Fan Fiction ❯ The Beyblade MSN Chat ❯ Chat-a-mania! ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Symbols with stars next to them [*] have a description at end)

Okay! This is a chat thing!


DragoonBlader has signed in

DragoonBlader: Yo, isn't anyone here?

WhiteTiger: I am!

DragoonBlader: Okay!

SugarHighBoy has signed in

SugarHighBoy: Hey Tyson! Hey Ray!

WhiteTiger: Heya!

DragoonBlader: What's up? >=D *

SugarHighBoy: Nothing. =P *

DarkKaiser has signed in

DarkKaiser: Oh no, not you.

DragoonBlader: Mwhahaha! It is I! TYSON!

DarkKaiser: You should change your name to Pig. Or Sir Eat-a-lot..

DragoonBlader: No thank you.

SugarHighBoy: Is Kenny coming?

WhiteTiger: Said he was

SmartyPants has signed in

SmartyPants: HI!

WhiteTiger: *coughs* Nice name, Kenny. o_0 *

SmartyPants: Ya! I know! Isn't it cool?

Katie-sama has signed in

Katie-sama: Hi everyone! Hi Ray! <3 *

WhiteTiger: Heya! <3

DarkKaiser: Oh, I'm going to be sick.

DragoonBlader: Why?

DarkKaiser: *sighs* You'll never learn.

SugarHighBoy: Moooooooooooo!

SmartyPants: Clearly Ray and Katie like each other and Max is acting like a cow!

WhiteTiger: (3 *

Katie-sama: =0D *

DragoonBlader: Oink, oink!

DarkKaiser: I'm going to leave if this doesn't stop..

SmartyPants: Right! Me and Dizzi have things to do!

DragoonBlader: Did u say u and Dizzi have things 2 do?

SmartyPants: Yes, I did.

DragoonBlader: I C. It's o k. I thought that u were doing things.


Dragoon: Okay.

Katie-sama: Oi, loser, did you change your name?

Dragoon: Yes, yes, I did.

Katie-sama: Okay! *goes back to private-chatting Ray*

PinkGalux has signed in

PinkGalux: Did you just say what I think you said?

Katie-sama: Yes.


Katie-sama: *watches and listens as crickets chirp*

PinkGalux: HE IS MINE!

WhiteTiger: Mariah, I have some things to explain, I see. One, I do not love you. Two, I never liked you. Three, I am in love with Katie, not you. Four, please go away before I do something dangerous.

PinkGalux: OKAY!

PinkGalux has left the conversation

Katie-sama: *smothers him with kisses*

WhiteTiger: *blinks*

CrazyGramps has signed in

Katie-sama: Uh, hello, who are you?

CrazyGramps: Heeeyy! It's Grampa! Tyson's grampa!

Dragoon: -_-0 *

CrazyGramps: Anyway, since my little dude here won't get off the computer, I got on the laptop and signed in too. I came on to tell him that dinner's up.

Dragoon: Oh man. Bye! Cya!

Dragoon has left the conversation

CrazyGramps has left the conversation

WhiteTiger: Okay, now that he's gone, Kai, you can come out of hiding.

DarkKaiser: Phew! Thought he'd never go!

PsychoBoi: Alright.

DarkKaiser: MAX!

PsychoBoi: I liked it. =^____^=

Katie-sama: Riiight.

WhiteTiger: *sweatdrops*

Katie-sama: Luv ya, Ray!

WhiteTiger: Luv ya, babee!

SmartyPants: I'm gonna go! Bye!

SmartyPants has left the conversation

PsychoBoi: Mom's callin'! Peace out!

PsychoBoi has left the conversation

DarkKaiser: I don't think I should stay here with you two.

DarkKaiser has left the conversation

Katie-sama: so, what ya wanna do? =D *

WhiteTiger: Wanna go out?

Katie-sama: Sure! Where to? 0=) *

WhiteTiger: My place. I'll whip up a dinner and we can watch a movie.

Katie-sama: And? ;) *

WhiteTiger: You know what. ;)

Katie-sama: I'm THERE! :D *

WhiteTiger: Hehe, excited?

Katie-sama: YES!

WhiteTiger: See ya later!

Katie-sama: BYE!

Katie-sama has left the conversation

WhiteTiger has left the conversation

(The smilies:)

[ ;) the winking smily. 0=) the angel smily :D the happy smily =D really happy smily =^_____^= kitty kat smily -_-0 the sweatdrop smily (3 the lip kissy smily <3 the heart smily o_0 the weird oh my god smily =0D the really cool happy smily =P the cheeky smily >=D the devil smily ]