Fan Fiction ❯ The quest for trust ❯ FINISH ( Chapter 4 )

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“I and my friends wish to collect the Elixir of Life from your cave.” Laura managed to stammer. “The Elixir of Life? Very Well Beholder of the staff Laura, but to get it, your sister and you have to pass some test without the help of the charming unicorns you have by your side.” Chuckled Fire Globe. “We will!” chorused Laura and Lauralla. “Good bye and Good luck Laura and Lauralla!” Murmured Fire Globe as the world swam before their eyes. Soon they woke up groggily, and shook their heads about to clear off the drowsiness. They saw a maze,” In the centre of the maze is what you seek, we will see if it is within your power to reach it.” A hidden voice boomed. They were surrounded by Icy walls, but when Laura tried to melt it away, it would not budge. “I guess we have to walk through the whole thing.” Lauralla sighed.
As they proceeded through the maze, they saw a bumblebee and huge scale, Laura turned it into ashes with a single spell. Next, Lauralla skillfully chopped off a dinosaur's head. They met many monsters and still did not reach the centre, they were growing tired and were in despair. Suddenly, Laura decided to try and ask their godmother for help. As Laura and Lauralla
Murmured under their breath,” Godmother, please help us out of this maze, give us courage and wisdom……………….” They saw a unicorn, it was a dainty little thing, it looked like a miniature version of their godmother, it looked at them and said, “The forest mistress sent me to tell you this:
The maze is like the woods,
Opposite thoughts will help you out,
But courage and trust are the keys to the maze
With them, you can get out.
With that, the little unicorn galloped away. Laura thought for a moment, then she turned to her sister, ”All we have go to do is to believe in our Godmother and concentrate on thinking about getting out!” Lauralla was surprised that her sister thought it might work but they just thought with all their hearts about getting out and suddenly, they saw a passage made out of lava, they ran towards it.
Laura and Lauralla agreed to run through, but when they ran through, the walls began to fall in on them, just as they thought they were going to die, a thought ran through Laura.
---------- But courage and trust are the keys to the maze
With them, you can get out.
That is it! She exclaimed out loud and shouted, “Keep your faith in hazel, Silver and godmother!!!” Lauralla and Laura kept strong in faith and all of a sudden, they found themselves in front of Fire Globe, Hazel, and Silver. Laura was holding a bottle of ruby coloured liquid. “That is the Elixir of life, you have passed my test through courage, trust, and determination. But the most important thing that helped you out was your trustin your friends.” Fire Globe told them. “Go with the Elixir, you have succeeded your quest.” With these last words, Fire Globe sent them back to the sacred unicorn glade.
They saw their beautiful godmother and their hearts lifted, they knew from the expression on her face that they had saved the unicorns, their people and also, they had learned the true meaning of trust.