Fan Fiction ❯ Static Shock: Through the Green Glass Door ❯ To The City! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: don't own, don't sue.
Setting(s): a small house in small town outside of Dakota city, the City of Dakota.
Time:9:50-10:00 and 11:00
As she get the beer for her father, angel had made up her mind /tonight me and Austin are gettin' out of this hell hole/ she clutched the beer bottle by the neck and raised it up over her fathers head /one way or another/
Angel bought the bottle down as hared as she could onto her fathers head, he made no sound as she continually smashed the broken bottle into his head. Angel stopped when all she was holding was the bloodied neck of the beer bottle. Her father slumped down the couch and then fell onto the floor soon after she had stopped hitting him. /now I have to get Austin out of here/ thought Angel, unusually calm for someone who had just killed their dad.
“Austin?,” Angel asked as she softly rapped on the door, “you awake?”
“*yawn* yea” came a sleepy reply.
“I'm gunna come in, okay?” asked Angel
Angel slowly opened the door to Austin's room and stepped in. Austin was on her bed, apparently she had just waken up. Angel, still to calm to be natural, studied the room for a moment.
“Pack you favorite things, we're leaving” said Angel
“Why?” Austin asked, waking up fully instantly
“Because I said, get you backpack and put your favorite toys, I'll pack you clothes, but we need to hurry” was her answer.
“Kay” and the two when about packing in silence. Angel packed warm clothing and light clothing, shoes and even hair care products into that little pink backpack. Austin put her favorite dolls and books into her other bag, the green one Angel gave her last year.
“Hurry, we don't have much time left and I still need to pack” said Angel
“Is daddy coming?” Austin asked innocently
“…no, Austin, I want you to stay here, alright, right in this room till I get back, okay?”
“I promise” said Austin and sat down on her bed. Angel left the room and walked across the kitchen, stepping over her fathers' body and into her room. Angel packed her warm clothes, her lighter clothing and her shoes.
She went over to her bed and pulled the mattress up. There was a wad of money, almost two thousand dollars, which she had saved or stolen over the past four years. Lastly she changer her clothes, it was a miracle Austin never noticed the blood stains on the clothes she had been wearing. Angel grabbed her bag and walked out of the room across the kitchen, not even glancing at her father's body, and into Austin's room. Austin was asleep on her bed, her blond hair spread out like a halo around her head.
“Hay baby,” Angel said as she lifted Austin onto her hip, “shhh, shhh” she coed when Austin started to wake up. Angel walked to the car and strapped Austin in. When Angel got out of the car, she broke down and threw-up. She started to tremble /what am I going to do! I'm only 15, I can't drive! I need to stay together, for Austin's sake. I can do this, but where to go? Any where but here, that's for sure/ Angel was breathing hard when she strapped her self in the car and stared at the steering wheel /what am I going to do? If I go to jail…/ Angel looked back at the sleeping form of Austin / who will look after Austin?, no I can't go to jail, I can't leave Austin by her self/ as she continued to stare down the steering wheel thought came to her /Francis, he'll know what to do/
“Hey, baby…hay Austin walk up, please?” Angel said/asked
“*yawn*…wha?” was her reply. Angel waked around to were Austin was strapped in and took her out of the car.
“We're going to walk to the city, okay, good”
And they stated walking(me: no dah). With the occasional interruptions:
“I wanna go home, my feet hurt, I have to use the bathroom” Austin whined
“we can't go home, I told you. I'll carry you if you feet hurt that much, didn't think so,” Austin shock her head, she hated piggybacks when she was tiered, “ and you can use the bathroom when we get there, I already told you this” was Angels stern reply.
(Scene change, Time elapse: 1hour)
Angel and Austin entered the city of Dakota around noonish, Angel found this out when Austin stopped complaining about her being tired and started complaining that she was hungry.
“Um… lets get you some thing to eat, then we need a place to stay” Angel said. They walked into a small dinner near where they had entered the city and took a seat next to a man in a black trench coat and hat(me: three guesses guys, two don't count)
“What can I get you?” asked the waitress
“Umm… I'll have a Mountain Dew (me: Love Mountain Dew!!), and Austin will have your grilled cheese and some chocolate milk”
“Okay, that will be a few minuets” said the waitress when she was done taking there orders. Angel put her bag down near her feet and picked up the news paper. Austin, sitting next to her, was spinning on the stool she was sitting on.
“After this, are we gunna go home, how come dad didn't take us, do we have to walk home again? I don't wanna walk again.” Austin babbled. Angel looked up from the news paper she was looking at, and over to Austin.
“Austin, shush, your annoying the nice man, no we're not going home after this,” Angel was interrupted by the waitress, who had come with their food, “now eat up, you need your strength, you're a growing girl, thanks miss”
“Your welcome, how old is you daughter?” asked the waitress innocently Angel spit her drink out.
“My…my daughter?, No, no, she's my sister, she's 4.” Angel said
“Oh, I'm sorry” the waitress said. Austin was bored, the man next to her seemed fun (me: hehehe)
“Hi mister, my names Austin, what's yours?”
“…” he looked at her like `what are you doing?' Austin, if she even noticed, ignored it
“You look familiar, do I know you, my names Austin, and I'm 5, well I'm almost 5, how old are you?” Austin asked ever so cutely
“…” He had know idea how she was, /why is she asking me these questions? /
“Austin. Leave the man alone, I'm sorry about her” Angel said, trying to save the man from Austin's babbling
“It's okay sissy, oh, this is my sissy, Angel” Austin said. /Angel?...could it…, nah/
“Shut up!,” He said, “can you not stop talking, god! You've been in her what, 10 minuets? You Haven't stopped talking you Stupid Kid!” Angel had had enough, nobody talks to her sister like that, No body
“Whatever it is that's eating you, it must be suffering horribly. She's a kid, what do you expect. You have no right to talk to her like that!” Angel and the man were both standing up.
“Do you know who your talking lady?” he yelled. People where staring and he was starting to get annoyed.
“I don't care who you are, what you drive, or where you'd rather be. You have no right to yell at my little sister you jerk!”
“I'm starting to get annoyed” he stated /is that smoke? / Angel thought
“what are you the incredible hulk?” why don't you take off that hat, so we can see who you really are?” Angel demanded.
“fine!” he said as he tore the hat off of his head and faced Angel.
“oh my god, Francis?”