Fan Fiction ❯ starfires secret admirer ❯ starfire VS terra ( Chapter 4 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: little angel 
(the titans are on there way to the club for starfires birthday and star heading toward cyborgs car. while there leaving terra watches them from a distance.)
terra -(thinking to herself) i wish i could be with you guys again. especially you beast boy.i miss you all but i made a deal with slade and theres nothing i can do about it. i wish there was. why did i have to fall in love now!!!! and with the one person i cant be with. im sorry beast boy if ive hurt you. im sorry.
(terra gets mad and runs off back to slades hideout. she runs and hides behind a closet hoping knowone will hear her and begins to cry. slade hears her crying and walkes up to her.)
slade- why are you crying
terra- leave me alone
slade- that not the way to talk to your master my dear apprentice.
terra- you made me betray the titans and worst of all, you made me betray the one person that meant the most to me.
slade- oh i c. your still in love with beast boy arent you. i really dont know why you are concerned about him. he's nothing to us. he's a pathtetic excuse for a hero and is useless. he's not strong and he's no where near you league so why do you care about someone who would be better off dead.
(terra gets really angry at slade and causes the whole building to shake . boulders of rocks start falling and she begins to levitate them and starts to surround slade with the giant boulders.)
Slade- your a lot stronger when your mad
(slade jumps up and flips over terra causing her to lose her concentration on slade and she drops the boulders.)
slade- (thinking to himself) if only she were in love with someone else who was actaully useful.
(slade takes out a little blue chip and a red chip out of his pocket and holds the blue one between his pointer and middle finger and hides the red chip.)
terra- what is that?
slade- this my dear is a blue chip
terra- whats it supppose to do?
slade- its suppose to make you even stronger .
terra- how?
slade- it reacts to your feeling and emotions. for example, when your scared a hidden power within in you will be unleashed.
terra- so what do i have to do?
slade- just turn around
(terra turns around and slade stabs both the red and blue chip in the back of her neck. terra begins to feel very warm around her body and begins to faint. slade catches her and lays her down on a white table.)
slade- (softly talking to terra)its true that the blue chip reacts to your emotions but the red chip makes you beleive anything i tell you. Rgiht now im telling you thaty you no longer love beastboy. from now on your fellings will be for Robin.
terra- (in a quiet voice) my feeling will only be for robin
slade- you no longer love beast boy
terra- i no longer love nbeast boy
slade- you will do everything i tell you.I command you to destroy the titans
terra- (in a mean voice) i will destroy them.
(meanwhile at the club everyone is dancing except for robin. starfire sees robin sitting alone and atempts to talk to him but is then forced back to the dance floor by slick. The song "yeah" by usher is playing now.)
slick- this is the best song
starfire- yes i am sure it is but i would like to rest now. we've have been dancing since we've arrived.
slick- no way am i letting that happen.
(slick grabs her hand hard and pulls her close to him)
starfire- please let go of me. you are hurting me
slick-c'mon just one more dance
(starfire dances with slick until the song ends and maroon5's "she will be loved" come on.)
slick- good a slow song. i know you can dance this one with me
starfire- please may i get a drink
(slick pulls starfire really close to him and hold on to her hard. she tries to loosen his grip but he wont let her)
starfire- please let me go!
slick- whats wrong its just a dance
starfire- yes but i do not wish to dance right now
(Robin sees starfire struggleing to get away from slick and walks up to slick and taps him on the shoulder
Robin- may i cut in?
(slick looks at robin and gives him a mean glare and robin gives him one right back.)
slick- me and star were dancing first. its impolite to interrupt.
robin- well i think its my turn to have a dance with her. Do you have a problem with that?
slick- (backs away)- no
robin- didnt think so
(robin walks by slick and in the process purposely hits slicks shoulder. he then gently grabs starfires hand and walks with her to the dancefloor)
robin- was he bothering you?
starfire- hes just a little to agressive. i think he is an ok person but hes to foward.
robin- if you ever need me. you know im here.
starfire-(blushing) i know that but do you know what i didnt know?
robin- what?
starfire- i didnt know you could daance
robin- uhhhhhhhh well you see. i really cant dance
starfire- (laughing) come i will show you
(starfire pulls robin close to her and robin nervously lets her. )
starfire- first you grab my right hand with your left hand( starfire grabs his left hand and holds it up)then you put your right hand on my waist.
