Fan Fiction ❯ The Pain that I Feel Inside ❯ The Pain that I Feel Inside ( Chapter 1 )

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The Pain that I Feel Inside
A lonely feeling
Emptiness overwhelming
I feel this oh so often
But others know not of this pain
People laugh around me
No one seems to notice the tears
The tears that stream down my face
The tears of a lonely girl
No one sees and no one cares
About the pain that I feel inside
Oh how I wish the pain would go
The pain that holds me back
The pain is like knives
Stabbing into my heart
A pain no one else can understand
Someday I dream that others
Others from all over the world
Will notice and help to remove the pain
That causes me so much hurt
The pain
The pain, oh how it hurts
All throughout the day
A pain of hurt built through the years
One which will take longer to disappear
The pain is like needles
One for each hurt
The hurt caused by people meaning none
One of fear
One of dread
One of loss
One of death
One of teasing
One of hate
The needles make hundreds and more
Pains built by peers, family, and friends
Most mean to me no harm
But they do not know
What needles they make
Needles that stab me inside
Unknown to the rest of the world
Maybe someday
The spikes will be one
And my heart will be whole once again
The pain from many years
Will maybe subside
And the pain that I feel inside
Will be gone