Fan Fiction ❯ Tester... ❯ Umm ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Nevlothiel watched the flame intently. It danced patiently in the slight warm breeze. "It is beautiful…" she muttered to herself, reaching towards it.

"Please restrain yourself. You might light the house on fire, thus killing all of us." Legolas rolled over. "Or even better- Quit this stupid habit and come to bed."

"You know I won't." The light bounced off the wall, creating a delicate atmosphere in the room. Smiling at the glow, she glanced out the window into the darkness. "Oh, Varda, Star-Queen… Protector of all women…I pray that you watch over my beautiful children and my husband. I also pray you watch the souls of those we have lost… Eveloyviel… Vinyaanto… Manarda…"

He scoffed. "Yes. Bless Manarda."

"And may Legolas learn to respect the dead- whether they loved him in life or no." She tossed him an evil glance. "Protect our third child, whom we just discovered is on the way a few days ago. We are very excited and hope that it will become strong and brave like it's siblings."

"Is it almost time?"

"Midnight, Legolas. I blow it out at midnight. We have a few minutes." Coughing briefly, she resumed her business. "Varda… I wish for long life and health to Aragorn, king of Gondor. The longer he lives, the longer we can linger in Middle-Earth. In the name of the valar, I conclude." She touched her fingers to her lips, then to her brow. After repeating this fourteen times, she blew out the candle, watching the red tallow drip down in perfect, steady drops.

Taking her in his arms from behind, the prince began to kiss her neck softly. "Such a nice little girl. Always remembers her nightly prayers. Always wants to benefit mankind. Now come along, darling. Tell me- What will be our child's name?"

"I picked the last two. You deserve to name at least one." Nevlothiel grinned. "Do not try a bizarre name, like that of a dwarf or a hobbit. Elf or man is fine."

"Hmm…" He paused mid-kiss. "Man would seem… exotic… Oh, Nev, I'm not good with names…none of the men in my family are- Thranduil, Manarda, Oropher… Hideous."

"Just think back- anyone you met who you would like the remember? We have Aragorn's memory in Estel, Orophin in Orophin… And then we reach a standstill. You know far more about the other cultures than I do."

Sighing, he thought back quickly. "Boromir, Imrahil, Éomer, Théoden, Déonar, Dernhelm… I am drawing a blank, darling. You are far better with names."

"Déonar… Who is Déonar?"

Legolas bit his tongue and pressed his face into her hair. "It is not a story I wish to tell at this moment." He lovingly placed a hand on her stomach. "Do you remember when we first met?"

She chuckled a little. "How can I forget? A full moon, a handsome young elf such as yourself, standing under the trees, contemplating who knows what. It was a very romantic introduction, I think. Why were you there, after all?"

He thought for a moment. "I, my dear, was lost. I suppose it was fate that made me stop under that tree to think for a bit. But, as usual, my mind wandered to other things… For example, I remember wondering who that pretty little maid was that kept sneaking glances at me. Of course, a hood covered your hair, but I recognized the eyes later. I always have loved a pair of green eyes."

"You little flirt."

"Oh, no, Nevlothiel… If I remember, it was you that kicked off the relationship. You fluttered those lashes and invited me in. Now it's your turn. Tell me, what were you thinking?"

Smiling wickedly, she moved over to sit on the bed. "What I was thinking was very simple- It's an attractive stranger in a moon-lit wood. It started out as a courteous gesture, but after the words had left my mouth, as the evening progressed on, I began to consider the benefits of fucking a prince."

"Nev!" he cried, laughing.

"At the time you hardly had a problem obliging those needs…"

"Yes, yes…well, you found those "benefits." Less than a year later, we were married and a child was on the way." He paused. "Nevlothiel… Would you have still considered had I not been royal?"

"Of course. I hardly even remember you as royalty. It would have made life easier if you were just a plain soldier or smith." She lay down and pulled the quilt up to her neck. "The men in my life before you were hardly of noble blood…"

"What other men?"

