?

When he got no answer, two cubes went in. "Sugar it is."

Who is this guy?

He set the tray down on her lap. "Eat up, milady. You need the energy." He took a seat in the corner. The boy was being annoyingly chipper.

"It is quite a lovely day." This was the beginning of his irritating spiel. "It is a rarity, so near the end of Fall. Usually there is fog, perhaps a shower or two. But not today."

Crowe poked at her food.

"Do you know what I think? I think that this may be a good omen. For both of us. In ancient times, tribes interpreted the weather as a prophetic sign to the near future. Often rain meant sorrow, storms anger, sunshine a chance of serendipity... As for me, I find it hard to rely on omens, but sometimes when the world seems so chaotic, it is nice to have a little faith-"

Crowe slammed her fork down on her plate. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?"

"What are you doing? This-this rambling of yours--this mindless prattle! Obviously you have something you'd like to say so why can't you just spit it out before you bore us both to death!"

This rattled him a bit. "You think I am hedging?"

"Of course you are! I find it hard to believe you'd obtain satisfaction by making small-talk with a prisoner!"

He grinned at that. It was all Crowe could do to keep from throwing her pillow at him.

"What!?" She was exasperated. "I fail to see what is so amusing!"

"It is just that…you have said to me more in the last five seconds than anyone has heard out of you for five days. I did not even know what your voice sounded like."

Crowe growled and returned to picking at her food. "Just tell me why you're here."

"Alright then, Miss Crowe, if you are so eager to get to business…I want to know why you attacked us at Coriander. More specifically, I want to know why you were sent to kill me." He waited for her answer.

"You're Prince Acanthus…" She whispered when the realization dawned on her.

"Of course I am. Who did you think I was?"

Crowe shook her head. There was something tugging at her memory. A thought that crackled beneath the surface, threatening to break free and rise.

"Perhaps I should leave…" He said at last. "…and let you have your breakfast in peace." Acanthus stood.

Crowe wrestled with her thoughts in frustration. There was something she needed to tell him. But he was already headed out the door.

"Wait!" She burst, sending her tray crashing to the floor and throwing her back into spasms. She hunched foreword in agony, fighting the tears of frustration.

Prince Acanthus rushed to her side. "Are you alright?"

Crowe bit down on her lip to keep from screaming.

"Frostleaf!" Acanthus called desperately, praying the man was near enough to hear him. "Frostleaf!"

"Veridea…" Crowe was gasping when the healer hurried into the room. "…stop them…"

"Calm down, Crowe. You're only making it worse." Frostleaf pulled a concoction out of his medicine bag and pressed it to her lips. "Drink."

She choked down the vile liquid. It left a bitter taste on her tongue, but it immediately set to work softening the edges of her pain. Soon it dulled to a tolerable rate, and her breathing slowed.

Prince Acanthus had turned ghostly white at the sight of her struggling.

Frostleaf laughed nervously. "She'll be okay, Acanthus…Maybe if we leave her alone…"

"No…" Crowe whispered. "Listen to me…" And the horrible story spouted from her lips. She told them why they had to leave for Veridea before it was too late. She told them the plan---every wretched aspect of it, even about the massacre that would take place if they didn't react quickly.

When she was finished, Acanthus stormed out of the room.

Frostleaf turned to her with a look of gratitude. "You did a good thing today."

"But now Acanthus hates me…"

"I would guess that most of his anger is aimed at this Ronori character you have described. And he truly is the one behind this strategy?"

"Yes…" Crowe bowed her head.

"I want you to know that your words are appreciated. I just hope they are in time to save us, Fenris willing…" He removed a hand from her arm. "Now get some rest, my dear. After this episode, I daresay you need it. Don't worry. I'll send someone to clean up this mess…"

He shut the door behind him, but she did not hear it lock. So perhaps she had gained their trust, but at what cost?

"Vosi vor tae prodito!" The voice from her dreams echoed in cruel rebuke.

It's true…She thought miserably. I am a traitor. But I am the worst kind. Not only did I betray my followers, but I also betrayed Rono, the father of my child. Perhaps he had been cold to her recently, but he certainly didn't deserve the fate Acanthus would deal him.

What have I done? She tried to tell herself that she had no choice; it was for the good of a nation. What about my nation? Don't my people deserve compassion as well?

She tried to take Frostleaf's advice, but no sleep came. Her thoughts were too tormented by guilt.