Fan Fiction ❯ The Goddess Sagas ❯ The Holy spell of divine power!! ( Chapter 13 )
Chapter 13: The Holy spell of divine power!!
"WHAT!!!!!" Genki screamed at the top of his lungs. "YOU MEAN WE ONLY HAVE ONE ORB LEFT TO FIND AND
The rest of the group was huddled around Ryan as he tried to get the orb of light to show the way but failed.
"Ohhh no!! Now what do we do!" Ruto moaned, falling her knees.
"I don't know, I have no idea what could be wrong." Ryan frowned, looking at the sword confused.
"Now how are we suppose to defeat Taromecika?" Carrie whimpered.
"I have away you can defeat the demon god!!"
The group screamed as a man and a group of mob people suddenly popped up behind them.
"GRRRR!!! DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT!!!!" Ruto screamed.
"I'm sorry miss, but see this map, it's shows where an ancient ruin dynasty is hidden, and in this ruin is a spell book, in the spell
book there is a spell called 'The Holy Spell Of Divine Power.' It is said to be able to beat any evil!" The man exclaimed.
"Really!?" Lima gasped.
"Yup! And it will only cost 10,000 gold!"
The group screamed falling down in shock.
"You've got to be kidding!" Mimi whimpered.
"How do we even know this spell is real?" Alex asked, raising an eye-brow.
"Yeah." Ryan frowned. "How do we know this map is not a fake?"
"You don't! But I, Mr.Bogono do not lie! I'm telling the truth!!"
Ruto frowned. "If he is telling the truth, then that spell will be really helpful...but if he Is lying then....Tell you what, we'll give you
1,000$ as a down payment and then if your telling the truth we'll give you the other 9,000$."
"Yeah!" Genki agreed.
"No way!! You don't know what I went threw to get this map!"
"Without the spell book that paper is worthless, just make the deal you old fart." Ruto frowned.
"You better show some more respect." Mr.Bogono hissed.
Suddenly the group found themselves surrounded by the men that were standing with Mr.Bogono, spears aimed at them.
"Oh." Ruto grinned. "This is how you want it.....EXPLOSION!!!!"
Mr.Bogono and his men were blown into the sky and fell to the ground burnt. Ruto grabbed the map from Bogono's hand, and
threw a pouch of money into his lap.
"There is your payment in full of a 1,000$"
"Payment in full...? Don't you mean my advance?" The man whimpered, Ruto grinned meanly.
"Payment in full."
"Curse you!!!" The man moaned as the group walked away.
"We've been wondering around this jungle for three days, and everything looks the same!!!' Ruto cried, gazing at map.
"Yeah! Oh, I hope we can find that spell!!" Carrie frowned, also gazing over at the map.
The rest of the group sighed, both Carrie and Ruto had been crazy about finding that stupid spell book.
"According to this we are looking for a landmark that looks like a ladies profile...Mimi, can you fly up and tell us if you see
anything?" Ruto asked, the fairy-half nodded and began to look, sighing she flew back down after a few minuets.
"Nope, I didn't see anything."
"Why did whoever write this make it so hard to figure out!?!?!?" Ruto screamed frustrated.
"What is the point to making a treasure map that his easy to figure out? It was their intention to keep these ruins hidden." Alex
commented, his arms folded.
"Ruto, calm down, we'll fine it." Ryan reassured.
"Ok...Ok..." Ruto breathed tying to calm down as her and Carrie continued to search the map.
"While you doing that." Genki suddenly said grinning getting into a fighting stance, along with the other boys in the group. "We'll
take care of this."
"Take care of....?" Lima questioned.
"What?" Carrie finished.
Suddenly Mr.Bongono's boys popped out of the bushes, armed with arrowheads and spears.
"How dare you double-cross Mr.Bogono!" The leader of the mob accused. "You wont beat us, because we're Mr.Bogono's
boys!! Mr.Bogono's boys!!! MR.BOGONO'S BOYS!!!!"
"Powers that dwells within the soul of the earth,
I ask you to come to me, and let me wield your power
With my unworthy hands, let the fools who stand,
In my way be destroyed by the power You and I process!
The whole area for a 30th foot radius was caught in a huge explosion. When the light cleared all of Mr.Bogono's boys were
laying burnt and twitching on the ground. Ruto brushed her hands together smiling.
"A new spell I learnt! Great, now thanks to them, I'm not in such a bad mood!"
Ruto smiled taking the map back into her hands, the boys behind her had sad disappointed faces.
"Yeah, but what about us?" Ryan frowned sadly.
" this mountain curve is the ladies profile..." Carrie studied.
"So we are looking for a nip on the neck...Ohhhh!! Were is it!?" Ruto growled.
