Fan Fiction ❯ Terra Firma ❯ Setting and Explanation ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Please allow me to introduce myself…

I'm Tim, and I'll be your writer for however long you choose to stick with Terra Firma. I live in Boston and love every minute of it. My passions are writing anything and listening to a lot of music. Alright, enough about me.

Terra Firma's unique writing style

As I stated in the summary, this was all started as an RP on AOL in 2000. Anyone familiar with the style of such RPs might pick up on the style early.

:: Action Marks. Those two colons signify that a character is doing something, even if it's simply sleeping.

* Thought Mark. I use the asterisk to signify when a character is thinking something, and not saying it aloud.

() Note. When I need to convey something to you, the reader, I put it between note bubbles.

" Speech Mark. Duh.

To go a tad bit further, I need to explain that Terra Firma is written somewhat like a play. …Actually, come to think of it, that just needs said, it doesn't need explanation.


At the beginning of every chapter I will declare a cast. When first introducing a character, the name of the actor or actress whose voice would work best for them will be in parentheses next to the character's name, along with a film that person has done that you might remember him or her from.

The setting-the world itself

Terra Firma is set in the somewhat distant future-2227. Little is said of how the world got into the state it is in at the time, because with the obvious exception of technology, it is much the same as the world you and I live in. Also, there is a new planet involved in this-Sachiel. Sachiel is a world of three massive continents, and three completely different places. The Western Continent was torn apart by an absolutely massive war beteween Perdido-a nation much like the Western Natons of this world (the United States, Great Britain and Canada to name a few)-and the Sang-a nation of peoples without a formal country. The Eastern Continent is known as Mathil (pronounced ma-TIL), and is more or less split between a massive manufacturer of android-like "artificial life," and a massive military group. The continent in the middle is very mountainous and very peaceful. There is no organized government-you claim your land and you just LIVE on it.

Entities-and by this I mean groups

Terra Firma's world involves a whole lot of factions, sects and groups. Some of these you might be familiar with, from history you've had with movies and television. Other groups are completely bizarre to even me, and I've been doing this for two and a half years. If you find yourself rooting for one over the rest, GOOD. I want people to pick and choose which characters they like. It means they're beginning to have fun.

Thank you, and enjoy.