Fan Fiction ❯ starfires secret admirer ❯ titans meet slick ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: little angel 
(it was almost midnight and the titans were all waiting in the alleys of 26th and 27th street.)
Beast boy- dude, weve been waiting here for like 2 hours already. if slade were really gonna come he would've showed up by now
robin- were not leaving until slade gets here
cyborg- i dont think he's ever goin to show up man. lets just go
Robin- NO, you all can go but im not leaving until i find slade.
starfire- perhaps it is wise to listen to them robin, it is rather late and you need to rest.
(suddenly there was a loud explosion that came from the bridge about a mile away)
Raven- what was that?
Cyborg- sounded like a bomb just went off near the bridge
beastboy- we'll worry about slade later, lets go see what that was
(all the titans headed toward the bridge including robin who was a little reluctant to go. A few moments later they arrived at the bridge to find that the whole midsection of the brigde was destroyed)
Robin- what the hell happened
Raven- there's no time to figure that out now, we have to save the people in the car who are about to fall into the river
starfire- i will get the red van that is on the edge of the bridge
robin- me and raven will get the blue one on the other side
Cyborg- i'll try to keep whats left of the bridge up long enough for you guys to move the cars
beast boy- (changing into a seal) i'll get all the people that already fell into the water back on the surface
(all the titans were able to complete there tasks except for startfire who was struggling to get the passengers out of the car)
starfire-(talking to a lady in the car) hello. i will get you out as soon as i can
(starfire tried to pull the door open but it was jammed. she was afraid to pull it hard since the car was on the verge of falling. finally, she used her laser eyes to open the lock of the door and was able to get the lady out)
lady- please, save my baby, she's still in there and is in the very back of the van. please save her she is to young to swim
starfire- do not worry i will get her.
(When the lady gets out of the car she grins and runs away from the bridge. robin was watching starfire from the other side of the bridge and got worried over her.)
robin- what is she doing?
raven- looks like she's getting into the van
Robin- but the van could fall any moment. i have to help her!
(robin rushes toward starfire and the van. In the building next to the bridge was slade watching every second of the titans)
Slade- (thinking to himself) thats right robin, go towards the van. As soon as you get close enough i'll denate the 2nd bomb killing both you and starfire.
(robin begins to aprroach the van and starfire)
Raven- "Azarath metriol zinthos!" ( raven pulls robin and cyborg back towards her and off the bridge. she tries to get starfire and the van but wasnt strong enough to
Robin- what are you doing?
Raven- its not safe
(suddenly the the 2nd bomb detenates which causes the whole bridge to collapses aand takes the van with starfire in it down into the river. the whole area is covered in think smoke.)
Robin- STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyborg- where is she?
Raven- I think she's gone, no one could survive an explosion like that
Robin- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE HAS TO BE OK
( Robin falls down to his knees and starts to cry)
Robin- she cant be dead. she cant be. I love ....(cut off by cyborg)
Cyborg- There she is! do you see her she's floating in the water
(robin looks up and see's her body floating in the water and gets a sign of hope)
Cyborg-(yelling) hey beast boy are you ok?
Beast boy- yea im ok!
Cyborg- can you see starfire?
beast boy- no! theres to much crap here to see anything
Robin- thats it, im jumping in
(robin begins to take off his cape and shirt *_*he has a nice 6 pack by the way*_* and starts to get ready to jump but before he does he sees a mysterious person dressed in a dark blue suit run and jump into the river. He swims fast toward starfire and picks her up and carrys her to the edge of the river and gently lays her down on the ground. Star fire is unconcious and the mystery person tried to wake her up by shaking her her repetitively while talking to her to she if she hears him. mean while robin, raven and cyborg find a way down to the river. while the titans rush toward starfire, the mystery person notices that starfire isnt breathing and begins CPR. Halfway into it, robin and the rest of the titans arrive.Robin gets mad when he sees the mystery man kissing starfire)
robin- What the hell do you think your doing?
(robin pushes the mystery man off of starfire and then returnes to starfires side as soon as she starts to breath again)
starfire- (coughing) what happened
robin-(relieved) im so glad your ok
starfire- yes, i am ok
Cyborg- So who's this guy?
Robin- Some damn moron that tried to hit on starfire while she was unconcious. dont worry i'll take care of him (robin got in a fighting position)
Starfire- no. please dont fight him. this mystery person saved my life
Robin- HUH?
Starfire- he rescued me and brought me to safety. i heard him talking to me and he brought me back to life
Mystery person- and just so you know i wasnt hitting on her. i was giving her CPR. she stopped breathing. i was just trying to give her air
Robin- (turning red) OH. i didnt know. sorry about pushing you. i though you were trying to hurt starfire. Well anyway, Who are you?
