Fan Fiction ❯ The origin of the Dragon Daggers ❯ The Origin ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ahlia Moyers

Mrs. Olmstead

English nine

4 September 2002

Dragon Daggers

The Dragon Daggers were very ceremonial in which they were used as keys and as symbols of nobility. Daggers in general, originated from many different places and were often used to conceal sacred relics while protecting their keepers along the way. Most were christened with jewels, gold, or gem stones. Unfortunately the most cherished of these magic artifacts died with their last owner over five hundred years ago on a lost continent.

Back when the Earth was young and the people still kind to the land the great goddess Farore granted the people the power over creation. It was a great honor that would eventually years later unite two separated lands together once again. The sacred relic being to powerful for the inhabitance back then was sealed away inside a holy temple dedicated to her power. But before the beautiful goddess ascended in to the heavens she gave two blades to one special family to guard her treasure. These daggers later became known as the Dragon Daggers and their beholder, The Keeper of the Key.

These same daggers were crafted with the finest gold and silver that spiraled down forming the handles like a feather would on a dying breeze. At the top of the knife like blades three prongs, jutting out from the handles held a glistening sphere of blue topaz. The gem was called the dragon's eye and in turn gave the daggers their name. It and it alone was the source of the blades power over the legendary temple. As the handles ended the gold looped out over a silver crescent moon, which shined with the same luminous glow as that of the sun. As the gold and silver vanish the ferocity of the dagger was revealed. The sparkling blade came down in jagged points like the teeth of a bloodthirsty wolf. Used in the same manner in their last years before the death of their noble master.

Years after their creation, the Dragon Daggers were passed down the family line with the responsibility and burden of their purpose. The holders were gifted with the legendary artifacts and used them as their hearts commanded. The daggers were taken through a vast wood and into a clearing outside a lost city known as Alvaliar and were plunged into a stone carved with the eye of truth. Then the topaz would again shine as the goddess Farore herself and summon the Temple of Creation. Often the daggers were used in warfare protecting their masters whom in turn were most likely protecting the sacred relic of Farore's Temple. But as the last of the family died the daggers were lost and would hopefully be concealed with the temple for all eternity in the ancient land of Alvalair.

As the lives of the Alvalairiens continued the stories became lost and the daggers flowed with the legends of time. Their temple remained hidden with its sacred weapon and the daggers in all their lustrous beauty were never found agian. Their origin, their purpose and all that was them flowed with time until know one could remember at all. Every thing that made them sacred died out as the continent its self faded from the world to live in the minds of tomorrow's dreamers forever.