Sighing, she stared up at the ceiling. "Haldir, of course. Then there was Arato and Rionestion- Those two were brief… I think that is all. Just three."

"And what were they to you?"

"Do not worry, Legolas. You are my only true lover." Stretching slowly, she yawned. "Come here and whisper little nothings to me. Hold me while I sleep."

He lingered for a moment, then walked over and joined her. Taking her in an embrace, he leaned closer. "Nevlothiel, my love, my one and only, mother of my children… I will always be at your command. I would die for you. I would cut my throat if you bid it. No matter what you do, no matter what you say, I will not see you any differently than I did over two hundred years ago when we first met. Through all this time, I still see you as my perfect rose, my bright morning sun. No one's eyes can cut and heal me as yours do. I would not change one thing about you. Not. One. Thing. Can anything be as fair? As kind? Nevlothiel..."[Author ID1: at Thu Jul 10 07:47:00 2003 ]

"Please… Do not stop, love…"

"I can never stop… My bride… You chose a broken man as yours… I am not worthy of your light, but yet you have taken me and made me worthy. Our children sing the songs we did as children, pure and unknowing of the world's dangers. They can see the truth of love, of the world, in their parent's eyes when they look at each other. I can never stop. I can never have enough of you. Every day is new and full of wonder, every night is complete with kisses of passion. The touch of your satin breasts on my aching body can never get old. We will never be old in each other."

She buried her head in his chest. "How did I live before you? How did I survive without you?"

"Do not say a word…" He ran his lips over her brow. She lifted her head and kissed him softly.



"I love you."

"I know you do."

She smiled. "What a romantic."

"Is that why you love me?"

"The Goddess knows."

Legolas winked. "The Goddess knows many things."


"Mother, where do babies come from?" Orophin inquired.

She dropped her teacup onto the ground, startled. "Oh! Um… Why do you ask, love?"

"Because Estel says she cannot tell me." He took a bite of his breakfast. "And I know that somehow Father has something to do with it… So how do the two halves come together to make the baby? And why in women?"

"Well…" Nevlothiel swallowed, picking up the cup. "When a man and a woman love each other… They…Well…"

The boy leaned in, intent on his mother's words.

"Your father will tell you tonight. Or even better- Uncle Morinzilion can tell you this afternoon." She let out a sigh of relief. "I doubt it is my place as a woman. I told Estel, yes, but it is because we share the beauty of both being female."

"You love Estel more." He crossed his arms and stuck out his lip.

"You are right. You are little maggot I found in a dumpster. I have no idea why I took you in, you useless piece of shit," she said sarcastically.

His eyes bugged out. "Really!?"

"No. I love you both the same and I will love the new baby and ones to come after." Embracing him, she thought very briefly how similar he was to his father. He had the same teasing attitude, the pale blue eyes, and the high cheekbones. Everyone had been right.

Orophin rose and went to clean his dirty plate. "Mother, tell me- How old should a girl be when she marries?"

"Why all the questions about females, son?"

He smiled mysteriously. "Oh… no reason…"

"What is it?"

"Estel wanted to know."

Sighing, Nevlothiel stood and moved to look out the window. "Whenever a girl wants to. Hopefully, when she finds true love, whether at a very young age or an older one, like mine had been."

"Is Estel too young to marry?"

"I suppose not. She is in an adolescent stage and has started her bleedings. I do not understand why such a thing is important to her now."

There was a slight noise on the ground. Moving through the talan, she came to the door and looked down. Gimli was about halfway up already. "Vedui!" she cried to him, grinning. The sweaty dwarf looked, startled, lost his concentration, and fell several feet to the grass below. "Oh, dear… Are you all right?" she called as she scurried down the ladder.

"A little hurt pride, but of course, I am in Lothlórien." He sat up, wincing. "Hello, Nev…It's been a while… Legolas in?"

