Fan Fiction ❯ The Demon Hunters ❯ The Turth ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Demon Hunters
By: Christal Hikaru
Character name/Age/ Friends name/Real age
Caroline dimiija 16 -Cassandra Perdue 13
Gikiro shiidmoshi 16-Chris Fowler 13
Samijjio Kushnada 16-Lauren Lee 13
Tokiiyomi Tryko 17-Anja Ervin 13
Rii-Doimsu Kiidou 15-Chris Schiller 12
Baco-dishmi Kiisu 16-Teresia Thessen 13
Maa Fuuzaku 16-Measie' Thibodeax 12
Trybird Sesu 15-Mathew Trimble 12
Dwamiijo ki 17-Trevor Willams 13
Aaron Shizooka 16-Austin Vener 13
Chi-Chu sumi 16-Nick Lococo 13
Dimou Demon 17-Cody Bently 13
Rii takes a huge swing at Trybird and nails him in the face knocking him to the ground. Trybird Bounced back on to his feet and then smacked Rii in his face. Rii got his balance and threw another punch but Tokii go in the way, and he hit her in stead.
"Tokii!"yelled Samijjio.
"Oh what luck...Tokii!"said Rii.
Tokii stood up and stared at Rii.
*Well I hope your happy.*she thought.
*I didn't mean to hit got in the way!*Rii thought back.
Tokii turned around losing eye contact and headed Deep in to the woods.
"Tokii please let me go with you."said Rii."Remember the promos!"
Tokii stopped in her tracks.
"The promos..."said Tokii.
She dropped to her knees, and Tears fell from her face.
"Promos...I almost made a huge mistake."said Tokii.
Rii walked up to Tokii.
"Tokii..."said Rii.
"Tokii!" Yelled an evil echoing voice.
"The hell!"Said Rii.
"Tokii you're a strong fighter, a worrier...The strongest in my whole army."said the voice again."Why did you leave!"
"Because that place was a living hell!" said Tokii."Show your self Lucifer!"
Purple colored smoke came from all sides and met in the middle to form a spire, then it expanded .When the smoke cleared Lucifer was standing there.
"Is that better?"asked Lucifer."Huh? Rii-Doimsu!"
"What about me?"asked Rii.
"That's why you left...both of you...ya'll where in love!"
"I don't know what you are talking about...I've never been to hell."said Rii."You must have the wrong Rii-Doimsu!"
"Why doesn't he remember?"asked Lucifer.
"During our escape Rii took a hard blow to the side of his head."said Tokii.
"SPARKLING ARROW!"yelled a voice.
"Caroline!"said Tokii.
Caroline took a land then aimed another arrow at Lucifer.
"Leave or I'll Give you a second dose of sparkling arrow!"said Caroline.
"Fine I'll go!"said Lucifer."By the way Rii if you ever want to know what happened in me or ask you girlfriend."
"I'd rather ask Tokii then you any time!"said Rii.
"Fine."said Lucifer disappearing.
"Are you two alright!"said Samijjio.
"Rii do you wont to know what happed...or not!"said Tokii.
"I do."said Rii.
Tokii sat down then Rii sat beside her...then Trybird then Samijjio Then Aaron and last Caroline.
"There use to be 12 of us Me, Rii, Samijjio, Caroline, Trybird, Aaron, Gikiro, Baco-dishmi, Maa, Dwamiijo, Chi-Chu, and Dimou."said Tokii."We where worriers in hell the best ones. I was Lt. and Rii was Caption. We conquered the whole world. Till the day Rii and I fell in love. we knew it was against the law and so did ya'll. To tell you the truth all of you fell in love with someone. For an example Maa and Dimou had fall in love. so we knew we must escape! And that we did. We ran till we found the cliff that would take us out of hell. We climbed and climbed. Lucifer threw an energy wave at the cliff knocking Rii off. I caught him but accidently slung him into the cliff. When we finally made it up I was so tired I could die...(OOC: You try carrying a 125 pound boy with one arm up an 10 foot cliff...wouldn't you fell the same?)...It had been weeks and Rii had'nt woken up. But When he finally woke up...nine months later...He didn't have a single memory of any of us. So what I did was reintroduced myself to Rii and it wasn't long and he was the same person again."
