Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of the Masaharu Girls ❯ gimme some lovin ( Chapter 15 )
Sorry guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first chapter! Couldn't figure out how to do it. Heh heh. Anyhows. Quote: "whenever you are in doubt…………tough luck!" Grandpa Reiley.
Ayumu and Yuki stop singing and see Shippo's predicament and Mizu's lovely shade of violet.
Ayumu: *evil smirk* **sees Miroku sitting alone** ::sigh::
Yuki: *murmurs* Ayumu and Miroku sitting in a shrine…k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes Miroku's famous question, then Ayumu's answer, then comes Sesshy pushing a baby carriage. Cause he's the granny.
Ayumu: Yuki stop. I can't help it. He's soo hot…..**drools**
Shippo: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ayumu: *snaps back to reality* don't worry Shippo…the mighty Ayumu Masaharu is here to save the day. *runs toward Shippo heroically and trips over tree root* Oww…..
Yuki: Sesshy! *yank* -Shessy falls face fist into ground- Sesshy you didn't do that but I am blaming you anyways!
*******************everyone drops dead from exhaustion******************
The next morning everyone is very groggy.
Steve and Ayumu: *leaning on each other sleeping. They suddenly pop up very hyper* I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME, WE'RE A HAPPY FAMILY. WITH A GREAT BIG HUG *they hug Yuki and Shippo* AND A KISS FROM ME TO YOU *Ayumu throws a kiss to Miroku and Steve throws one to a random tree* WON'T YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME TOO?!
Hikari: No. I won't say it.
Miroku: XX, *unconscious because Ayumu "kissed" him*
Inuyasha: Feh.
Mizu and Yuki: *beam* our randomness is all grown up and *sniff* being random! *burst into tears of joy*
Sesshy, Sango, Kagome, Shippo, Charles: *raised eyebrows*
Kilala: *_* ::oh my gosh::
GIR: I'm gonna sing the doom song now. Doom doom doom doom doom doom………
*******six months later*******
…doom doom doom doom doom.
Everyone: *drools* (Yuki is in Sesshy's lap, Hikari is taking her frustrating out on Charles *good target practice*, Mizu's is humming the "Oscar Meyer" theme song, Ayumu is sitting dangerously close to Miroku, Sango is throwing mean looks at Ayumu, Shippo and Kilala are napping, Inuyasha and Kagome are making out *go figure*) ::random people are watching::
Ayumu slapped Miroku because his hand got a little too 'friendly' with her bum.
GIR: shhhh!! *holds finger up to silence her* doom doom doom dooooooooooooooooooom. Ok I is through. *grins proudly*
Everyone: *sweatdrops* **falls over anime style**
Masaharu girls: what do we do now…..?
They think for several hours.
Ayumu and Mizu: I know!
Yuki: what?
Ayumu and Mizu: we can kill Kikyo…..again. Good thing we brought her.
Masaharu girls: *evil grins* **turn towards Kikyo** mwhahahahahahahah
Kikyo: *gulp*
sorry that was sooo short!!! It's gonna be longer next time! See ya.