Fan Fiction ❯ Swordress and the Knight ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The swordress and the Knight
By: Ka-chan


The Deep dark brown hair of the girl spilled out from it's typical braid that went down to the middle of her back, She took her glasses of revealing more of her chocolate brown eyes, and she was wearing a purple bathing suit that had embrodered chinese like dragon on the side of it. Then She slid into the pool that was in the mansion she was assigned to live in.

"I wonder what this enemy is like the prince doesn't seem that worried. So I guess I shouldn't be either though the enemy is close to me right now and should be hiding in the woods around here or rather the castle that is there."

She slid under the water to swim alittle and then came back up for air then got out of the pool and dried off and changed her clothes into her normal outfit consisted of, red chinese style draw string pants and a tank top that was also red and was made with a satin like material and had a dragon on the center of the shirt. She grabbed her sword that was in it's sheath and went outside into the woods. She kept walking until she found a clearing and a figure that she could hardly see because it was dark out and the only light came from the moon. She decided to walk up to it.

"Excuse me." The figure looked up. She was startled to see it was a boy about her age with blackish hair that covered half of his eyes. She couldn't tell what color they were though.

"Do you know anything about the Hikuri kingdom." the boy looked alittle startled at the question then answered her

"I work for them." It was the girl's turn to be suprised. Then she smirked.

"So your the one that the prince Hidako was talking about then."

"huh? You work for Prince Hidako!?!" The girl pushed some strands of hair that fell loose from her braid behind her ear before she answered.

"yes I work for him and am his head gaurd."

"In other words your my enemy." He got his sword out of it's seath which had designs made with rubies on it.

"In a sense yes." She copied what he did and then got into a fighting position. "Shall we fight because it looks like your ready to and the winner is the one that draws the first blood from the opponent. But what should we fight for..."

"How about if I win I tell you my name and you have to tell me your's."

"and if I win?" She looked some what interested in the deal the boy had proposed

"you get your choice in what you want."

"Okay now that that's settled let's fight!" The girl Charged agresively at the boy who blocked it with is sword, Then lunged for her right arm which she dodged and then went for his leg bt missed, He quickly got behind her and then cut alittle slit in her left arm and alittle blood came out.

"It looks like I won. My name's Akurai Hoshi and your's is?" He extended his hand to help her up but she refused it and got up on her own.

"Mine's Kurai Ginga." She started walking back towards the mansion, Holding her arm.

She was back to it alittle before the sunrose she walked back inside and tended to her arm then decided to call her frend that gave her information abot the Hikuri kingdom and was her close friend.

"Moshi-Moshi Mezumi Naru speaking."

"Naru-san it's me Ginga." Ginga sat down on the couch.

"Was the information I gave you correct?" Naru sounded curious.

"Yes it was just as i suspected it to be. but there was a boy named Hoshi gaurding it. Unfortunatily he beat me in combat with swords." She flinched alittle when she mentioned she was beaten.

"That's weird according to my information there was no one garding the castle even my computer reseach says that." Ginga could hear typing in the backround while Naru entered some information into the computer.

"Maybe the never mentoned anything about gaurds and kept it secret Naru."

"I knew that!" Ginga facefaulted.

"uh huh sure you did Naru." Ginga had an annoyed look on her face

"I do!"

"Naru I knew more about hacking then you." Ginga stated in a supperior voice.

"....." Ginga could tell she had beaten Naru in the argument that had never happened and smirked.

"okay. now that we're finished with that, got any new info.?

"No nothing has appeared recently on the radar and no information has come to my attention."

"okay that's what I needed to know. Ja Ne Naru-san"

"syaonara Ginga." with that they both hung up their phones.


"Hoshi it's rumored that you met the enemy recently." Hoshi kneeled before Princess Hikuri.

"yes I have she is about my age." The princess tried to hide a yawn by putting the sleeve of her dress near her mouth.

"So she's from Hidako's kingdom?"

"yes she is."

"And she is a strong fighter?" The Princess was begining to look bored but she wouldn't allow herself to look it.

"yes. Though she might not look strong but she is. But much to agressive. That's what lead her to be defeated by me" He started thinking about the fight again.

"that is all I needed to know, you may now go Hoshi." Hoshi got up and walked out of the throne room.

He hated the way the princesses Blue eyes always looked at him as if he was insignifigant but he knew better then to leave the kingdom and leave it vunarable to Ginga.

"hmmm It's been quiet for a few days I wonder if Ginga is plotting something." Right as he said her name he thought of her long dark brown hair hanging in a loose braid and her Chocolate eyes that had glasses covering them. Hoshi shook his head. He couldn't think about the enemy like that. As soon as he got her out of his head he went outside into the clearing for guard duty. "Maybe she might show up tonight..."