(starfire puts robins right hand on her waist and robin gets really nervous)
robin- like this?
starfire- (nodding) yes, then we step side to side and in circles
(robin amd starfire start dancing and move even closer to each other to the point that there noses touch. cyborg beast boy and raven watch them from the other side of the club)
beastboy- dude...are they about to kiss?
cyborg- looks that way. about time to !! theyve been crushing on eachother to long now
raven- no kidding
(slick also watches robin and starfire and gets really annoyed.)
slck- (looking at robin) go ahead and enjoy this day with starfire cuz its the last your ever going to have.
(terra later shows up at the club and watches from the roof. she also sees robin and starfire dancing and gets very angry.)
terra- thats it. im sick of her always getting everything and alwayts being perfect and happy. SHE EVEN DANCING WITH ROBIN. lets see how long she smiles when im done with her.
(back in the club robin and starfire move even closer to kiss but before they do starfire pulls away)
robin- are you ok?
starfire- no. i had a bad feeling about something.
robin- do you know why?
starfire- no i am afraid i do not. i am going to use the restroom. i shall be back 300 seconds.
(robin gently nods his head and starfires nods back and smiles.the song ends and starfire heads toward the bathroom. terra sees this and breaks into the bathroom from a back door.starfire walks into the bathroom and bends over to wash her face. as soon as she stands up she sees terra's reflection on the mirror. starfire turns around and stares at terra straight in the eye.)
starfire- terra!
terra- starfire
starfire- what are you doing here?
terra- making sure you stay away from robin?
starfire- robin? i do not understand. i thought your feelings were for beastboy.
(terra begins to remember beastboy name and stops for a moment.)
terra- beast boy? why does that souind so familiar
starfire- he is the person you love is he not?
terra- what? (shaking her head) NO this is all a lie for you to trick me . i know your after robin BUT YOU CANT HAVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(terra grabs starfires purple shirt and slams her against the bathroom stall)
starfire- i do not wish to fight you please let me go.
terra- your not leaving!
(terra grabs a huge rocks and drops it infront of the door starfire came in through)
terra- there. now you cant leave and no one will be able to hear you over the music
starfire- please i do not want to fight you but i will i if i must.
terra- i dont think you have a choice
starfire- so be it!
(starfire blasts terra in the stomach slamming her against the wall. terra gets up and breaks the whole wall of the side of the bathroom and jumps on a small rock and flies outside. starfire follows her and as soon as she exits the bathroom terra throws a rock the size of a car toward starfire. the rock hits her and pins her to the ground. terra looks down at her beleiveing she has won and begins to fly away. as soon as she starts to fly away, a bright green light flashes and starfire breaks the rocks into little peices using her laser vision.
starfire- were not done yet!
(starfire blasts a green fire ball toward terra and knocks her off her rock. terra falls down and lands on her shoulder. she gets up and throws hundreds of little rocks toward starfire. starfire dodges most of them but then gets hit from behind and falls down to her knees. terra walks up to her and slaps her across the face. terra slapped her hard enough that it caused starfire to have whiplash. starfire got very mad at this and her eyes began to glow. starfire blasted another green fireball toward terras stomach but this time a lot harder. this blast sent terra flying about 20 ft. starfire flew toawrd her and floated over her body.
starfire- terra are you ok?
terra- yeah im fine. but you wont be
starfire- your not going to trick me again
(starfire gathered a large amount of energy and made a huge green fire ball. she raised her arms and threw it with full force toward terra. terra became scared and suddenly felt something trigger in her body. at that moment four giant boulders appeared out of nowhere and slamed starfire on all four sides of her body nearly crushing her. starfire falls to the ground and lays there still. she doesnt even flinch.
terra- how...... did i do that? THE CHIP! thats what slade was talking about
that was that feeling i felt.