Slick - The name is slick
Robin- hi slick, im robin, this is cyborg, raven, starfire and beastboy who you'll meet in a while and were known as the teen titans,
Slick- oh ive heard of you guys.Robin, didnt you get trained from batman?
robin- yeah i did
slick- thats awesome. i myself have also been trained by a legend.
robin- really? who?
slick- i'll tell you later. So raven. i hear you like dark poetry.
raven -Yea, so?
slick-well there's a new secret dark cafe that just opened and i can get you in if you want
raven- thanks. maybe i'll take you up on that
slick- And cyborg- you like ccars right?
cyborg- yea, especially my baby!
slick- bet you she's not as fast as my car
cyborg- (laughing)if you wanna race you got it but dont ex[ect me to go easy on you just cuz your new here
slick- i dont expect anything less. well starfire, i know i have already met you but i have to confess something.
starfire- what is it that you need to confess?
slick- Ive been to many planets and you are by far the most beautiful being i have ever seen in my life
starfire-(blushing)why thankyou. that is a very nice thing for you to say
slick- well its the truth
(robin turned bloodshot red as soon as he heard that and quickly grabbed starfires arm and began to pulol her towards him)
Robin- well its been nice meeting you and thanks again for saving stars life.
starfire- yes thankyou
(beastboy finds the rest of the gang and joins up with them)
beastboy- who's this?
slick- hi you must be beast boy im slick.
beast boy- oh hey dude whats up. i heard you saved star. good job
slick- it was no problem
robin- yea well anyway, we were just saying bye to slick
beastboy- hey do you have a place to stay
slick- no not really
beast boy- why dont you stay with us
(robin gave beast boy a mean glance)
beast boy- or...maybe not, i forgot we had to do soemthing
robin- yeah we have plans
slick- its no problem i'll find a place to stay. i'll see you guys later, especially you starfire
(slick walks away and the titans head back to the tower.a while later slick enters an abandoned warehouse where he meets up with slade)
slade- the plan was to disguise yourself as lady and lure robin and starfire to the bomb and so i could kill
slick- yeah i know but things changed
slick- why get rid of just two titans when you can get rid of them all
slade- im listening
slick- i'll make a deal with you. if i destroy the titans, especially robin, i get to keep starfire. i have plans for her
slade- do whatever you want. just get the job done. i want robin brought back to me dead do you understand.
slick - yes i do, dont worry, i'll take care of everything.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Action / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 08.11.2004 | Updated On: 08.11.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 10 | Visits: 408 | Status: Completed

(it was almost midnight and the titans were all waiting in the alleys of 26th and 27th street.)
Beast boy- dude, weve been waiting here for like 2 hours already. if slade were really gonna come he would've showed up by now
robin- were not leaving until slade gets here
cyborg- i dont think he's ever goin to show up man. lets just go
Robin- NO, you all can go but im not leaving until i find slade.
starfire- perhaps it is wise to listen to them robin, it is rather late and you need to rest.
(suddenly there was a loud explosion that came from the bridge about a mile away)
Raven- what was that?
Cyborg- sounded like a bomb just went off near the bridge
beastboy- we'll worry about slade later, lets go see what that was
(all the titans headed toward the bridge including robin who was a little reluctant to go. A few moments later they arrived at the bridge to find that the whole midsection of the brigde was destroyed)
Robin- what the hell happened
Raven- there's no time to figure that out now, we have to save the people in the car who are about to fall into the river
starfire- i will get the red van that is on the edge of the bridge
robin- me and raven will get the blue one on the other side
Cyborg- i'll try to keep whats left of the bridge up long enough for you guys to move the cars
beast boy- (changing into a seal) i'll get all the people that already fell into the water back on the surface
(all the titans were able to complete there tasks except for startfire who was struggling to get the passengers out of the car)
starfire-(talking to a lady in the car) hello. i will get you out as soon as i can
(starfire tried to pull the door open but it was jammed. she was afraid to pull it hard since the car was on the verge of falling. finally, she used her laser eyes to open the lock of the door and was able to get the lady out)
lady- please, save my baby, she's still in there and is in the very back of the van. please save her she is to young to swim
starfire- do not worry i will get her.
(When the lady gets out of the car she grins and runs away from the bridge. robin was watching starfire from the other side of the bridge and got worried over her.)
robin- what is she doing?
raven- looks like she's getting into the van
Robin- but the van could fall any moment. i have to help her!
(robin rushes toward starfire and the van. In the building next to the bridge was slade watching every second of the titans)
Slade- (thinking to himself) thats right robin, go towards the van. As soon as you get close enough i'll denate the 2nd bomb killing both you and starfire.
(robin begins to aprroach the van and starfire)
Raven- "Azarath metriol zinthos!" ( raven pulls robin and cyborg back towards her and off the bridge. she tries to get starfire and the van but wasnt strong enough to
Robin- what are you doing?
