Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance To In Clover ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Dance To In Clover(1)

Authors: Epitah-hall and Locura

Warnings: shounen ai- more warnings to come- Rating already set for later parts

Notes: Locura- Well, part of this was edited by Epitah-hall but the rest was only edited by me >.< very sorry if there's lots of mistakes and thus this could change a lil later. This may seem odd right now but if you keep with it I believe you will enjoy this (lengthy) rpg rewrite very much. ^_^ If nothing else just give it a few seconds of your time and have a good laugh. Hope you Enjoy!

***= Beginning/ending/scene or time change


It was almost evening. Probably around six o'clock or so he supposed as he peered around. It was gloomy. Dark and dreary as the past days had been but the lighting here was still much better than it was on the other side of the street, which hung in the evening shadow of the building behind it. It was for that subtle difference in light and the fact the heavens hadn't yet to decided to poor its icy autumn tears down upon him that he was grateful.

The jagged haired youth sighed as his blond and purple hair falling forward and onto his face. Some of his hair was once again in the middle stages of being long enough or short enough to not be annoying and, though he loved the look, it was now in that stage of irritation.

He really should have left for work fifteen minutes ago but he just didn't feel like going. He had his apartment paid up, anyway, so it wasn't like he as going to be homeless anytime soon…. he could manage to lose this job even if it was one of the better one's he'd had in what seemed like ages.

The boy wasn't really sure why he kept hanging around this area but it was a nice enough place to sit a while and breath in the cloudy city air while searching for someone to try and cheer up a bit. It was strange but he always loved to make people happy. It seemed stranger still, perhaps, because he lived in the city and generally ended up becoming a dirty dancer at a bar whenever his luck turned sour, which was more often then not.

"Tyfen, you spaz, why do you do this every time?" The boy, Tyfen, asked himself quietly shaking the hair from his face. "It always ends the same..."

The green-eyed boy sighed again as he shifted a bit and was surely tempted to make himself get up from the wall he leaned against and go to work, despite the fact he didn't need that much money at the moment. He was just about to do just that when he spotted someone waiting, quite impatiently, for the crosswalk sign to turn just across from his position against the building. Curious the brightly colored boy leaned forward for a slightly closer look at the other boy who looked as if he would he wanted to hurt someone while also looking most desperately in need of some cheer.

The boy couldn't have been much younger, or older depending on how his face aged and ancestry was taken, then Tyfen himself was and with the `pissed off/don't touch me look' adorning his Asian face the observing boy highly doubted the other would, at first, appreciate his attempts at cheering him up. That didn't matter Tyfen, though, he was certain this one would be better then the last few who took advantage of his attempts at friendship and kindness.

Standing he watched the boy stalk across the road, dark eye smoldering like embers under black locks of hair that only partially covered his eyes. Yes, this one would be very interesting. Tyfen put on a wild smile as the smaller boy passed him with a swish of his cloak.

It was once the other boy was clearly past him that Tyfen dusted off his leather pants, adjusted his bright midrift purple shirt, and gave the chase. He'd get the other gothic looking boy to start the conversation.

That was only fair.


"Stop looking at me, you're hurting my eyes." Furaito growled at the other another boy who had been fallowing him for the past few streets and now stood right next to him peering at him much to closely for his comfort as they waited for the light to change. Color sense had seemed to elude the taller boy who wore only bright purple and yellow with just a smidgen of green and black thrown in around the feet.

The other boy just beamed at being noticed and stuck out his tong while waving, though he wasn't even a foot away. "No."

Furaito glared a moment at the pest, who smiled widely in return, before stalking off as the light turned in his favor; determined to ignore the other boy that he happily bounced after him with the stupidest grin plastered under his pointed nose.

"Do you ever smile?" The boy inquired, while fiddling with an earring.

Furaito's voice was as bitter and harsh as his expression had hinted. "No."

"That's sad. You should! I bet you have a pretty smile." The other boy's voice sounded almost remorseful but still overly optimistic.

The black-haired boy avoided the bright boys face, if he made no eye contact maybe the boy would take the hint and leave. "I bet not."