Up the path two girls were walking towards them, a map in their hands, they both had long purple hair and brown eyes and
both wearing red Chinese fighter-dresses. The only difference is that one of them had a razor fan and the other had a red rod
for weapons. The two parties of searching girls paused when they spotted each other. The purple haired girl who had the a map
in her hands looked down at it frowning.
"Uh....a ladies profile?"
Ruto gulped. "Nip of the neck?"
The other purple haired girl's face flashed with worry. "Ruins of an ancient dynasty?"
"....Holy spell book?" Carrie finished.
"That is our treasure!!" The 1st purple haired girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, we went threw a lot of trouble for this!" the 2nd girl growled.
"Oh well, I don't care, we are getting that treasure, we spent a lot of money for this map!!" Ruto growled.
"It was expensive for us too!! We spent 5,000$ for this lousy map!" the 1st girl cried.
"5,000!? Were did you find a map so cheep!?" Carrie gasped.
"As if we'll tell you! Back off, we are going to get that treasure!" The two girls exclaimed together.
"Oh no your not!" Ruto barked.
"You dare to stand against Sabrina!" The 1st girl growled.
"And her sister Serena!"
"You've got a lot of nerve!" Both of them said together, taking fighting stances and drawing their weapons.
Carrie and Ruto also got ready to fight but the rest of the group just backed up against a rock, sighing.
"We'll leave this to them." Squall commented, leaning on the large white bolder.
"You heard him guys!" Lima giggled.
"You...heard him....?" Both Ruto and Carrie turned around giving Lima puzzled expressions.
"Take this!" Sabrina yelled throwing her fan she smacked Ruto in the back of the head with it.
"That's what you get for not paying attention!" Serena exclaimed.
"Oh you'll pay!!"
The rest of the group just watched blankly as the attacks between the two girls just flew back and forth at each other.
"Those other girls are pretty good." Genki commented. "I like their fighting style."
"I'm getting bored watching this weakling battle." Alex frowned.
"Ruto's been pretty pissed off lately, I wonder why." Ryan pondered. "Usually she would at least try and talk things out before
jumping into battle..."
"Probably that time of month." Mimi sighed absent mindly, then put her hand to her mouth as she realized what she just said.
The boys stared at her shocked and the poor fairy-half just seemed like she wanted to die.
"Hey, what's this?" Lima asked, staring at the rock.
"" Squall looked over at her and rolled his eyes. "It's a rock."
"No, this dark mark on the rock." Lima tapped a strange black mark on the white rock and suddenly the bolder moved away
revealing a tunnel.
The four fighting girls turned shocked, and stared at Lima who giggled.
"Lima fines the nip! Heh-heh!!!"
"All right!" Carrie exclaimed, turning around she cast a wind spell that blew Serena and Sabrina backwards, grabbing Ruto's
hand both girls jumped forward, smashing into their other friends causing them all to tumble down the tunnel, which unfortunately
for them acted like a slide, sending them rolling down it like a ball as they were all entangled with each other.
"Hey, like, wait for us!" Sabrina cried as her and her sister ran after them.
"Ohhhh..." The group moaned pushing themselves off of the ground.
"Where are we?" Mimi asked, looking around herself. They were surrounded by ruins.
"Hey, Ruto, look over there!" Ryan exclaimed, pointing towards a building that was still almost completely in contact.
Carrie did a quick glance at the map and smiled. "Yeah that's it!"
They all wasted no time getting to the entrance but stopped when Squall suddenly shouted.
"I sense something in there!"
The group stared at the pitch black entrance then slowly a giant mask floated out of it. The mask was bright red with yellow
strips and long white teeth, clenched together in a goofy looking smile.
"Let me guess protector of the ruin, huh?" Genki sighed.
"Good guess." The thing said in a retarded sounding voice. "I will destroy anyone who dare break into these ruins walls."
The group watched as the mask grew giant blue rubber like hands and feet, pink polish shone of the ends of his strange skin.
Ruto stared at him blankly then burst into laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! YOU LOOK WEIRD PAL!!!!!"
"What's so funny?" The mask demanded hurt. "I'll destroy yo---"
A fan came out of no where, smacking the mask in the head, causing it to moan and disappear. Serena and Sabrina jumped
down from one of the tall ruined buildings that surrounded them.
"Darn, I missed!" Sabrina cursed.
"You wont get our treasure!" Serena growled.
"Ohhh, I thought we got rid of you." Carrie sighed.
The twins cry out, as they were blasted from behind with a large fire ball. The group turned to face Mr.Bogono's boys standing
on top of a ruin.
"I also know sorcery! Now this place will become you grave!" The mob leader exclaimed.
"Enough of this." Alex sighed, taking a grenade he tossed it over his shoulder blowing the twins and Bogono's boys sky high.
