Fan Fiction ❯ The past catches up ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Teen Titans FanFic: Raven and Robin

Konnichi wa!!!! Kiwi here!!!! wow this is my first Titan fic!!I am so hyper right now so just ignore me and my bad spelling, grammar,typing skills....

Cardinal:You're getting off traccckkkkk

Kiwi: Am not....where was I ?!?!

Sparrow: Thats hard to know seeing as you have been off track sence you started high school

Kiwi: This is true

Cardinal: Riiighhhhtttt

Kiwi: Wha?

Sparrow: How come you're calling us bird names?!?!? thats only part of our names

Kiwi:Point being?

Cardinal: how would you like to be called a bird all you life?

Kiwi: CAN I BE A PIGEON?!?!?!?! ^__________________^


Cardinal: <_>'''

Pigeon: YAY!!!

Real pigeon : <_<

pigeon: *making pigeon noices and trying to fly*

Sparrow: I guess we should say the disclaimer...she may be insane but thats the only thing she's got

Cardinal: I dunno it would be fu nto see her in court....

Sparrow:yea it would..... wait NO!!! Okay Kiwi does not own Teen titans or Batman or alot of things....but she does own her OC's so let her have that
much.....*looks over a kiwi (or rather pigeon)* Cuz she dun hve much more den dat folks

Cardinal: Wow you grammar slacked

Sparrow: Kiwiz gettin lazi

Cardinal" Cha i noticed

Pigeon: wait

Kiwi: Okz enough!! on with the film wait..... no......... on with the fic YES!! thats it!!

Cardinal and Sparrow: *slap kiwi*

Kiwi ^_@

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~~~*~*~*~**~*~*~ *~*~*~**~~*~**~~*~*~*~**~*~*~~*~**~~*~**~*~*~*~~*~**~*~

It was a windy night in Jump city,The titans were asleep, as was most of the city.For those who were awake the might of spotted two figures on
top of the tallest skyscaper in the city.They both wore long capes which were blowing in the wind.Hoods coverd their faces but when the light of a car shone below it showed the bottom of the perfectly shaped chins.
One was named Tao'ken, the Falcon of fire.He was muscular,very muscular and had tribal tatoos over his arms, chest, neck and back.His cape was crimson red with a round black onyx jem holding it shut over his right shoulder.His baggy black pants flapped around his ankles.His black hair was tied
back and was trying its hardest to escape its bonds and fly in the wind.Beneth his hood his crimson eyes looked at the city with discust.

"She left us for this?!"He said

"She did not have much choice in the matter.I'm sure Ra'etk did not wish to leave Azerath."

Kel'mca the Eagle of Water was as tall as her brother (about 6'2). She was thin and lean. She wore a full length black dress with bell sleeves.Her navy blue cape was held shut over her left shoulder by a blue sapphire. Her short blue hair (K/N Like Trinity's the Martix girl) was gelled to her scalp
underneth her hood.Her dazzling blue eyes were shut in concentration.

"Her lifeforce is most strong now."She said opening her eyes.

"Do you think she'll remeber us?" Tao'ken said

"She will I think. She has a good memory."

"What if she forced herself to forget?"

"Then we'll have to remind her.She is needed, Fel'naph and Al'zalc will ont be plaesed with us if we return without her."

"And what of the other?The light force we senced?"

"If we find him we are to take him with us."

"How can you be sure it is a male?"

"Some time ago, you were only 3 the newborn that was takin with Ra'etk.He is the only child that could be the energy we senced."

"Ah...then let us hope we find him, for those two would be destend."

"Come now Tao, it is time to wake Ra'etk.Her time has come."

The two looked at each other and nodded.Tao'kens eyes glowed red and orange like fire.Kel'mca's eyes glowed blue like the ocean.They jumped
off the building ,Tao a little ahead of Kel, and flew in the grey early morning twilght to Titans tower.

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