Fan Fiction ❯ The Love of Legolas ❯ Prologue: Loving Thoughts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Love of Legolas
Prologue: Loving Thoughts

Legolas Greenleaf walked under the leafy green treetops of Mirkwood forest
thinking about his fiance, Kiroa. The sun shone down upon Legolas' golden hair as he walked.
It had been two years since the War of the Ring had ended. When Legolas had come home to Mirkwood
he had been greeted by many celebrations. He had thought that the people would never stop celebrating.
He loved all the celebrations and loved being with his family and friends, but sometimes he just needed to get
away. He had had an experience that no one but his riends in the fellowship shared.
So one night he had decided to go for a walk. That was how he had met Kiroa.

*** Flashback ***

Legolas had just gotten away from yet another celebration. It had been
fun, but he needed to get away for a while. Then he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said.

"Oh Prince Legolas please forgive me." Said a gorgeous golden haired female elf.

Legolas stared at her. She was the most beautiful elf he had ever seen.
Then he realized what he was doing snapped out of it.

"Oh no it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going.

He suddenly realized that he didn't know her name. The elf seemed to read his thoughts.

"My name id Kiroa. And aren't you supposed to be at the celebration?

"I'm supposed to be. Would you like to take a walk with me Kiroa?"

Kiroa thought she wiould burst with happiness. She had always watched Prince Legolas
from afar. He was so handsome and so sweet!! And His blue eyes were to die for!!

"Would yo like to take a walk with me Kiroa?"

"Yes I would love to Prince Legolas."

"Call me Legolas."

"Okay, Legolas."

The two walked about the froest for hours, talking about everything under the sun.

*** End of Flashback ***

'Yes.' Legolas thought, 'That day had been a life changing one. He had met the love of his life, Kiroa.'

Once the two had met they found that they were alot a like. They both loved nature very much,
loved takin walks in the forest, and loved singing. Kiroa had long golden hair like Legolas, but it was more curly than straight. But her eyes were a
deep brown, completely different from Legolas' bright blue. They were so dark that they were almost black.
But whenever they looked at Legolas, they sparkled with happiness.

'My brown eyed elf.' Thought Legolas. 'I don't know how I ever lived my life without her. She's brought so much joy into my life.
She is more precious than all the world to me. All of my friends from the fellowship like her. They were all so happy when I wrote to them that I
had proposed.'

When the news of the engagement had spread throughout Mirkwood, everyone there had been happy for their prince to. Except for all of the young girls.
When the news had spread to them that someone had finally stolen the heart of Prince Legolas, many of the girls had been sad, for they had hoped to win his heart.
Legolas laughed at the thought of that.

'There may be some pretty elves in Mirkwood, but none as beautiful or sweet as my Kiroa.

"Well." He said to himself. "I'd better get home and make sure that all of the invitations are getting sent out. Then I'll go find Kiroa."

Legolas walked happily towards the palace, still thinking of his Kiroa.