"No, I am afraid. He should be back by early evening."

"Ah. Are the children here?"

She nodded. "Orophin is about the house. Estel is in training."


"My brother, Morinzilion, teaches her basic sword and archery techniques. Next year, Orophin starts. In the afternoons, I teach her sewing and manners. I want her to be able to defend herself and still find the right man."

Gimli grunted. "Basically, you want her to be like you."

Looking down shamefully, she grinned. "I want her to find a man like her father. Estel is not similar to me. Not entirely. She is far more… open… with her mind. She would join the army if laws allowed it. She reminds me, in fact, of a young Éowyn…" Both dwarf and elf fell silent.

"She was a true beauty. A rarity among humans." He sighed. "Her granddaughter was married off recently to Imrahil's youngest. He is far older than she, but they seemed happy enough."

"That is lovely." At the mention of Imrahil's name, she felt her heart sink lower.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Nev… I know you were close to Imrahil." He patted her hand. Quickly changing the topic and mood, he burst out, "Well, let's go up. I'm eager to see how Orophin is looking." He made his way up gingerly.


"Let me see it."

"It is no good, Mother. I want to start over again." Without another word, Estel jerked out the new hem, accidentally ripping the material. Nevlothiel sighed painfully. Estel immediately lost all color in her face. "Oh! I-I am terribly sorry!" Hoping to redeem herself, she began to stitch up the tear.

Touching her daughter's shoulder comfortingly, she pulled away the tunic. "Dear, we can try again later. You are tired, I am sure, from the long day of weaponry. You are done."

"Thank you." Eagerly, the girl rose and started off down the hall.

Gimli grunted. "You favor her, I would think."

"I am insulted." She went about picking up snipped threads and bits of material. "Will you be spending the night, dear?"

"If it isn't too much trouble."

"Not at all." Tossing them in her scrap bag, she left to make the bed.

Legolas came home at that moment. He spied Gimli and gave a cry, embracing him. "What brings you here, Master Dwarf? Dear god- it's been far too long! Please, please, stay as long as you like!"

"Let-go-of-me!" He struggled free and gasped for breath. "God damn it, Legolas! You wonder why I don't come?" Brushing himself off, he sat down again in the rocking chair. "I have grave news. I am sorry to tell you what I bring."


"You see, Legolas…" he began.


Nevlothiel sat at her vanity, the brush in her hand mechanically moving through the brilliant strands. "How long did Gimli say we have?"

"I want to leave in two days for Minas Tirith," Legolas replied, pulling off his tunic to reveal his chest, his muscles still as trim as they were when they met. He paused, the garment still in his hands, watching her. "When was the last time I called you beautiful?"

"This morning. You have gone off the subject." She looked over at him. "What is wrong with Aragorn exactly?"

Sighing deeply, his face showed just how much he wanted to get off the subject. "Something about cancer in his liver, I believe. Dreadful…"

Nevlothiel added, "I am sure a human cannot smoke as much as he does as long as he did and go untainted." Rising, she went over to the window. "I remember how close you were to him- always joking about. Be honest with me- did I change all that?"

Removing the rest of his clothes, he shook his head. "I still love him like a brother. But I suppose it was merely that we stopped traveling together." He sighed and flopped down onto the bed, grabbing for the blanket. "Enough talk of sadness, dear. Go on and light the candle. But hurry, for I feel like I need-"

"Almost every night, Legolas! A girl gets tired of so much sex!" she moaned. "I need a break tonight. I feel so terrible."

"Did I say I felt like sex?" He closed his eyes. "I feel like hearing you sing."

She let out a single, clear laugh and went over to the bed, sitting on the corner. She reached out and grabbed his foot. "This song I dedicate to your sorry ass… Ahem…"

I was walking down the street

When should I chance to meet

A certain sorry bastard with rather odd feet

I took him home, brought him to bed

Placed a claim upon his head

And now I shall almost make him wish he was dead

She tickled the toes mercilessly. The boy screamed and writhed, giggling childishly. Finally he broke away and grabbed her around the waist, knocking her against the backboard. He grinned. "I pinned you."