Raven- its not safe
(suddenly the the 2nd bomb detenates which causes the whole bridge to collapses aand takes the van with starfire in it down into the river. the whole area is covered in think smoke.)
Robin- STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyborg- where is she?
Raven- I think she's gone, no one could survive an explosion like that
Robin- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE HAS TO BE OK
( Robin falls down to his knees and starts to cry)
Robin- she cant be dead. she cant be. I love ....(cut off by cyborg)
Cyborg- There she is! do you see her she's floating in the water
(robin looks up and see's her body floating in the water and gets a sign of hope)
Cyborg-(yelling) hey beast boy are you ok?
Beast boy- yea im ok!
Cyborg- can you see starfire?
beast boy- no! theres to much crap here to see anything
Robin- thats it, im jumping in
(robin begins to take off his cape and shirt *_*he has a nice 6 pack by the way*_* and starts to get ready to jump but before he does he sees a mysterious person dressed in a dark blue suit run and jump into the river. He swims fast toward starfire and picks her up and carrys her to the edge of the river and gently lays her down on the ground. Star fire is unconcious and the mystery person tried to wake her up by shaking her her repetitively while talking to her to she if she hears him. mean while robin, raven and cyborg find a way down to the river. while the titans rush toward starfire, the mystery person notices that starfire isnt breathing and begins CPR. Halfway into it, robin and the rest of the titans arrive.Robin gets mad when he sees the mystery man kissing starfire)
robin- What the hell do you think your doing?
(robin pushes the mystery man off of starfire and then returnes to starfires side as soon as she starts to breath again)
starfire- (coughing) what happened
robin-(relieved) im so glad your ok
starfire- yes, i am ok
Cyborg- So who's this guy?
Robin- Some damn moron that tried to hit on starfire while she was unconcious. dont worry i'll take care of him (robin got in a fighting position)
Starfire- no. please dont fight him. this mystery person saved my life
Robin- HUH?
Starfire- he rescued me and brought me to safety. i heard him talking to me and he brought me back to life
Mystery person- and just so you know i wasnt hitting on her. i was giving her CPR. she stopped breathing. i was just trying to give her air
Robin- (turning red) OH. i didnt know. sorry about pushing you. i though you were trying to hurt starfire. Well anyway, Who are you?
Slick - The name is slick
Robin- hi slick, im robin, this is cyborg, raven, starfire and beastboy who you'll meet in a while and were known as the teen titans,
Slick- oh ive heard of you guys.Robin, didnt you get trained from batman?
robin- yeah i did
slick- thats awesome. i myself have also been trained by a legend.
robin- really? who?
slick- i'll tell you later. So raven. i hear you like dark poetry.
raven -Yea, so?
slick-well there's a new secret dark cafe that just opened and i can get you in if you want
raven- thanks. maybe i'll take you up on that
slick- And cyborg- you like ccars right?
cyborg- yea, especially my baby!
slick- bet you she's not as fast as my car
cyborg- (laughing)if you wanna race you got it but dont ex[ect me to go easy on you just cuz your new here
slick- i dont expect anything less. well starfire, i know i have already met you but i have to confess something.
starfire- what is it that you need to confess?
slick- Ive been to many planets and you are by far the most beautiful being i have ever seen in my life
starfire-(blushing)why thankyou. that is a very nice thing for you to say
slick- well its the truth
(robin turned bloodshot red as soon as he heard that and quickly grabbed starfires arm and began to pulol her towards him)
Robin- well its been nice meeting you and thanks again for saving stars life.
starfire- yes thankyou
(beastboy finds the rest of the gang and joins up with them)
beastboy- who's this?
slick- hi you must be beast boy im slick.
beast boy- oh hey dude whats up. i heard you saved star. good job
slick- it was no problem
robin- yea well anyway, we were just saying bye to slick
beastboy- hey do you have a place to stay
slick- no not really
beast boy- why dont you stay with us
(robin gave beast boy a mean glance)
beast boy- or...maybe not, i forgot we had to do soemthing
robin- yeah we have plans
slick- its no problem i'll find a place to stay. i'll see you guys later, especially you starfire
(slick walks away and the titans head back to the tower.a while later slick enters an abandoned warehouse where he meets up with slade)
slade- the plan was to disguise yourself as lady and lure robin and starfire to the bomb and so i could kill
slick- yeah i know but things changed
slick- why get rid of just two titans when you can get rid of them all
slade- im listening
slick- i'll make a deal with you. if i destroy the titans, especially robin, i get to keep starfire. i have plans for her
slade- do whatever you want. just get the job done. i want robin brought back to me dead do you understand.
slick - yes i do, dont worry, i'll take care of everything.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Action / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 08.11.2004 | Updated On: 08.11.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 10 | Visits: 408 | Status: Completed
Teen titans