"But how would you know if you never smile?" The boy bounced on the tips of his feet so that he was in front of Furaito for a moment and tilted his head, eyes widened in exaggerated cluelessness. "Hmmm?"

"Who cares?" He turned a corner sharply and the taller boy found himself hurrying to catch up.

"I do! And I`m sure others do to!"

Dark eyes narrowed as he growled back, "Nobody cares, get lost."

Tyfen smiled again, his eyes lighting up as he continued to fallow the other boy. "I can't do that until you smile!"

Furaito turned around suddenly, eyes fixed with a glare that would scare the dead and cloak blowing open to show how small and thin he was despite the cloths that hid his slight frame. "You're wasting your time."

"No I'm not." Tyfen smiled and spun around once, his hair spinning around him in a blur of bright yellow and purple. "I'm Tyfen and for my service job I chose to make someone happy, and that my friend is you!" All he got in return was another heated glare but he just smile and held out a hand, "And who are you?"

"I'll give you two options, back off or die."

"Hmm….. I think I'll die." Tyfen tapped a finger on his chin a moment, as if in thought. "You can kill me, though, if you think that will make you happy."

"I don't care if it's your service job, the only thing you're doing is making me angry and putting a delay in my plans."

"I'm doing this because I want to and you need it...but I can make it up to you somehow, what would you like besides my leaving you alone?"

The object of Tyfen's enjoyment simply went back to ignoring him as he neared a set of run down apartments. The green-eyed boy, of course, continued to fallow at a few paces behind and amazingly didn't attempted conversation again. Despite the silence his presence was felt and Furaito finally had had enough and threw a blast of sci-power (2) at the pest that simply wouldn't leave.

The pest, for his part, was extremely surprised at that motion but dodged it laughing and immensely thankful that he had quick reflexes. "That was fun! Your cute when your annoyed, but you still should smile."

"LOOK," His eyes sparkled with red as he glared angrily at the laughing boy behind him. "I'm not in the mood and clowns just happen to really piss me off."

"Who's a clown?" The boy in question looked generally confused. "I'm no clown. I'm just here to make you happy. If you don't contribute I can't figure out how to do that."

Furaito bristled and headed up the stairs, the aged steps creaking threatenly back at him as if warning him of how close they were to simply falling apart. "Sucks to be you."

"Na, its just more fun this way!" They made it to his apartment and the door opened only to have the smaller boy slide in before slamming it in the others face, who simply sighed and sat down leaning against the now closed door.

"Freaks…" The dark-haired boy sighed and took off his cape, reviling a black lace shirt underneath. Turning one last time towards the door he yelled, "You can go home now!"

The green-eyed boy's voice, impeccably optimistic as it was, rang back from behind the door. "I'm Tyfen and I'm not going anywhere until I make you happy!"

Furaito sighed in annoyance and jerked open the door, this guy simply didn't understand. "Look, Tyfen, I assure you your wasting your time."

Smiling Tyfen just let himself fall backwards as his back support left him and he smiled up at the boy who looked exasperatedly down at him. "Well, Mister, I can assure you that I'm not."

"And why is that?" He crossed his arms across his chest and waited for the answer that was certain to be wrong.

The obnoxious smile, which previously had yet to disappear, finally failed for a moment to be replaced by a somewhat serous look. "Because you deserve to be happy."

"No I don't. I don't deserve anything…." Furaito sighed, his heated glare never wavering. "You don't understand why bother?"

The smile was back, if not a little less wide as the boy one the floor patted Furaito's boot. "Of course you do! Everyone deserves happiness!"

He smirked scornfully down in reply, "I think you've got so much your stealing it away from people."

"Na!" Tyfen shook his head, knocking it against the other boys boot. "Happiness is something you give not steal!"

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"…Your wrong."

"I am not. And I aim to give you some soon!" The blond and purple-haired youth looked up indignantly, his bright eyes meeting dark for a moment.

"Why aren't you in a psychiatric ward?" The other shot back, glaring all the while. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh I was." He smiled. "But I didn't like it there. Everyone was already happy so they didn't need me! Plus I know exactly, 100%, what I'm talking about!"