The group walked threw the underground tunnels that were in the large building. Ruto was in the lead, reading the map and
Carrie was behind her excited, the rest of the group was just bored.
"'s a dead end!" Ryan exclaimed as they came to a wall.
"Hmmmmm...." Ruto frowned reading the map. "When you come the wall, applying force to it---"
"Hiyyyaaaa!" Genki exclaimed smashing into the wall with his shoulders, which spun around, causing him to fall, his fingers
gripped the floor, as he hung over a pit of spikes.
"Is not what you want to do...."
"RUTO!!!" Genki growled.
Hiding her face with the map Ruto said quickly. "That's why they said, not to push on it."
The group just stared at her, eyebrows twitching.
They continued onward threw the tunnel until they reached three paths, a west one, a east one and a north one.
"Which way now?" Carrie asked, Ruto looked at the map again for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
"The left and right hallways are filled with traps, so I guess we should go north."
The group followed down the north path while Ruto continued to read the map.
"As you enter the middle hallway, you will see a button on the right wall."
"Lima sees it!" The elf smiled, as she spotted it.
"Do not push it..."
"Lima just did...."
The group gasped, seeing Lima with her finger on the button, a soft click sound rumbled threw the tunnels and suddenly
hundreds of arrows came flying towards them. Everyone screamed except for Alex who jumped in front of them and somehow
caught each arrow in his hand, letting them drop onto the floor.
"Wow, he really is 'a perfect solider' isn't he?" Mimi said amazed. Genki began to mumble jealously under his breath.
The group continued forward, Ruto still reading.
"You will, see another button on the wall, except on the left side."
"Lima sees it, but Lima wont push this one!"
"Don't walk past without pushing...."
Lima looked back at her with tears in her eyes.
"Lima just did......."
A big pile of rocks fell on top of the elf. Ruto shook her head at the elf who laid underneath the rock pile twitching.
"Will you guys let me finish reading before doing anything!?"
Tiredly the group opened the door and sighed as they once again were greeted with an empty room.
"All what we keep finding are empty rooms!" Ruto shrieked, pulling on her hair.
"Doesn't the map saying something about that, woman?" Alex sighed.
"No, the map stopped telling me things a little while ago, It seems that whoever drew it only made it pass the top levels."
"Eeeek!" Lima screamed, pointing forward, large eyes watering with tears of fear. "What's that!?"
The group turned to look and saw a large casket in the corner of the room.
Carrie grinned. "Something worth checking out!"
The group wasted no time in removing the cover of the tomb and inside much to their joy was a golden covered book.
"YEAH!!!" Carrie and Ruto exclaimed together. Alex took the book into his hands, and began to read it.
"According to this, two people have to recite to spell, which is pretty long while performing movements with their hands and
legs, it's says you must be wearing the holy robes when you do the spell...."
"Oh great..." Ruto mumbled.
"I guess...these are the robes..." Carrie frowned picking up two costumes from out of the tomb. They were like one pieced
white bathing suites but with frilly and short sailor skirts and a tiny little bow in front, not to mention heart shaped microphones
and little head bands with bouncy butterfly attains attached to it. The costumes were identical except for color, one was blue
and the other pink.
"THAT!? WHAT THE HELL KIND OF HOLY ROBES ARE THOSE!?" Ruto yelped, staring in horror at the costumes.
"Finally!" A voice shouted behind them and the group turned to see Serena and Sabrina standing behind them.
"The treasure is ours!" Sabrina pointed to the book Alex held in his arms.
"You thought you've seen the last of Mr.Bogono's boys!?" The Bogono mob rushed into the room. "This time, this place will
become your grave!"
"You thought you could get away from me!" The mask shouted as it too entered the room.
Ruto sighed. "Somehow, I just knew this was going to happen..."
"I will destroy anyone who walks into these ruins! Starting with the two who attacked me." The mask continued.
The twins whimpered. "It wasn't us!"
"Not us either!" The mob exclaimed.
The mask glowed and dozen of tiny masks came floating out of it, attacking the mob and the twins.
"Fine, if you want it that way!" The twins exclaimed angrily.
The twins and the mob began beating up the masks. The large one turned to Ryan's group, and attacked, throwing it's arm
forward, to grab them. Ryan leapt in front, his sword holding off the huge hand.
"Spirit orb!" Carrie exclaimed sending a magical orb blasting forward, it hit, but the mask just laughed.
"Such weak spells wont affect me!"
The idiot mask made more tiny masks appear and they attack the group, who battled them back.
Alex pulled out his gun, and took aim when Ruto stopped by grabbing his arm, and pushing the spell book in front of his face.
"Let's try this first."
"Your sure?"
"Well then, let's give it a try...."
"Hear!" Carrie smiled handing Ruto the blue costume.
"You have to be wearing this remember?"
"Well you have to wear the other one then!"