(terra looked down at starfires body and just laughed)
terra- i told you i was going to hurt you.look starfire, i know your still alive and i know you can hear me so listen up. stay away from robin or the next time i come i'll really kill you real
(in the club, robin begins to worry about what happened to star. robin walks over to raven, cyborg and beastboy.)
robin- have you guys seen star?
cyborg- wasnt she with you?
robin- she was but then she said she had a werid feeling and went to the bathroom. hey raven can you check on her for me?
raven- i guess
beastboy- hey i'll go!!!!!!!!!!!!
cyborg- your staying here!!!
(raven walks toward the bathroom and tries to open the door)
raven- (thinking to herself) why wont it open. its like somethings in front of it.
(raven looks around and sees if anyone is watching and then steps away from the bathroom door.)
raven- azarath metriol zinthos!!!!!!
(raven blasts the door open and pushes the rock into the corner of the bathroom. she stares in amazement at the huge hole in the wall of the bathroom. raven goes back into the club.)
beastboy- so is she there?
raven- no but i think something bad happened to her.
robin- WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!
raven- the whole wall was smashed and theres a big hole on the wall
(robin runs toward the bathroom and the others follow him. he walks outside and see starfire laying down on the ground barely breathing.)
robin- starfire!!!!
cyborg- what the hell happened?
raven- thats not important right now. we need to take her back to the tower now!
Beastboy- (changes into a large eagle)
put her on my back .i'll get her there faster.
(robin gently lays her down on beatboys back and he fly's off with her)
robin- (slams his fist into the ground)whoever did this will pay!!! I guarentee it
(meanwhile slade is watching all this from his hidden camera)
slade- (thinking to himself) well done my apprentice. your slowly getting better. it wont be long until youve finished them. as long as you dont see beastboy, everything will be fine
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Action / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 08.20.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 10 | Visits: 305 | Status: Completed

(the titans are on there way to the club for starfires birthday and star heading toward cyborgs car. while there leaving terra watches them from a distance.)
terra -(thinking to herself) i wish i could be with you guys again. especially you beast boy.i miss you all but i made a deal with slade and theres nothing i can do about it. i wish there was. why did i have to fall in love now!!!! and with the one person i cant be with. im sorry beast boy if ive hurt you. im sorry.
(terra gets mad and runs off back to slades hideout. she runs and hides behind a closet hoping knowone will hear her and begins to cry. slade hears her crying and walkes up to her.)
slade- why are you crying
terra- leave me alone
slade- that not the way to talk to your master my dear apprentice.
terra- you made me betray the titans and worst of all, you made me betray the one person that meant the most to me.
slade- oh i c. your still in love with beast boy arent you. i really dont know why you are concerned about him. he's nothing to us. he's a pathtetic excuse for a hero and is useless. he's not strong and he's no where near you league so why do you care about someone who would be better off dead.
(terra gets really angry at slade and causes the whole building to shake . boulders of rocks start falling and she begins to levitate them and starts to surround slade with the giant boulders.)
Slade- your a lot stronger when your mad
(slade jumps up and flips over terra causing her to lose her concentration on slade and she drops the boulders.)
slade- (thinking to himself) if only she were in love with someone else who was actaully useful.
(slade takes out a little blue chip and a red chip out of his pocket and holds the blue one between his pointer and middle finger and hides the red chip.)
terra- what is that?
slade- this my dear is a blue chip
terra- whats it supppose to do?
slade- its suppose to make you even stronger .
terra- how?
slade- it reacts to your feeling and emotions. for example, when your scared a hidden power within in you will be unleashed.
terra- so what do i have to do?
slade- just turn around
(terra turns around and slade stabs both the red and blue chip in the back of her neck. terra begins to feel very warm around her body and begins to faint. slade catches her and lays her down on a white table.)
slade- (softly talking to terra)its true that the blue chip reacts to your emotions but the red chip makes you beleive anything i tell you. Rgiht now im telling you thaty you no longer love beastboy. from now on your fellings will be for Robin.
terra- (in a quiet voice) my feeling will only be for robin
slade- you no longer love beast boy
terra- i no longer love nbeast boy
slade- you will do everything i tell you.I command you to destroy the titans
terra- (in a mean voice) i will destroy them.