Aaron stood up.
"So your telling me...that my dreams about hell where true!"he asked.
"I'm afraid so."said Tokii.
Rii also stood up.
"And When did this happen?"asked Aaron
" December 24,2021."answered Tokii.
"What that was almost 99 years ago!"yelled Aaron.
"Yes...So your telling me where over 15/16/17 years old?"said Samijjio.
"Yes...actually I'm really 146 years old."said Tokii."You see add your age plus 99 years plus 30 years in hell that will give to your real age."
"So Rii is really 144 years old."said Trybird.
"Yes."said Tokii."Now get some sleep we move out tomorrow."she said walking deeper into the woods.
Everybody laid down and went to sleep. But Rii once again...He couldn't sleep so he sat out to find out where Tokii went.
^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~
Next time on The Demon Hunters.
Samijjio: Where did Tokii and Rii go? Rii left last night?!
Trybird: In the next chapter of the demon hunters, Rii disapears and we can't find him.
Aaron: What a cluz!
Tokii: What was that!
Aaron: Nothing. Oh and Samijjio gets her powers!
Tokii: So don't miss the next chapter of the Demon Hunters!
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!################!!!!!!!!!!!######### ###############!!
My Life
When my love dies
So do you
When hell rises
So do I
And when we can't make the fight
Will you be all right?
Cause there is so much I need to tell you.
Yes I'll be all right.
I fly with wings of and angel
I cry the tears of hell
But when I see you...
I run and bail.
My whole world turns to hell
I had to live
Alone with this cures
As a demon you join the show.
this my so-lo
this is My life!
(speak) Leave me alone
^.^ x.x :) :( :D ;) ^.^ x.x :) :( :D ;)______________________________________
Note: So what do you think? Review please.
By: Christal Hikaru
Character name/Age/ Friends name/Real age
Caroline dimiija 16 -Cassandra Perdue 13
Gikiro shiidmoshi 16-Chris Fowler 13
Samijjio Kushnada 16-Lauren Lee 13
Tokiiyomi Tryko 17-Anja Ervin 13
Rii-Doimsu Kiidou 15-Chris Schiller 12
Baco-dishmi Kiisu 16-Teresia Thessen 13
Maa Fuuzaku 16-Measie' Thibodeax 12
Trybird Sesu 15-Mathew Trimble 12
Dwamiijo ki 17-Trevor Willams 13
Aaron Shizooka 16-Austin Vener 13
Chi-Chu sumi 16-Nick Lococo 13
Dimou Demon 17-Cody Bently 13
Rii takes a huge swing at Trybird and nails him in the face knocking him to the ground. Trybird Bounced back on to his feet and then smacked Rii in his face. Rii got his balance and threw another punch but Tokii go in the way, and he hit her in stead.
"Tokii!"yelled Samijjio.
"Oh what luck...Tokii!"said Rii.
Tokii stood up and stared at Rii.
*Well I hope your happy.*she thought.
*I didn't mean to hit got in the way!*Rii thought back.
Tokii turned around losing eye contact and headed Deep in to the woods.
"Tokii please let me go with you."said Rii."Remember the promos!"
Tokii stopped in her tracks.
"The promos..."said Tokii.
She dropped to her knees, and Tears fell from her face.
"Promos...I almost made a huge mistake."said Tokii.
Rii walked up to Tokii.
"Tokii..."said Rii.
"Tokii!" Yelled an evil echoing voice.
"The hell!"Said Rii.
"Tokii you're a strong fighter, a worrier...The strongest in my whole army."said the voice again."Why did you leave!"
"Because that place was a living hell!" said Tokii."Show your self Lucifer!"
