Fan Fiction ❯ The Legend of Zelda: A Parody of My Own Fic?! ❯ Take Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Next take!

Maz: hey everyone! Wuz up? ^_^

Gannondorf: How come I'm not in the story yet? *Pout*

Maz: -_-; because they haven't even beaten Gohma yet…

Gannondorf: drat!

Maz: Ookay! What's the first parody? *Checks clipboard* yay! It's the one I'm in! ^_^ We're gonna need a guest director! Hmmm…chi!

Chikemuri: *walks out and smiles* hi, everyone!

Maz: okay! We're not quite to this part in the story, so yeah. ^_^V


Maz, Sofia, Andrew, Y. Link, and Zelda: *go to their places*

Everyone else: *gets off the stage*

Chi: LIGHTS! *Lights focus on the stage* CAMERA! *Camera starts rolling* ACTION!

Andrew, Y. Link, and Sofia: *walk into a courtyard*

Y. Link: *walks up to Zelda who's looking into a window* hello?

Zelda: *shocked gasp and turns around* who…who are you? Is that…a fairy?

Navi: No, I'm just a talking firefly! *Grumbles*

Zelda: Uh…

Y. Link: sorry. Are you the Princess of Destiny?

Zelda: I suppose you can call me that, but my name is Zelda.

Maz: and I'm her sister, er… *whispers* <what was my name again?>

Chi: *sweatdrop* <its Serina>

Maz:<oh, yeah! Thankies, Chi!> *coughs* and I'm her sister, Serina. *smile*

Sofia: I'm Sofia, that's Andrew, and this is Link. The fairy here is Navi.

Zelda & Maz: We're very pleased to meet you *curtsy*

Maz: I'm sorry, but you must leave.

Y. Link: But the Great Deku Tre--!

Maz: I'm sorry, but you must leave! *smile* Guards! We have intruders! *smile*

Sofia, Y. Link, and Andrew: *run away screaming as Impa jumps down*

Impa: *to Maz* Princess Serina, that was mean.

Maz: but I do not wan commoners talking to my little sister!

Chi: Cut! That was…mean.

Maz: ^_^;; yeah…but this is a parody! Not supposed to be nice!

Chi: -_-:

Maz: eh heh… next take… Chi stay there, you're in this next take.

Chi: I am? *checks clipboard* no, that's next chapter's take.

Maz: *checks again* Oh! I see now! Ehheh! *checks again* hmm… it seems it's a different person who's our guest actress… CA~AT!

A Cat: *rushes in* Meow! =^_^=

Maz: wrong cat…

Cat: KITTY! *glomps the cat* ^_____^

Maz: Cat! You have a take to do! Put Jack down and take your place on the set!

Cat: aw…you're no fun! *puts the cat down* what scene is it?

Maz: *hands her the clipboard*

Cat: Oh! *giggles* I like this one! *more giggles*

Maz: this take requires Sheik, Adult Link, Sofia, Cat and that's it.

Andrew: Where did I go?

Maz: make something up cause I dunno. XP

Andrew: idiot.

Maz: okay! Lights! Camera! Action!

Sheik: I've been waiting for you, Hero and Heroines of time…

Sofia, Cat, and A Link: *turn around shocked*

Cat: who're you? *wonder in her eyes*

Andrew: *whispering* <did she take my place in this?!>

Maz: <no! now shush!>

Sheik: I am Sheik of the Shiekah. I have been waiting for you to arrive.

A. Link: Why were you…uh, Cat? What're you doing?

Cat: *has glomped onto Sheik*

Sheik: *even through the mask, he's blushing* uhm…

Sofia: *snickers*

A. Link: …

Sheik: could…you please, uhm…let go, of me? Please?

Cat & Sofia: *giggles*

A Link: *thinks* 'when does Sofia giggle?'

A Link: *out loud* Cat, please let go of the nice mummy…

Cat & Sofia: *giggle harder* *Cat lets go of Sheik*

Sheik: -_-" I'm NOT a mummy!

Cat & Sofia *more giggles*

Sofia: should we now?

Cat: yes, now!

Sofia & Cat: *glomps onto Link & Sheik* SQUEEEE!

A Link & Sheik: *fall over* WOAH! THIS IS NOT PART OF THE TAKE!


Maz: *evil snickers* why? I don't like you. Sofia does! *evil laughter*

Everyone minus Sofia, Cat, and Maz: O.o;;;


Sofia: you're not, silly! You're mine! ^_^

A Link: but you're Sofia…

Maz & Sofia: *take out contacts that changed each other's eye colors* see?

Maz: *smile*

Sofia: *smirk*

Everyone minus Sofia, Maz and Cat: *faint*

Cat and Maz: Um…Link? Sheik? *blink* *blink*

Maz: well…I guess we'll hafta say bye…

Cat: yeah. Hey, chi? Wake up, Chi… time to say bye-bye.

Chi: *is still fainted*

Maz: err…well, that's all for now. We'll see ya'lls next time! G'night! G'morining! G'afternoon! And BAI! ^_^

I forgot the disclaimer! AAAH!!!

DISCLAIMER! Mazoku-Princess does not own "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" or any related items except for the actual games. Chi, Cat, and Andrew own themselves.