(meanwhile at the club everyone is dancing except for robin. starfire sees robin sitting alone and atempts to talk to him but is then forced back to the dance floor by slick. The song "yeah" by usher is playing now.)
slick- this is the best song
starfire- yes i am sure it is but i would like to rest now. we've have been dancing since we've arrived.
slick- no way am i letting that happen.
(slick grabs her hand hard and pulls her close to him)
starfire- please let go of me. you are hurting me
slick-c'mon just one more dance
(starfire dances with slick until the song ends and maroon5's "she will be loved" come on.)
slick- good a slow song. i know you can dance this one with me
starfire- please may i get a drink
(slick pulls starfire really close to him and hold on to her hard. she tries to loosen his grip but he wont let her)
starfire- please let me go!
slick- whats wrong its just a dance
starfire- yes but i do not wish to dance right now
(Robin sees starfire struggleing to get away from slick and walks up to slick and taps him on the shoulder
Robin- may i cut in?
(slick looks at robin and gives him a mean glare and robin gives him one right back.)
slick- me and star were dancing first. its impolite to interrupt.
robin- well i think its my turn to have a dance with her. Do you have a problem with that?
slick- (backs away)- no
robin- didnt think so
(robin walks by slick and in the process purposely hits slicks shoulder. he then gently grabs starfires hand and walks with her to the dancefloor)
robin- was he bothering you?
starfire- hes just a little to agressive. i think he is an ok person but hes to foward.
robin- if you ever need me. you know im here.
starfire-(blushing) i know that but do you know what i didnt know?
robin- what?
starfire- i didnt know you could daance
robin- uhhhhhhhh well you see. i really cant dance
starfire- (laughing) come i will show you
(starfire pulls robin close to her and robin nervously lets her. )
starfire- first you grab my right hand with your left hand( starfire grabs his left hand and holds it up)then you put your right hand on my waist.
(starfire puts robins right hand on her waist and robin gets really nervous)
robin- like this?
starfire- (nodding) yes, then we step side to side and in circles
(robin amd starfire start dancing and move even closer to each other to the point that there noses touch. cyborg beast boy and raven watch them from the other side of the club)
beastboy- dude...are they about to kiss?
cyborg- looks that way. about time to !! theyve been crushing on eachother to long now
raven- no kidding
(slick also watches robin and starfire and gets really annoyed.)
slck- (looking at robin) go ahead and enjoy this day with starfire cuz its the last your ever going to have.
(terra later shows up at the club and watches from the roof. she also sees robin and starfire dancing and gets very angry.)
terra- thats it. im sick of her always getting everything and alwayts being perfect and happy. SHE EVEN DANCING WITH ROBIN. lets see how long she smiles when im done with her.
(back in the club robin and starfire move even closer to kiss but before they do starfire pulls away)
robin- are you ok?
starfire- no. i had a bad feeling about something.
robin- do you know why?
starfire- no i am afraid i do not. i am going to use the restroom. i shall be back 300 seconds.
(robin gently nods his head and starfires nods back and smiles.the song ends and starfire heads toward the bathroom. terra sees this and breaks into the bathroom from a back door.starfire walks into the bathroom and bends over to wash her face. as soon as she stands up she sees terra's reflection on the mirror. starfire turns around and stares at terra straight in the eye.)
starfire- terra!
terra- starfire
starfire- what are you doing here?
terra- making sure you stay away from robin?
starfire- robin? i do not understand. i thought your feelings were for beastboy.