Purple colored smoke came from all sides and met in the middle to form a spire, then it expanded .When the smoke cleared Lucifer was standing there.
"Is that better?"asked Lucifer."Huh? Rii-Doimsu!"
"What about me?"asked Rii.
"That's why you left...both of you...ya'll where in love!"
"I don't know what you are talking about...I've never been to hell."said Rii."You must have the wrong Rii-Doimsu!"
"Why doesn't he remember?"asked Lucifer.
"During our escape Rii took a hard blow to the side of his head."said Tokii.
"SPARKLING ARROW!"yelled a voice.
"Caroline!"said Tokii.
Caroline took a land then aimed another arrow at Lucifer.
"Leave or I'll Give you a second dose of sparkling arrow!"said Caroline.
"Fine I'll go!"said Lucifer."By the way Rii if you ever want to know what happened in me or ask you girlfriend."
"I'd rather ask Tokii then you any time!"said Rii.
"Fine."said Lucifer disappearing.
"Are you two alright!"said Samijjio.
"Rii do you wont to know what happed...or not!"said Tokii.
"I do."said Rii.
Tokii sat down then Rii sat beside her...then Trybird then Samijjio Then Aaron and last Caroline.
"There use to be 12 of us Me, Rii, Samijjio, Caroline, Trybird, Aaron, Gikiro, Baco-dishmi, Maa, Dwamiijo, Chi-Chu, and Dimou."said Tokii."We where worriers in hell the best ones. I was Lt. and Rii was Caption. We conquered the whole world. Till the day Rii and I fell in love. we knew it was against the law and so did ya'll. To tell you the truth all of you fell in love with someone. For an example Maa and Dimou had fall in love. so we knew we must escape! And that we did. We ran till we found the cliff that would take us out of hell. We climbed and climbed. Lucifer threw an energy wave at the cliff knocking Rii off. I caught him but accidently slung him into the cliff. When we finally made it up I was so tired I could die...(OOC: You try carrying a 125 pound boy with one arm up an 10 foot cliff...wouldn't you fell the same?)...It had been weeks and Rii had'nt woken up. But When he finally woke up...nine months later...He didn't have a single memory of any of us. So what I did was reintroduced myself to Rii and it wasn't long and he was the same person again."
Aaron stood up.
"So your telling me...that my dreams about hell where true!"he asked.
"I'm afraid so."said Tokii.
Rii also stood up.
"And When did this happen?"asked Aaron
" December 24,2021."answered Tokii.
"What that was almost 99 years ago!"yelled Aaron.
"Yes...So your telling me where over 15/16/17 years old?"said Samijjio.
"Yes...actually I'm really 146 years old."said Tokii."You see add your age plus 99 years plus 30 years in hell that will give to your real age."
"So Rii is really 144 years old."said Trybird.
"Yes."said Tokii."Now get some sleep we move out tomorrow."she said walking deeper into the woods.
Everybody laid down and went to sleep. But Rii once again...He couldn't sleep so he sat out to find out where Tokii went.
^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~ ^.~
Next time on The Demon Hunters.
Samijjio: Where did Tokii and Rii go? Rii left last night?!
Trybird: In the next chapter of the demon hunters, Rii disapears and we can't find him.
Aaron: What a cluz!
Tokii: What was that!
Aaron: Nothing. Oh and Samijjio gets her powers!
Tokii: So don't miss the next chapter of the Demon Hunters!
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!################!!!!!!!!!!!######### ###############!!
My Life
When my love dies
So do you
When hell rises
So do I
And when we can't make the fight
Will you be all right?
Cause there is so much I need to tell you.
Yes I'll be all right.
I fly with wings of and angel
I cry the tears of hell
But when I see you...
I run and bail.
My whole world turns to hell
I had to live
Alone with this cures
As a demon you join the show.
this my so-lo
this is My life!
(speak) Leave me alone
^.^ x.x :) :( :D ;) ^.^ x.x :) :( :D ;)______________________________________
Note: So what do you think? Review please.