Fan Fiction ❯ The New Authoresses 5: Crossover Madness ❯ Natalie and the Yu-Gi-Oh Crew ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Natalie: *drops in from the ceiling* Hello Titans, Robin-chan. It's my turn! *winks* And I'm bringing in the Yu-Gi-Oh crew!


Natalie smiles and presses some buttons on the CMM. Another black hole appears, and out of it tumbles the Yu-Gi-Oh gang.

Joey: Ow…My head hurts. *rubs his head*

Mai: Tell me about it…*looks up and sees Robin* Serenity, Tea, look! It's Robin-chan!

Mai, Serenity, and Tea: IT'S ROBIN-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *run after him*

Robin: *starts running away* Why does it have to be ME who has ta deal with the crazed fangirls?

Beast Boy: DUDE! You're lucky!

Robin: 7_7

Natalie: STAY AWAY FROM ROBIN-CHAN! *zaps a rope around the three girls, tying them up*

Mai, Serenity, and Tea: 7_7

Robin: Thanks, but you still scare me

Natalie: That's okay; deep down you really love me

Robin: *shudders* I never want to hear those words from her mouth again…

Yami Yugi: *walks up to Starfire* Hello! *obviously trying to hit on Star*

Robin: *his ears start fuming* GET AWAY FROM STARFIRE-KUN! *whacks Yami Yugi with his Bo-staff many times*

Yami Yugi: @_@

Natalie: STOP HITTING YAMI YUGI! *hits Robin with her book* Are you okay, Yami Yugi?

Robin: @_@ o_0??? I thought you liked me…*pouts*

Natalie: I do! I just think Yami Yugi needs more attention than you do.

Seto: *walks over to Raven* This is-

Raven: Pointless? Yeah. I'm gonna go meditate. *leaves*

Seto: I'm gonna follow you. *follows Raven*

Beast Boy: *glares at Seto Kaiba* HEY! GET AWAY FROM RAVEN! *gets hit by the Blue Eyes White Dragon's attack* Ow…

Yami Yugi: *notices Tea staring at Robin with heart eyes* *glares at Robin* *summons the Dark Magician* Dark Magician, attack!

Robin: *gets hurt by the Dark Magician* @_@

Starfire and Natalie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ROBIN-CHAN! *turn to Yami Yugi angrily* YOU MUST DIE! *attack Yami Yugi*

Yami Yugi: @_@ Ow... *gets hurt with starbolts and borrowed stars*

Natalie: Thanks for the stars, K9-chan! You may have them back now. *bows reverently to K9*

Starfire: *still throwing starbolts at Yami Yugi* YOU MUST NEVER HURT ROBIN-CHAN!

Mai: *hears what Starfire says and summons her Harpies Sisters* YEAH! Never hurt Robin-chan!

Harpies Sisters: *attack Yami Yugi*

Tea: *summons Shining Friendship* NEVER TOUCH ROBIN-CHAN! *upgrades Shining Friendship with the bow and arrow and Elf Light*

Shining Friendship: *attacks Yami Yugi*

Yami Yugi: X_X

Starfire, Tea, Mai, and Natalie: YEAH! Take that, Mr. Pharaoh!

Joey: Hey! Don't hurt my friend! *runs up to Yami Yugi to see if he's okay*

Mai, Serenity, Tea, Starfire, and Natalie: *growl and threaten Joey with their monsters/stars/starbolts* GET AWAY FROM YUGI!

Joey: o_0 meep!

Tristin: I have a sudden urge to yell `BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' at the top of my lungs.

Duke: *seriously* Go ahead, I'll laugh.

Tristin: BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duke: *laughing so hard he falls over* Oh my God, that was too funny!

Natalie: *like Cyborg in Every Dog Has His Day* Ooooooooooooookay...*hits Yami Yugi one more time* Joey, say that line I like!

Joey: NO!

Natalie: Say it, or I'll hit Yugi again!

Joey: *sighs* Dude! Yugi is no longer a schitz! HAPPY?!?

Natalie: No, not that one! The other one!

Joey: *getting increasingly annoyed* Say that again, with smaller words. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!? *face red from anger*

Natalie: ^^ Yup! By the way, the `Dude! Yugi is no longer a schitz!' line is not mine. It belongs to someone else...I dunno who.^^ It was in a fanfic of someone's, and though I've never read the fic myself, I saw the line in someone's sig and just had to put it in here!^^

Seto: *walks out of Raven's room wearing one of her cloaks* Raven's room is an odd place...So is her mind. Her happy side tried to kiss me.

Beast Boy: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must...Kill...SETO KAIBA! *tries to kill Seto*

Natalie: NOOOOOOOOOOO! *zaps a rope on Beast Boy so he can't get to Seto Kaiba* Thou shalt not harm Seto Kaiba!

Beast Boy: *turns into a snake to escape the rope, but it just zaps tighter* GET THIS THING OFF ME SO I CAN KILL SETO KAIBA!

Natalie: No! Thou shalt not harm Seto.

Seto: Um...Thank you?

Natalie: Before I go, I'm bringing Terra in so she and Beast Boy can perform my favorite part of `Terra'! *presses the heart on her ring and Terra appears*


Beast Boy: I'm Boy Beast! I mean Bath Boy! I mean-

Terra: Beast Boy?

Beast Boy: GAAAAAAH! *turns into a turtle*

Natalie: Oh, that was so funny! *laughing so hard she falls over* Okay Terra, you can leave now. *presses the heart on her ring again and Terra disappears* Yami, Seto, Tea, Mai, Serenity, Joey, Duke, Tristin, it's been fun, but you have to leave now. Exchange numbers quickly!

Yami Yugi: *gives a piece of paper with his phone number on it to Starfire* Call me!

Seto: *gives a similar piece of paper, only with a different number on it, to Raven* Call me ASAP!

Robin and Beast Boy: *snatch away the pieces of paper and tear them up*

Natalie: Bye-bye YGO crew! Oh, one last thing: Duke, you and Tristin are such a cute couple!^^ *presses some buttons on the CMM and the YGO people disappear before Duke and Tristin can protest* K9 wants to say a few things, so I'm gonna hand the mic over to her.

The rest of the NA5 appear and Natalie back flips over to them.

K9: *zaps in* I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TT : GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

K9: You missed me? Ah how sweet!

TT: *shudder*

K9: ^^ Okay as for my friends here, ready to go home?

NA5: Sure why not.

K9: *zaps them away* As for you 5……… expect more from me soon.

K9 zapped away and the TT blinked.

Robin: What the heck does she mean by that?

Raven: We'll see her again.

Beast Boy: And other people………

Terra: Just because she said she's returning doesn't mean she's bringing more people.

Cyborg: You obviously don't know K9.

Starfire: I cannot wait!

Other TT: *sweat drop*


That's it! Yes, there will be a sequel……… soon. It's called The AUTHORS 5!!!!!! Yup. And don't come running to me saying, I WANNA BE IN IT! Cause I already decided who will be in it! Anyway, ROBINROX wrote this chapte, I put the little end thing where I appeared in the story.