Fan Fiction ❯ The Blue Nightexpress - Lunatic Party ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The Blue Nightexpress - Lunatic Party
Author: Angelface
Disclaimer: I don't own... I know this might be a big surprise... but I really don't own any of the mentioned characters, they are owned by either themselves or WWFE. No copyright infringement intended. I'm not making profit... and I swear: this didn't happen, only inside my head, it's pure fiction.
Distribution: You want it? OK. :) Would be nice to tell me where... I'm such a curious person...
Feedback: Please! If you think I let an important person out and am not planning to bring him/her in later you might tell me to add this person... this is like an anything goes thing and where this story is leading is still a bit foggy....

Summary: Ok, it goes like this: there is this really huge train, the nightexpress, and for some reason a lot of our heroes are in this train... some know that there are others, and some just don't... ah yes, and since I wrote it you might have guessed already (or because of the *night*express...): it's set in the middle of the night.

Notes: The "unknown" person is of course not "unknown" to me... I just don't want to tell :p it's a wrestler you all probably know, in other words it's not me nor any original character.

Notes#2: Some of you might feel a bit offended if your fave superstar is rather on the receiving end in this... I don't mean to piss anybody off with this, promise!

Warning: Storylines from the last few years are mercilessly mixed up and some owns are added.
Rating and Content for this part:

Rating: PG 13
Content: Implied Slash, Het, Nonsense, profanity...

~*~°~ #----- Shawn's POV -----#~°~*~






1260 wait....

Oh damn! Now I'll have to start all over again! This sucks.





~*~°~#----- Hunter's POV -----#~°~*~

Can't this woman just leave me alone?

God! She's talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking...

... and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking...

... and once she's done talking she continues talking...

Is it legal to talk that much? ... I mean... *damn* my ears fucking hurt!!!

~*~°~#----- Scott's POV (Scott => Scott Hall) -----#~°~*~

I didn't do this, did I?

Good GOD!

I can't believe I actually did that... oh damn...

And it had absolutely no effect after all!

I mean... this is...

I probably picked the wrong guy... but...

At least it's better than Vince...

...and furthermore: there are others...

~*~°~#----- Regal's POV -----#~°~*~

I wonder what this was all about... I mean he could've figured that it wouldn't work...

Huh... the tea is nice... a bit hot, though...

Oh well...

~*~°~#----- Shawn's POV -----#~°~*~






I said "546"

Come on you damn sheep...

Jump over the fucking gutter...

~*~°~#----- Christian's POV -----#~°~*~

Hey, there's Edge! He's returning from the toilet!

"Man... I tell you.. that toilet there... It absolutely, so totally does *not* reek of awesomeness... it reeks of something else, though..."

You see, and he called me a wuss 'course of being afraid to go there...

"Don't look at me like that... after all the toilet is *not* dangerous, bro..."

Ok... ok... I'm cool...

Geez, but why is Edge looking so green?! Oh damn.. that toilet *IS* dangerous!

"Bro, you alright?..."

No, nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

It's the mutated ninja-hero-Edge of doom! Somebody help me!!!!!!!!!!!

~*~°~#----- Scott's POV -----#~°~*~

Ok, so it didn't work... I mean I'm sick and all this stuff but in the end...

Life goes on, Chico...

So I'll just go for the next...

~*~°~#----- Shane's POV -----#~°~*~

You know something?

These Hardys... they are really unnerving me.

I mean, I'm a very open-minded person, and I do understand that the needs of some people demand more attention than those of others...

But they shouldn't make so much noise in the middle of the night...

Always respect the privacy of others...

I wonder if it ever accrued them, that this might actually offend somebody...

~*~°~#----- Shawn's POV -----#~°~*~

Ok, ok... so counting sheep isn't working...

Damn, it's too quite in here... who is supposed to sleep in such perfect silence?

Take a look at all those stars out there.

They are beautiful...

...I wonder what Hunter is doing now...

I guess he's at home, sleeping peacefully with his wife in his arms...

He deserves it...

