Fan Fiction ❯ Supposed relaxation ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Yuki, it's not what it looks like.” Ben said.
“Yuki, I was only thanking him he said these beautiful words to me which made me feel better about what happened.”
“How should I believe you, you kissed-“ Yuki got cut off as Nicole gave him a real kiss to show him that she didn't like Ben she loved him (there first)… Yuki forgave her and then
they rejoined the group and had a mini funeral in Tria's honour. They went on the plane and all Nicole could think about was what Ben had said to her.
“No matter what I will always have someone to love. I miss her so much” Nicole thought. And a tear ran down her face. Yuki saw this and whipped her tears off of her face.
“Always remember what I tolled you. And don't worry tria will always be with us whether we like it or not.” Ben said.
After that, every night Nicole prayed for tria wishing her well.