(terra begins to remember beastboy name and stops for a moment.)
terra- beast boy? why does that souind so familiar
starfire- he is the person you love is he not?
terra- what? (shaking her head) NO this is all a lie for you to trick me . i know your after robin BUT YOU CANT HAVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(terra grabs starfires purple shirt and slams her against the bathroom stall)
starfire- i do not wish to fight you please let me go.
terra- your not leaving!
(terra grabs a huge rocks and drops it infront of the door starfire came in through)
terra- there. now you cant leave and no one will be able to hear you over the music
starfire- please i do not want to fight you but i will i if i must.
terra- i dont think you have a choice
starfire- so be it!
(starfire blasts terra in the stomach slamming her against the wall. terra gets up and breaks the whole wall of the side of the bathroom and jumps on a small rock and flies outside. starfire follows her and as soon as she exits the bathroom terra throws a rock the size of a car toward starfire. the rock hits her and pins her to the ground. terra looks down at her beleiveing she has won and begins to fly away. as soon as she starts to fly away, a bright green light flashes and starfire breaks the rocks into little peices using her laser vision.
starfire- were not done yet!
(starfire blasts a green fire ball toward terra and knocks her off her rock. terra falls down and lands on her shoulder. she gets up and throws hundreds of little rocks toward starfire. starfire dodges most of them but then gets hit from behind and falls down to her knees. terra walks up to her and slaps her across the face. terra slapped her hard enough that it caused starfire to have whiplash. starfire got very mad at this and her eyes began to glow. starfire blasted another green fireball toward terras stomach but this time a lot harder. this blast sent terra flying about 20 ft. starfire flew toawrd her and floated over her body.
starfire- terra are you ok?
terra- yeah im fine. but you wont be
starfire- your not going to trick me again
(starfire gathered a large amount of energy and made a huge green fire ball. she raised her arms and threw it with full force toward terra. terra became scared and suddenly felt something trigger in her body. at that moment four giant boulders appeared out of nowhere and slamed starfire on all four sides of her body nearly crushing her. starfire falls to the ground and lays there still. she doesnt even flinch.
terra- how...... did i do that? THE CHIP! thats what slade was talking about
that was that feeling i felt.
(terra looked down at starfires body and just laughed)
terra- i told you i was going to hurt you.look starfire, i know your still alive and i know you can hear me so listen up. stay away from robin or the next time i come i'll really kill you real
(in the club, robin begins to worry about what happened to star. robin walks over to raven, cyborg and beastboy.)
robin- have you guys seen star?
cyborg- wasnt she with you?
robin- she was but then she said she had a werid feeling and went to the bathroom. hey raven can you check on her for me?
raven- i guess
beastboy- hey i'll go!!!!!!!!!!!!
cyborg- your staying here!!!
(raven walks toward the bathroom and tries to open the door)
raven- (thinking to herself) why wont it open. its like somethings in front of it.
(raven looks around and sees if anyone is watching and then steps away from the bathroom door.)
raven- azarath metriol zinthos!!!!!!
(raven blasts the door open and pushes the rock into the corner of the bathroom. she stares in amazement at the huge hole in the wall of the bathroom. raven goes back into the club.)
beastboy- so is she there?
raven- no but i think something bad happened to her.
robin- WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!
raven- the whole wall was smashed and theres a big hole on the wall
(robin runs toward the bathroom and the others follow him. he walks outside and see starfire laying down on the ground barely breathing.)
robin- starfire!!!!
cyborg- what the hell happened?
raven- thats not important right now. we need to take her back to the tower now!
Beastboy- (changes into a large eagle)
put her on my back .i'll get her there faster.
(robin gently lays her down on beatboys back and he fly's off with her)
robin- (slams his fist into the ground)whoever did this will pay!!! I guarentee it
(meanwhile slade is watching all this from his hidden camera)
slade- (thinking to himself) well done my apprentice. your slowly getting better. it wont be long until youve finished them. as long as you dont see beastboy, everything will be fine
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Action / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 08.20.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 10 | Visits: 305 | Status: Completed
Teen titans