Furaito just ran a hand threw his hair before walking away clearly very frustrated with the boy, Tyfen, who must have been dropped repeatedly on his head as a baby to be this dense. Tyfen, for his part, saw the still open door as an invitation to go inside and ran with it as the smaller boy leaned against a wall.

"Nice place." The intruder commented as he sat on the floor. "What would you like me to do? I can cook, clean, dance, sing~ you name it!"

He closed his eyes, the question had been asked with a predictable answer. "How about leave?"

"Can't do that until your happy- sorry! But I can promise that once you are I will leave straight away and you will never have to see me again"

The glare never wavered, even when he closed his eyes it seemed to still have its presence in the room and even as he paused for a moment it didn't falter. Furaito was truly a very hard person to crack. "I'm surprised you have the ~guts~ to even come in here."

"Should I or shouldn't I? It doesn't really matter." Tyfen shrugged to himself as he watched the other boy go sit on the couch. "You know what? You need more colors in your life."

"Black and red is fine."

"Red is good, its a warm color- the black is depressing and not good for you I think. You need no tone down."

He lay down on his couch, his ebony hair spilling out onto its black surface and voice dry. "I don't want your artistic advice."

"I know. But I'm still giving it." His eyes sparkled a moment as he thought of something else to do. "You know, sometime I'm going to buy you a yellow shirt with a smiley face on it!"

"I won't wear it, and you'll be wasting money." Dark eyes turned away to bore holes into the ceiling.

"I'd take all you cloths so you'd have to wear it. It would show that you really do have a sunny disposition behind your cold glares!"

"I do not. I can tell you that now Mr. Sunshine."

"Yes you do! You do deep down!" Tyfen proclaimed, as Furaito scuffed and closed is eyes as red began to appeared more violently in their depths. "So there!"

Annoyance raced threw his voice. "Your wrong, you don't even know my name and you think you know everything."

"Perhaps, but perhaps I know everything." The taller boy scooted over to the couch on his knees, his voice going soft. "I may not know your name but I can tell just by looking at you that somewhere deep down your a nice caring boy who just got hurt too many times. It shows in your eyes and actions."

Furaito's eyes opened, showing the red and black pigments that shifted across them. "You talk to much.."

"That I do!"

The ceiling was once again under the siege of his glare. "Knock it off."

The pest sighed and relented leaning against the couch. "Alright. Fine then."

It was quiet for a moment. Everything was peaceful as the boy on the floor entertained himself with finger puppet games and the other kept finding the ceiling enthralling. It was quiet for that time but it wasn't but a moment later that Furaito took a deep breath and spoke, though his voice came out barely a whisper. "Why are you still here?" Tyfen just smiled and put a finger to his lips, eyes glimmering with amusement as he refused to answer. "Well?"

The clock moved forward as both boys locked eyes and when the elder answered it came out very quietly around the ever-present smile. "Do you want me to be quiet or do you want me to talk?"

Dark eyes smoldered more as he twitched, irritated with the circles the conversation seemed to be taking. "I want you to answer my question in a non bouncy way."

Tyfen lay against the side of the couch, his head resting on his arm that half dangled off the side and eyes silently watching the other boy. "But I think I've already answered your question."

Furaito glared again. But this time it wasn't quiet as heated as before and all the while Tyfen smiled.


The Dance To In Clover- In Clover means-in very pleasant circumstances; fortunate. So the title basically means The Dance to Better/Very Pleasant Circumstances, or that's that its supposed to mean. ^^; I'm explaining because a friend didn't get the title etc. Title may change though.

(2) Sci-power is the kind of power that Furaito uses, its more or less internal power, telekinetic power and those kinds of things, mentality power.

One last note- If you would like to know more about Furaito (I recommend this ^.^ very nice story in progress) Go read Epitah-hall's story called "Flight over Fire" on Er…if you want to know about Tyfen for some odd reason IM me or something and I'll be happy to tell you ^_^ I'm gonna shut up now.