"Ow…" she muttered. "Enough joking around, I think. I am supposed to be sulking over a dying friend."

"Oh." He let go of her.

She lunged at his shoulders and pushed him down into the sheets. He struggled, but found her surprisingly strong. "Ha. Now I pinned you," she smiled.

"Mother? Father? What are you doing?"

Both of their heads snapped in the direction of the door. Neither had heard it open. "Having a case of insomnia, Estel?" Legolas asked calmly.

The adolescent nodded slightly, not moving. "What are you doing?" she repeated.

Nevlothiel thought quickly. Grabbing the sheets, she moved off of her husband and folded them around his bare body. "Remember our little talk?"

She thought for a moment, then made a face. "At least lock the door next time! Oh my god!"

"Yes, I suppose it must be rather disturbing to walk in on your parents… Why are you in here, lovely?" her father asked. "Nevlothiel, be a dear and hand me something." His wife grabbed one of her robes and tossed it over. He glared at her for a moment, then pulled it on.

"I- I just heard odd noises…" Estel pursed her lips and spun around. "I hadn't expected this. Aiya!" She shuddered in a mostly dramatized fashion and stomped out.

Slowly, Nevlothiel turned her head towards Legolas, the look on her face on of pure evil. "Eh… I'm sorry?" he stated, grinning foolishly. She lifted a finger straight between his eyes. "Um…"

"That was your fault, you realize. I have to kill you now."

Within seconds, she had him pinned again. She leaned down until their noses were pressed against the others. "Nev, what are you doing?" he squeaked. Her hands removed his robe. He grinned profusely.

"I get to be on top this time," she whispered. "Stay still while I lock the door."


"We have horses. We have clothing. We have food. We have… We are missing someone…" Legolas observed. "Estel, you have thirty seconds!"

"To do what?" she asked from his side.

He turned and looked at her. "Never mind. Are you ready?" She nodded. "Good. Off we go. Minas Tirith! Say good-bye to the house!"

"Namaarie, talan!" Nevlothiel chirped.

"That is the last elvish I need to hear for a while, honey. Common. We speak common from now on. You know what they say- when in Gondor, do as the Gondorians do." He scurried down the ladder and hopped on his white horse, the great great grandchild of Arod. "Forth, Aryd."

A memory brushed up in the back of Nevlothiel's mind of Legolas wandering into the forest to find Arod, wasting time in refusing to ride another horse. She smiled to herself as they turned eastward and sped from Lórien.


"I have not been in this part of Mirkwood for nearly five hundred years!" the father exclaimed, inhaling deeply the scent of beech.

"I have never been the southern half before," his wife commented. "The palace is up by the Forest River, which is several miles away. In fact, none of us have been to any half of Mirkwood since Manarda died."

Legolas winced. "There is a reason for that."

Estel crossed her arms over her chest. "I liked him. I remember playing dolls."

Her mother looked clearly surprised. "You remember that?"

She nodded. "I remember a lot of things you told me to forget- like that ranger being decapitated."

Orophin perked up. "Decapitation! Really? Was I there?"

"Yes. I tried to cover your eyes. You were only two weeks old at the time, though," she commented.

"Ranger? Estragon, you mean. My god, I remember that bastard…" Legolas ejected.

"Watch your language, honey."

"Yes dear."

Estel thought quietly about the look on her mother's face as she whispered something to Tinuviel years ago. Unfortunately, she had forgotten what had occurred between her mother and her uncle. Why she detested him so, she could not comprehend. Pushing a sunny ringlet away from her eyes, she tried to recount the events of that fateful June evening when Nevlothiel had told her that her father was dead.

All she could remember was tears, Orophin's tiny form rolling off the chair, and a cloaked man with dark eyes sweeping them away on a black mare.