Fan Fiction ❯ The Deserter ❯ One-Shot
The Deserter
Gunshots all around me,
The beating of my heart,
The pounding of my head.
None of this I hear,
Only the silent accusations
Of the wounded, of the dead.
Running, forever running,
The smoke now clouds the air.
I cower behind a treestump
I reach out -- and touch my chair.
Now my wife is calling me,
She tells me, "It's alright."
I cannot understand her --
The sun shines, but I'm in a forest -- in the inky black of night.
Gunshots all around me,
The beating of my heart,
The pounding of my head.
None of this I hear,
Only the silent accusations
Of the wounded, of the dead.
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I wrote this about the same time as 'The Interview', but this one's much better. I even wrote it before even considering joining the military. I think it makes it pretty clear how I feel about deserters -- soldiers who abandon their posts, who go AWOL, and who don't fulfill their military obligations. And I think that makes it obvious how I voted in this election, and how happy I am about the outcome.
And if you're an American of voting age but you don't have any clue what (or who) I'm referring to, shame on you.