Maybe I should count the stars?

~*~°~#----- Stephanie's POV -----#~°~*~

Oh, take a look at that. Isn't it cute?

He's not paying the least bit attention anymore... he's exactly where I want him.

Now, I can make him agree to anything I want...

Men are soo... stupid!

This is great!

~*~°~#----- Shane's POV -----#~°~*~

Wait a second... there's.... there's someone standing in the door... good God!

That's... that's RAZOR!!!

"Raaaazooor!!!!!! What are you doing here? Razor!" Damn, I sound like a little child... but after all, at least in my mind, Razor was always like a huge teddy bear....

"Hey-Yo mind some company, Chico?"

"No, no, no, no ,no, NO! I mean... not at all..." Ok, ok, ok... let's face it I'm not a little child and he ain't no teddy bear...

"Cool, so I'll just sit down here, 'kay?"

"YES! You mind being my teddy bear?"

~*~°~#----- Jeff's POV -----#~°~*~

Once upon a time there was a happy couple... Prince Matt and Princess Lita... they were so in love that they fucked throughout the entire night... unfortunately that prevented Prince Matt's brother Prince Jeff from sleeping... and the constant lack of sleep robbed the poor Prince Jeff his sanity... and one night the now insane and evil brother of Prince Matt killed both Prince Matt and Princess Lita while they were fucking each others brains out...

...and evil Prince Jeff lived happily ever after...


I mean, I am really, *really* not upset because they are doing what they doing it's just... they are doing it in front of my nose, literally (!), and making a whole lot of noise...

...but I guess evil Prince Jeff had to kill the entire train.. I'm hearing pleasure-soaked moans from almost everywhere as it seems... I think I recall Shane-O screaming something about a teddy bear... many so seriously deranged people...


~*~°~#----- Undertaker's POV -----#~°~*~

'I'm a Barbie girl... in a Barbie wooorld... life in plastic... it's fantastic... you can brush my hair... and touch me everywhere...'

Damn, damn, *DAMN*... I simply have to get this ridiculous song out of my head!

Even more important: I have to stop humming it... people already start looking at me kind o' strange... this ain't good...

~*~°~#----- Kurt's POV -----#~°~*~


I wonder what Stephy is doing right now...

I bet she's together with this bastard who calls himself a husband...

Hunter doesn't deserve Stephanie... she's such a cute and innocent girl... she deserves better than this intriguing, lying, unfaithful, bisexual, disgusting asshole...

Always the beauty and the beast... why can't it be the beauty and the Olympic hero?

~*~°~#----- Regal's POV -----#~°~*~

What the bloody hell is Austin doing here? I never thought he would take the train...

Oh yes, and he seems to be angry...

Incoherent accusations slipping out of his snout.

So Vince's little play thing is out of control again...

OUCH! That hurt! I better leave this place... Steve's in the mood for hurting people...

~*~°~#----- Hunter's POV -----#~°~*~

Ok, I finally managed to escape Stephy... whow...

All this talking of hers made me a bit dizzy...

So here I am. It's all very quiet. Hmmmhh...

Hopefully I can get some sleep here... but wait...

There *is* someone sitting there... maybe I can just sit down without being recognized...


Too late....

~*~°~#----- Unknown's POV -----#~°~*~

It's a beautiful night. The stars shining for all they're worth... I wish more people would appreciate these simple things in life... like the sky tonight...

But I doubt it. A train full of ignorant people is rushing through the night... on a trip to nowhere important... they might think it all matters so much... but in fact it doesn't...

Believe me, because I know it. In the end nothing really matters.

I'm just curious how all of this will continue...

End of part 1 ~~<~~<~@ TBC ~~<~~<~@

Jeder hat ein anderes Ziel
Doch alle wollen sie fliehen
Durch die Dunkelheit der Welt
Im blauen Nachtexress
( ~Juliane Werding~ don't know how the song was called exactly)

Everybody has a different aim
But all of them want to escape
Through the darkness of this world
In the blue nightexpress