Fan Fiction ❯ The Rogue Phoenix: Twin Souls ❯ Warrior ( Chapter 3 )
Told you it would be up within an Hour.
"Hello Rogue" said the Professor rolling into her room
"Hi professor, so did the doctor say when I can get out of this dump then" she asked
"No, I'm afraid not"
"Oh, so why the visit then, did you just come to check on me"
"To tell the truth Rogue I am worried about you…tell me how you survived the crash"
"I don't know," she said shaking her head "I've been trying to remember, but I can't"
"Would you mind if I looked into you mind," he asked
"No go ahead" she replied turning too face him. As the professor made the link, images of the red-bird filled his head causing him to scream in pain. The other X-men who were outside the door ran into the room at the sound of the screaming.
"Professor" said Scott running over to him
"I am alright Scott" he replied rubbing his head
"What about you Chere" asked Gambit moving towards her bed.
"I…." Started Rogue staring out the window again. Her body was suddenly engulfed inflames causing the rest of the team to scream in alarm. However Rogue emerged unharmed but different her normally brown hair now had fiery red highlight (the white isn't there anymore). Her normally green and yellow uniform is now red, orange and Yellow (like Jean's Phoenix Custom except is yellow then orange on top with the belt being Red). A majestic phoenix is present on the top and it seems too be moving.
"We are now one, the Phoenix is reborn," screamed Rogue as an outline of phoenix appears behind her. After her outburst Rogue collapses on the bed.
"Chere" said Gambit
"Gambit I can feel it inside me, I am a phoenix, I am a guardian"
In Space, we see a person fly into Earth's atmosphere, and approach the hospital that Rogue is in at great speed. He lands in through the window and approaches the professor.
"Are you Charles Xavier?" asked the person
"I am"
"Are these around you the fearful X-men"?
"They are the X-men, yes… why do you ask"
" I ask because I want to know whether they will try and stop me from taking you"
"Why do you want to take me"?
"Are you not physic, read my mind"?
"As you wish" as the professor finishes reading his mind he says, "You are called the Gladiator, and wish to use me to find some sort of Crystal"
"That is correct, now we can leave" he says lifting up Xavier's Chair
"I don't think so," says Scott blasting him with his eyes. At this the X-Men attempt to engage the Gladiator in battle but he defeats them easily, first, he breaths in deeply and blows out the air at great speed, forming extremely powerful gust of wind knocking all of them down. Rogue who has been watching from her bed suddenly arises and transforms into the phoenix again by first changing into fire. The sheer force of her transformation blows of the hospital roof. "I am the phoenix," she screams waving a hand at the Gladiator and sending him flying out of the window.
The Gladiators stops himself in mind hurl and flies back to Rogue's room.
"How is it possible that you can do that to me" said the Gladiator to Rogue
"According to research you do not posses that power"
"Rogue does not posses but, I the Phoenix does"
"What are you?" asked Professor Xavier
"I am the guardian of the crystal that he seeks, I am the child of the sun, I am Rogue"
"Was it you that helped her survive?" asked the Professor
"I heard her call for help and so I came"
"Tell Gambit why the chere" said Gambit
"According to destiny I was suppose to fuse with a Jean Grey, however this person's body has filled me with more power than even I could have imagined. Whereas the person call Jean is mentally strong this person, this Rogue is both physically and mentally strong. It seems that destiny changed because destiny decided that I was meant for her, we are one".
" I do not believe this, the phoenix is only a legend," said the Gladiator
"I am no Legend, I am destiny" as she said this the phoenix raised the gladiator of the ground and hurled him into the depths of space. After Rogue does this she collapses onto her knees, and states that someone evil will come.
"They will come and they will destroy us all" (said in her very southern accent)
Review please.