"Both of us have to recite it, remember?"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Carrie moaned.
The others blasted away at the masks with all they had.
"Come on!!" Serena hissed.
"They wont die!" Sabrina growled.
Lima, Mimi and Squall kicked and punched at the masks, but they to were getting no where fast. Ryan was still holding the
main mask off when out of the corner of his eye he saw something that made him freeze.
Everyone turned to fallow his gaze and had the same reaction. Ruto saw them all staring at her and Carrie standing up in their
costumes and began to scream.
"NOOO!!! TURN AROUND!! DON'T LOOK!!! DON'T LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The group just remained staring, gulping Carrie and Ruto raised their hands into the air, making little dance movements.
"Girls who are in love,
Give their heart to you...."
They glance at Alex who sat behind the large casket embarrassed, he waved his hand in the air and sang out "Intoxicating
cologne, a flickering dream, blue like pastel, and pink like peaches, I pray that the prayer will come true..."
Doing the same movements as Alex they continued to sing.
"Intoxicating cologne,
a flickering dream!"
Ruto took her microphone into her hands singing solo. "Blue like pastel!"
Carrie winked, throwing a kiss. "And pink like peaches."
Then they sang together again.
"I pray that the prayer will come true."
Throwing his hand into the air, like how a princess holds her hand out to a prince in a fairy tale he sang out.
"Like a sliver boat, the moon reflects my tears of love and hate." Blushing Alex mumbles. "Why in the hell do I have to do this?
It's injustice!"
"Like a sliver boat,
The moon reflects my tears,
Of love and hate."
Ruto glanced at Alex bitterly. "Be thankful your not up hear instead."
The solider bit his lip, and then blushing like a mad man put his hands to his chest "My heart's beating so fast inside my little
Grimacing, the two girls put their hands to their chest, singing out.
"My heart is beating so fast,
inside my little breast!"
"And boy is it little..." Ryan commented, as everyone still stared at the two girls in disbelief.
"That is our stuff!" Sabrina whined.
"Not fair!" Serena sniffed.
"My heart is flying, flying to you!" Carrie and Ruto sang passing each other on their stage so the sides they were standing on
were reversed.
"This young girl's prayer,
A kiss thrown out..."
Ruto blew a kiss, leaving her arm out straight.
"Is like a boomerang."
Carrie also threw a kiss, mimicking Ruto's pose completely.
"A one-way ticket boomerang."
Together they sang, putting one hand on their cheek and their other hand reaching towards the sky.
"I'm yours completely,
Pretty little me!"
"Yuck! Your not pretty!" The two twins exclaimed together, receiving a trademarked Ruto explosion attack.
Above them a bright light began the glow and both girls began to laugh in excitement as cheery blossoms rained down on them
then suddenly everything disappeared. The two girls stood expectantly but nothing happened.
"Hey come on!!! Don't tell me that thing just now was it!!!" Ruto screamed.
"Uhh...that thing just now wasn't it?" Carrie tried.
"Would you girls like to try a different song?" Alex slowly asked.
"It's not a Holy spell of anything..." Serena frowned.
"They are lost festival dances." Sabrina explained.
"You know like to honor the ancient gods."
Ruto and Carrie groan, tears coming to their eyes.
"Oh man!" The mask laughed. "What an idiot, I was wondering what you were trying to do."
"It seems like we just wasted time, Marie-Maya, you ok?" Alex asked the girl who was slumped over. She was mumbling
something, and straining his ears he only got the last part it.
"With my unworthy hands,
let the fools who stand before me,
be destroyed by the power you an I process!"
"No!! Your not goin----!!"
"DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The whole ruins were blown sky high.
"We can really have these! Thanks!!" Sabrina smiled, holding the book in her hands while her sister held the costumes.
"Isn't it great, Sab? We can finally start our singing career!"
"Yeah! What a life savor! Let's go fine a town to perform in!"
"Bye! Thanks!" Serena waved as the two twins walked away.
"Well....their happy." Genki observed, his body burnt like everyone else's. The mask laid broken, and the mob were to burned
and in pain to do anything by moan.
"I can't believe all the time we wasted on that stupid spell book." Ryan sighed.
"Lima found it kind of fun!"
"You woman, are a fool." Alex commented. "And what I was made do back their was an injustice, making me sing a weak
woman song."
"Hey, you have a pretty good voice at least." Mimi tried to comfort, only receiving a low grumble.
"Hey, Ruto? Don't you think you went a little over bored?" Carrie asked frowning at the mob. "They can't even stand up."
"It's a small price to pay for watching me make a fool out of myself."
"Hey missy!!" The group freeze, slowly turning around to see Mr.Bogono stalking towards them.
"You got the wrong map, hear is the real one and if you pay me the 9,000 I'll----"
"DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"